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Spark up your Ideya dreamers – It's epic competition time here at NiGHTSintodreams.Com with amazing prizes of brand new official merch from SEGA!
With tons of prize packs up for grabs everyone has a good chance of winning something really special in time to celebrate the HD release of NiGHTS into dreams… this October.
After our successful fan campaign supporting a rerelease of the original game and NiGHTS hitting the track for Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed, it's time for even more fan love from the company.

What can you win in this competition?

The main prize up for grabs are these wonderful official NiGHTS pillow cases created for this competition and promo use. You can't buy these anywhere! This is the variant version of the black pillow case that SEGA held a competition for recently. The new white case features one of my favorite bits of artwork taken from the Japanese Saturn game's cover. It was also used a lot for our NiD15 campaign, so this one should mean a lot to you community guys out there especially. It fits a regular bed sized pillow and is made from a super soft fleece fabric.

But that's not all!

These lovely badges were created as promotional items for the recent PAX event in America. Seriously limited edition each set of 4 come in a little sealed baggie with a pretty backing card featuring NiGHTS. Each badge set includes NiGHTS, The game logo, Wizeman, Claris and Elliot.


We have lots of these to give away as prizes, so the top 20 winners will each receive a pillow case AND a set of 4 badges.
30 runners up will receive a set of 4 badges each.

We want you all to get creative with this one. Dreams are an amazing source of magic and inspiration, we all dream, even if we don't remember it – dreams are something we all have in common. For this competition I want to see you design yourself a dream persona. An alter ego. Over the years many of us have encountered our own personal dream creatures and personalities when we slept at night. NiGHTS into dreams… encouraged self interpretation and exploration of real dreams. So what would you look like when you dream? Draw a picture of your dream self, your alter ego in the world of Nightopia. Designs can take influence from Nightmarens, Nightopians and Dreamers. A wild reflection of yourself within the world of dreams.

This competition will be judged on imaginative and inventive designs – not artistic skill. If you want to you can also write a short paragraph about your creation to accompany your entry.

If you'd like some reference materials or inspiration for design you can check out our official character art archive [ here ].

* Entries can be digital or traditional. Traditional artwork can be sent to us by scanning it or taking a photograph if you don't own a scanner.
* Your image can be either full color or black and white.
* Any character description to accompany your design must be included in the same email entry you send us.

So when you've got your entry good and ready email it to us at [[email protected]]

- The design concept must be done by you. It must not be a direct copy of someone elses fan character.
- Do not trace another artists work to create your own.
- Entries are welcome from anywhere in the world :) I'll post prizes anywhere there is a NiGHTS fan!
- Nothing offensive please. Questionable entries will be rejected outright.
- By entering this competition you are agreeing to provide me with your name and an address to mail a prize to if you win. This information will be deleted straight after I've used it for the sole purpose of mailing prizes.
- If no response is received from a winner after 2 weeks their prize will be given to another suitable entrant.
- Winners will be notified by email after the closing date. The winning entries will be up for display on this website afterwards. Prizes will be sent out as soon as possible.
- Prizes are as stated. No cash equivalent or replacements are available for items lost in the post.

The closing date for this competition is the 5th of October 12pm GMT. No entries will be accepted after this date.
Winners will be announced on the 6th of October via this website.


Firstly, Happy New Year everyone! I hope you all had a great holiday season and ate terrifying amounts of food.

I just wanted to take the time to write a little post about 2011 since it was a year of a lot of personal triumphs for our fanbase. As usual things were pretty quiet on the official front this year but as always it didn't stop us from making a noise. This year marked the 15th anniversary of NiGHTS into Dreams. For a good few of us that meant a bit more than others because it was around the age of 14/15 we first discovered the game ourselves. That would make the game half our lifetime old. Appreciating anything for that amount of time is pretty special, I know it was for me. It marked a milestone for this fanbase and I was able to look back at where we started from.

I started this website years ago on my Dreamcast browser before I ever owned a PC. The only way I could upload images was to go to a internet cafe in the city to use their scanner. I'd input html code with a control pad. Hotlink peoples seizure inducing images as backgrounds. Plaster rainbow colored text everywhere like it was the greatest discovery ever and oh BOY when I found the code to embed midi's I was an unstoppable force of INTERNETS. I created my site to be able to share my artwork and love for NiGHTS. Words can't express the happiness I felt when the first person NOT trying to sell me Viagra posted a comment in my guestbook. It was a fan, an actual person on the other side of the world who shared the same interests as me. Then over the weeks more and more people came to visit the site. The community grew and grew, the Guestbook was replaced by a forum. Over time the little personal webpage evolved into the hulking global beast of the site you see today… minus the midi's.

2011 started off with the sad news regarding Mr Kevin Eva stepping down from his position as Community Manager at SEGA. He had worked his butt off to help strengthen this community in an official capacity and in the capacity of actually giving a real damn for the franchise and the people who love it. His departure left me feeling a little worried as a fan but over time it just served to make me work harder and be more determined to represent you all in the respectful, polite and creative way from within SEGA that I know you all so well for. You'd be surprised at how many people love and remember NiGHTS. Proud even, because many of them remember or came from this website. As a fanbase we are stronger than ever.

Then came the long anticipated Summer of Sonic 2011. It was an event that really gave me a lot to think about on my journey home. Not only did we get to finaly meet creators Takashi Iizuka and Yuji Naka along with a whole host of Sonic related A-listers…. but I got to meet the next generation of NiGHTS fans. DiGi was supposed to have done a podcast about this but never did, so just let me say, when really young fans approached me because of being huge fans of Journey of Dreams, I was really overwhelmed with proudness. I spotted a lot of NiGHTS cosplayers who I'd never met before. Had kids come up to me and ask me who Jackle was! haha. It's like the whole Modern Vs Classic Sonic thing that happens with Sonic fans, except there was no animosity here at all. Both classic NiGHTS and Modern NiGHTS fans were just happy to be there talking to eachother. I remembered what it was like to be a new fan to NiGHTS into Dreams. I felt really happy to sit there at our NiGHTS booth and realise that this was living proof of keeping the love for NiGHTS alive. I hope that these guys reach their 30's and have fansites and fond memories too.

Meeting Yuji Naka and Takashi Iizuka was more than a huge honor for me. It felt like we were there to say 'Hey we're the NiGHTS fanbase, so many people still care about NiGHTS, here we are, look at the things we've achieved because of NiGHTS.' So it was pretty special. Handing them over a copy of Lucid Dreaming and seeing their faces light up was priceless. I wish every one of you could have been there. It was very surreal. What really shone through was how passionate they both still were for NiGHTS despite how many years had passed.

On the subject of NiGHTS: Lucid Dreaming, I still listen to the album on repeat on my way to work in the mornings. I still can't believe fans created something so perfect. OCR are genius and I feel downright blessed to have been involved with the project. It traveled all across the internet from Kotaku to even MTV! When the teaser trailer aired on the big screen on the stage at Summer of Sonic you could genuinely feel the buzz from the crowd. Hearing people clap and cheer for NiGHTS was the greatest feeling ever! Well done guys!

2011 was also a year of campaigns. Our NiD15 campaign garnered the attention of SEGA and several large online news sites. On the day of NiGHTS' birthday SEGA turned to Facebook to ask if fans would be interested in seeing a port of the original – to a scarily overpowering YES. That one post of theirs got more responses than many of the other announcements put together. In fact the post is STILL getting responses MONTHS later. I think it's fair to say SEGA know NiGHTS is wanted now. Thank you to all 6956 of you who have stood with us through our campaign site so far. Thanks also to the fans who may not be in any active NiGHTS community but who can still say positive things about the old game through various message boards, magazines and news portals. You've all helped us a lot, but we wont give up on a NiGHTS port until it becomes a reality! So lets keep supporting the cause: http://www.nid15.com

The other big event of the year was after SoS I was gifted a huge stack of NiGHTS into Dreams concept art from the original 90's game. Some of the images hadn't been seen before outside of Japan or in a high quality. So I was blissed out to be able to share those with everyone. It's one of those strange things were a franchise over a decade old still keeps giving. I was given a lot of positive feedback on my own artwork from the creators of the game which in turn inspired me to kickstart a new personal NiGHTS fan-comic project of my own:

This will be updated regularly this year in 2012 as a way of grabbing more fans back into the fandom. I'm really excited and motivated to work on this project of mine and I really hope you enjoy reading it in the future :) Things have been incredibly busy at work for me this year but I've always been thinking of NiGHTS or how to involve the fanbase in some way or another. I miss doing lots of fanart, it's how I got started afterall, so my new years resolution this year is to work really hard on giving you all something new to enjoy reading! Through this our website will have much more regular updates from now onwards. I'm also interested in featuring your own fan comics as updates. More on that later.

The end of the year was marked by an absolutely beautiful complete christmas duet by Cameron Strother, the original singer of DREAMS DREAMS back in 1996. Two dreamers reunited again. I can't think of a better more symbolic way to end the year. 


It's 2012 now. I want to echo a sentiment from my fellow webmaster Dreadknux across at Sonic Stadium. As long as there are fans I will never give up on NiGHTS or this community. Even if there were NO fans I still wouldn't give up on NiGHTS. I'd sift through pages of spambots to just find that one single real fan from across the other side of the planet who loves NiGHTS too. Real life gets crazy, busy and very demanding… but I wouldn't be were I am today if it wasn't for NiGHTS, so for that I'm incredibly grateful and will always be here.

I hope you will too.

Happy New Year guys. I appreciate you sticking with us.



Summer of Sonic 2010 - London. It's been well over a week now but I've been having a hard time trying to pinpoint everything good that happened on the day. I don't mean that in a generic way in the slightest, really, it was THAT good. I wish you'd all been able to attend, but to those of you who I did get the chance to meet and put in all that hard work – thanks for giving DiGi and I a perfect day :)

So where do i start exactly? Humm, well two days prior to the convention we had a lovely (stealthy- since him coming to SoS was a secret) evening meal in China Town with SEGA America's Ruby Eclipse. I've known Ruby for a good few years now since he used to frequent our forums long before he became a community manager at SEGA, long before any journeying of dreams, owls or other assorted bat-tights. Remember those days? Well Ruby's always been a big NiGHTS fan so it was great to finally just sit down and have a bit of chill-time. It's pretty interesting chatting to Aaron because he's like the SOA version of our AAUK (just without the hilarious Owl impressions). Perspectives make me smile. It makes me happy too that my own community members really follow their dreams. I'm a proud old admin ;-;

Reading the dinner menu was fun, we found you could actually order an ENTIRE roast pig (booked 24hours in advance mind!), but we settled for our regular fare, followed up by almost criminaly delicious deep fried icecream. Afterwards we took him on a bit of latenight sightseeing for photos. There exists a video of Big Ben bonging with DiGi cursing his head off in the background. All in all a great night out with good company.

The next day consisted of me running around doing everything I'd failed to do 3 days beforehand. This year we didn't want to be selling any Studio Imagni stuff at the con since last year was great but we were kinda stuck behind a table most of the time (well poor Jof was!) so this year we wanted to just mingle and enjoy the show. And boy what a show it was!

A few days prior to the convention DiGi and I had travelled down to AAUK's new house. You see, not only was Kevin doing his regular duties as community manager and running a huge fan convention – he was also in the middle of moving home! I'm not entirely sure how he managed to stay sane with all that going on at the same time, but a large box of plastic crabs may suggest otherwise. Kev, Becky and Blake were pretty much juggling home unpacking with Summer of Sonic delivery boxes. That takes some kinda madskills. So we just made it worse for them by handing them a stack of 600 NiGHTS campaign flyers, haha. Yeah the SoS crew were good sports and let us advertise our campaign by putting a flyer into every Summer of Sonic goodie bag this year. If you want to see my art up close you can check out my upload here:

Well after about 5 days of not sleeping due to some random insomnia I was suffering from… SUMMER OF SONIC – HAD ARRIVED!

Up at 6am we were determined to get to The Pavillion early enough to grab us some free swag, which included an amazing Metal Sonic figurine. We love collecting game and anime action figures and stuff so we had to get one of these. Actually we ended up with 2 of everything since we got a bag each. A funky exclusive Sonic print bag made especialy for the convention. If I'm feeling generous enough I might hold a mini competition later on where you can win my bag.

To cut a long story short, long queue was long and it started raining. We were also heckled by some drunken Kiwi's, Rugby fans, which DiGi took great skill in giving chatback to and banishing. Just standing in the line I had a lot of requests for photographs mostly from the general public (probably confused by my slightly mad hair, lol). The event was late in opening but from experience I've never attended any sort of convention where the thing opens on time, I didn't really mind waiting anyway since I knew it would be worth it. A few of the staff came up and talked to us personaly, letting us know something of the setup nightmare the crew were having to deal with inside. Problems with expensive computer equipment being stolen, excess furniture, capacity rules thrown in at the last minute and unhelpful venue staff were really pushing the team to the limit. But amazingly, despite all this, they took it in their stride and continued to give their personal best. I know the Sonic fanbase gets a lot of stick sometimes but when the staff work together to get stuff done they really pull a bit of a Sonic Heroes 'Team work' thing. It's all rather magical, lol. But I'll get into that more later. Standing in the queue we were approached by two lovely chaps from a website I follow on Twitter called Sonicitalia.net they recognized me because of the hair (yeah I get that a lot lol XD). It was at this point that I was told that a lot of attendees rather than wearing name badges have their forum/twitter/facebook avatars printed onto their T-shirts. Great stuff. Suddenly it was a lot easier to recognise folk I knew online!

Then like reaching some kinda spiritual (slightly more blue tinted) Mecca – we were IN. Just narrowly avoiding what became dubbed 'The Pidegon Panic Zone' we were handed two dayglow orange SoS goodie bags by the TROOPER OF A MAN ~ Urtheart. With our heads half in the bags and half remembering how to walk forwards we entered into the main hall which was something of a spectacle of Sonic goodness. My inner NiGHTS fangirl felt both a sudden twinge of jealousy and pride, haha. Nah, I'm just glad that our fanbase is always welcomed so warmly in the Sonic one. I guess we're like the really campy annoying spandexy cousins that only come around once a year to 'borrow' the lawn mower and never return it. But it's all good.

My memory fails me a bit here but i think the first person we bumped into was Dreadknux, telling us that we did indeed HAVE a Studio Imagni table (set up right next to STC's lovely Nigel D none the less), whoops, so if I wanted to use it to sell quick sketches or whatever I was free to do so. I considered making DiGi stand on the table and busk rap style for our lunch but I figured he wouldn't be too into that. So we left the table idea alone (for this year anyway!) and trotted off like ungrateful gits to enjoy the full awesome of the con itself :D

Something I will say straight away is that I was definately less shy with approaching people than I was last year. I've gotten to know a lot of the Sonic community better since then, especialy the staff, since we all went to Alton Towers and Expo together this year. Great bunch of guys and girls. This year we had tons of people come up and ask us for photos with them, knowing who we were. I guess hassling SEGA so much and being generaly irritating makes you some kinda fandom D listers, lol. We had a good few jokes about burning Sonic merch and campaigning for our own convention. It felt really nice to fit in and share in the laughs. After attending the hideously huge Expo this year I felt a lot more connected to the atmosphere of Summer of Sonic. I mean I might draw anime styled stuff but to be honest I don't really know a lot of anime things, I watch the odd DVD now and then but I wouldn't exactly say I'm a Otaku. Summer of Sonic was different, probably because everyone was there because they were fans of one universal thing – Sonic. Sure they might all have clashing opinons on what makes the series good or have website rivalries online, but for one day everyone just chills the hell out and gets on. It's nice. Very full of nostalgia too. When I was a kid I'd always wanted to go to the comic conventions down in England to meet the Fleetway bunch, but the distance made it impossible. Now I live in London this has been my chance to catch up on everything I missed as a Sonic obsessed teenager.

So many fans turned up! Something like well over 800 I think? After a while I lost count of the people I hugged to death and yelled hello at. We walked around taking in all the sights, eager to see what was to be seen this year. Firstly there was an ASR tournie happening on the second floor which DiGi took part in, good sportsmanship, even if some people were using the Tails boost glitch >___>;  ahem. The amazing rare merch cabinet made a welcome return, this year it had the actual Pixel Palace Sonic sketches on show from That Guy With The Glasses. Also the NiGHTS chao plushie and some amazing little Sonic plushies I'd never seen before. There was a crab in the cabinet… but somebody stole Kevins crabs! D: *lol* (that sounds so crazy but it really did happen). It's kinda sad how people will go to a convention and lift stuff like it belongs to them. I hope whoever was kind enough to steal things was jumped on the way home :]

Also two of the main events this year was the presence of both playable Sonic 4 and Sonic Colours. We stood in the line at one point to play Sonic Colours but after seeing how slow the line was moving we felt it best to give up our spaces to the hardcore Sonic fans and wandered on our merry way. From what we seen of other people playing Sonic 4 it looks great! I'm really looking forward to both games coming out. It's odd to say it but for once I'm actually properly excited. You should be too ;) This is Sonic Cycle combo breaking.

Wandering around the hall more we found the crazy mr Elson Wong selling his comics and art (DiGi's evil twin i think!), the STC online crew, Nigel being SWAMPED by adoring fans snapping up more of his original painted art that he was selling last year (I managed to get a quick wave in there), and a big area for people to chill and draw. That's one thing i definately liked this year, the amount of chairs and sitting spaces available. Very comfy sofas. Because it's all well and good walking about but with that many people in one place things get a little hot. Well actually quite a -lot- hot since there was no air conditioning, but to be honest i think it added to the experience haha. What's a real convention without sweaty fellow geeks? XD Other things I got to see was the AMAZING pixel/hama bead comic that Becky and Kev had created by hand. Dot by dot! I was so impressed they finally got it finished considering how massive it was. There was also a table with some neat Sonic customised dolls, backissues on sale and a mystical shop that i didn't get to even breathe on because it was so busy! There was a lot to see and do. This year we mostly hung out at the stage since last year we missed everything. At the stage we were treated to some hilarious animations, flat out comedy moments (come on Vger being forced to Caramel Dansen), Never Mind the Buzz Bombers – with the cutest littlest Sonic fan ever. I swear he knew more facts about Sonic than some of us older people. Which reminds me, DiGi and I had a few mumsy 'aww' moments upon seeing various little kids enjoying themselves on the day. It was a real reminder that Sonic spans real generations, from us kids in the early 90's to todays little guys. I really hope him and NiGHTS continue to be heroes for a new wave of youngsters discovering gaming. In a world full of grey and brown FPS games with not much but death and realism I'm glad that people can still appreciate the colorful imaginative fun games.

There was also a Kareoke singing competition Wrecks Factor Live! The guy who really stole the show was T-Bird's little brother who did a hilariously GREAT performance of the Sonic Underground themesong. Cosplayers were also out in force this year with the chance to win a trophy for best costume on stage. People kept asking if I was cosplaying as Knuckles…. what? XD I think it was my red hair and the goggles. My underlying Knuckles fanboyisms must still be apparent after over a decade, gosh! I kinda wanted to be cosplaying as NiGHTS but I'd have to remake my cosplay. Maybe next year. On my travels around the hall I came aross a BIG THE CAT COSPLAYER – who I promptly attacked for a photo. Just to prove the NiGHTS fanbase has no hard feelings at all towards the feline, even if he did get into ASR and NiGHTS didn't :p

Like I said I bumped into too many cool people to mention but an honorable mention goes out to Syaming-Li who not only is just badass but created the most spectacular Sonic custom converse shoes ever. So we stood there taking photos of his feet – because yes we're weird like that. No, really, look at his shoes:


Another honorable mention, actually scratch that, HUGE GLITTERY SLOBBERING THANKYOU, goes to Nemain. She gave us one of the nicest moments of the con. We're just standing there chatting away to people and this girl of clearlyinsanemadness comes up to us brandishing a Christmas NiGHTS plushie. It turns out she won the recent Elliot/NiGHTS ebay lot and wanted to just GIVE us Christmas NiGHTS to keep. For nothing. What the hellllll! XD DiGi nearly cried, seriously. It was so sweet of her to come up and thank us for our campaign and stuff, never mind give us a damn rare as hell Christmas NiGHTS plush. Needless to say she is like my favourite person of the entire convention now and I can't ever thank her enough for the happiness she gave us :) It's stuff like that that reminds me why I'm a fan in the first place, no not because people sometimes give me free stuff lol, the fact that people love NiGHTS enough to do nice things for other fans. It just reminds you it's all worth it you know? If you can get reactions like that. Christmas NiGHTS was later seen gleefuly downing Baileys and Ice in a drunken binge that shall never see the light of day. As long as Kevin never uploads his photos haha.

Then convention ended on something of an insanely spectacular high with the famous Crush 40 doing a live show for us. Proper mosh pit. I could go on and on about how great it was but all you have to do is watch this video to see how electric the atmosphere was. Singing along with so many Sonic fans was just… wow!  Epic stuff. Jun Senoue and Johnny Gioeli.


After the crowds had left and things had closed for the night we got a chance to talk to Jun Senoue personaly. At the time I didn't realise he'd actually done some work on Journey of Dreams… gah! But he's such a cool guy ;_; So polite and insanely talented. Knowing that we were talking to the guy responsible for so many great melodies over the years just made me infinately happy. He stopped us as we were walking off to tell us that us fans are the reason he is here doing what he loves and DiGi and I kinda fangeeked in unison haha. We love ya Jun!

Then, bizzarely the strangest thing happened for me. We'd just experienced this amazing convention – but the most real fun I had was helping the staff close it up for the night. DiGi and I stayed behind to help out the Sonic lot and it was just… I can't really explain how I felt but, it felt good. These people who were left at the end were my friends. The people who had given their time and love to this convention and here we all were at the end taking down the posters, pulling sheets off tables and picking up litter together. Singing, joking running about like madmen trying to get everything tidy again. I even helped clean the Loo's! (Best way to spend a Saturday night! haha) It was at this point Elson Wong and DiGi really got time to chat and the pair of them were hilarious to listen to. DiGi and him cussing major profanity at the tables as they tried to pull the cloths off just made me lose it. At one point there was an impromtu sing along of Dreams Dreams that carried quite far up the hall. Kev was tired out his brains and STILL managing to give us orders. Me, Ruby Eclipse and Graham from SEGANerds were taking down all the fanart done by people and little kids and it was seriously one of the most blissed out moments of my fandom. Quiet, nice and prettymuch a joint feeling. Proper Teamwork. Eventually it came to an end and we all posed for a staff photo, I hope it appears online soon because I'm probably grinning ear from ear in it.

And then… well then there was a lot of this. I can't remember getting home very well, but that's the sign of a good night out!

Summer of Sonic 2011. You all have to come. Thank you SO much to AAUK and Becky firstly for putting in insane amounts of patience, stress and hard work, I only ever get to see a fraction of what goes on behind the scenes but I know it's more than an undertaking. Becky sista thanks for keeping our Kev sane and healthy :D Thanks to Dreadknux for being a hardworking cool dood and letting us in the front door (you always make me laugh too much). And to the rest of you ugly lot who put in your beans we love you all (yes even you Rory) and we hope you'll never give up your passion for the fandom. Thanks for the great memories.

[Gallery not found]


Community Gatherings

27 April;  Author: TRiPPY

There are a lot of NiGHTS fans out there- sometimes we're even in the same place at the same time (god forbid). Traveling miles by the mighty power of airplanes, trains, boats and the slightly less exciting foot. This page here is a collection of meetings we've had as a community with photos and goodtimes(TM) attached. If you would like to attend a future meet, keep an eye on our forums for anything happening near to you. If more than 2 of you met up and you have a story to tell or photos to share email me and I'll include it in this archive here :)




30 November;  Author: TRiPPY

Hand made items by the fans. Some of the artists are available for commission, so if you like something you see, be sure to hunt down the person responsible on the forums. If you have anything to add to the collection please submit it  [ HERE ].

DiY NiGHTS toy

By Aiden Kongas
This is my interpretation of NiGHTS that I made for the DIY Designer Toy Exhibition held at Hudson's Hub

1 Photos

Reala Sculpture

I was inspired by that absolutely stunning japanese NiGHTS model on the craft page and decided I needed to have one of Reala. He took absolutely ages to make! I spent about three weeks just sculpting and then some time for cleaning up and painting. Took about 2 months all in all but spaced out over about half a year. He's got a wire and tin foil frame inside and is made from Paperclay. I used gesso and acrylics to paint him. Including the base he's about 13 inches (33cm) tall.

10 Photos

Jackle Sculpture

By TehLazyOne:
Well, here he is. I hollowed out his face and glued his eyes and mouth in place to make him look like the way he was in the game. Just over a foot tall... and theres hidden pegs for his hands and feet. I used Lots of Sculpey III, clay knives, super glue, paint and coating.

11 Photos

Teeny NiGHTS

By TehLazyOne:
I have never fully painted my Sculpey models before, but i have painted metal & plastic game models. I was told citadel was good for models so i used them. This was kind of a test for the sculpture after being primed. I wanted to see how small i could make him with a decent amount of detail. I may go smaller one day. Plus i wanted to make a 'cute' nights again. Took one sleepless night. He's slightly less than 2 inches tall...

10 Photos

NiGHTS Model

By ???
A completely awesome NiGHTS resin kit made in Japan. If anyone knows who created this, please contact us!

1 Photos

Chibi NiGHTS

By TehLazyOne
Lazy's got some scary skill for creating monstrously cute things.

7 Photos

NiGHTS Model 2

By Okuken
Another incredible Japanese fan created model. This makes me wish SEGA had made an official action figure.

7 Photos

NiGHTS Model 3

By TehLazyOne
Another great sculpey creation by Lazy.

2 Photos

Ideya of Purity

By Kichigai
Made from resin and craft stars. Kichi can mold plastic like Will's dad can creep people out.

1 Photos

Jackle's Room

By Maresuke
A brilliant replica of Jackle's lair in clay.

1 Photos

Custom My Little Pony

By Blue Fantasy:
Whew! Took me almost a year to make this. NiGHTS pony! Made from Autumn Crisp. I used sculpey for the collar and cuffs. The symbol represents the five Ideya, and I used gems for those. The body has only been painted as far as the outfit goes; the rest of the body and hair are original pony color. Tsuki-Tsubasa helped me immensely by making the hat for me!

1 Photos

Jackle Pin

By Rhapsody:
It took about a week and a half to finish, spread over the course of six or so months. The paint is simple craft paint (paint that takes forever to dry). Sorry if the pictures are kinda blurry, the camera was running out of batteries. This is also the first craft I've ever sent in.

5 Photos


By Maresuke
A happy little NiGHTS fabric pin!

4 Photos

TwinSeeds Tower

By Maresuke
TwinSeeds Tower quasi Birdhouse of epic proportions.

1 Photos

Purgatory Paperweight

A little paperweight... chibi thingy i made Purgatory of his maren. It originaly was supposed to be just a head but he kinda grew D: I had a lot of fun painting this. Dazclay, spraypainted fabric, gemstones, metalic pen and acrillics. I've not done craft stuff for ages so this was a nice break.

8 Photos

Persona 1

By Maresuke
Reala's Persona mask made with Sculpy. Great work.

2 Photos

NiGHTS T-Shirt

By Viperxmns:
So I had this blank purple shirt lying around for just such an occasion.. Painted with Liquitex acrylics. The white is iridescent, and there's some interference red on the gem you may notice as a pink tint. Glow in the dark!

6 Photos


By Ayamemaiden
Some very pretty glass work by Ayame.

1 Photos

MiDNiGHT Model

DiENE created her fanmaren out of clay and added a very nice display stand.

2 Photos

NiGHTS cushion

By Zoe The Bat
Super fluffy sparkly NiGHTS cushion, courtesy of Zoe.

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Reala Model

By TehLazyOne
A great little sculpey Reala model by Lazy.

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NiGHTS Stained Glass

By Katy Coope
A wonderful gift from Miss Kilotango!

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NiGHTS Gift Model

I used Sculpey extra firm clay and started with simple shapes (ball for the head, cones for the jester hat thing) and used a little wire to get them to stay together at some of the joints and smoothed it out as best I could. After that, I just baked it according to the directions in my home oven and then painted it and added a gloss coat.

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Ideya Necklace

A wonderful gift i recieved from Molly. Ideya on a string! For added coolbeans these glow in the dark and are also darklight reactive.

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Ruby Necklace

SiLK sent me a really beautiful real ruby gemstone by a shop called 'Raw Earth' or something on the little tag along with a bunch of little red glass beads so i took them, threaded it all together and made a NiGHTSy necklace out of it all. Win.

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NiGHTS Collage

By Empa
Empa created this ENTIRELY out of glossy magazine clippings. Must've taken her ages!

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By Mark West
A wonderful little NiGHTS snowglobe complete with tree and present!

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NiGHTS Cosplay Crystal

By Kichigai
Nova made me this incredible crystal for my Auchinawa U.V NiGHTS cosplay. Created from layers of resin with metallic backing and pins... and much sanding, it really completed my costume. Took Kichi about 100 prototypes though, haha. Thanks!

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NiGHTS Model 5

By Mark West
A cute little model of NiGHTS complete with base.

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NiGHTS T-Shirt Art

By Heptad
This was originaly entitled 'Stinky t-shirt'. HAVERS, this is the most unstinky t-shirt artwork ever. *smacks Heptad upside the head* Very Tim Burton-Esque, i love it.

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NiGHTS Model 6

By Taihaku
Scrum created this gravity defying sculpture then sold it on Ebay!

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UV Potato

By Q-Lok
I don't even know where to begin with this *lol*. It's U.V NiGHTS. As a potato. And that's all you need to know.

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Reala Cushion

By Zoe The Bat
The other cushion to the NiGHTS set!

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UV Model

By Xenomaren Made from Plastercraft, gloss and paint by the talented and ever enthusiastic Xeno. Thanks dood!

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NiGHTS Stamp

By Project Nike
A cool traditional ink stamp art. These are hard to make!

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Reala's Box

By Sara S:
Hello my name is Sara S. I just want to give you this pic of a ceramic that I painted of Reala from NiGHTS into dreams. Also it is called Reala's Box. I'm 13 and live in the U.S. That's pretty much it except for the fact that I'm a new fan of the game too.

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NiGHTS and Pian

By Hime Blue
I'm still not 100% sure why I made these! Ah ha ha... The 'Pian probably took an hour (Had to mix colours, Crayola modelling clay isn't very forgiving either, he kept breaking when I tried to make him/take photos), and the NiGHTS in box (supposed to represent his confinement, and I had no yellow or white so it looks a bit weird) probably took about 45 minutes.

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NiGHTS Tree Dangly

By I Am Imaginary
Made with Sculpey III. The Eyes and diamond were painted with Glass Stain to be shiny. The parts that look discolored are where it got burned and I needed to paint over with Acrylics.

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NiGHTS Plate

By Sara S.
A lovely piece of ceramic work by Sara of the city skyline! Nice stuff.

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Play-Doh NiGHTS

I would like to submit this Play-Doh sculpture of NiGHTS to your craft section. It's about the size of a deflated football (XD) and it's a bit messy but my hands tend to shake when I try to make things out of Play-Doh so this was the best I could muster without the Play-Doh drying out and getting all hard and crunchy. Thanks for looking at my sculpture!

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Dream Drop Necklace

By Shinaraz:
The "Dream Drop" is a faceted frosted stone. The wire is 18 gauge copper. And the necklace itself is black hemp.

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NiGHTS Persona

By Noctourne:
The persona is my way to hide my glasses for an upcoming NiGHTS cosplay (because NiGHTS does not wear glasses. and I like staying with the theme), based on the one NiGHTS wears during the first Crystal Castle cutscene. I made it out of a inexpensive mask, some black craft feathers, polished clay for the gem, and it is on a base of gold fabric and cardstock.

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NiGHTS into Jeans

By Tai
I drew NiGHTS and Reala on a pair of jeans. The original picture was not drawn by me; it's by Sa-Chan. I traced the image onto a piece of paper and punched dots through it onto the pants to make a connect-the-dots pattern, then filled it in with Sharpies.

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Reala Persona

By Noctourne
Reala's Persona Mask for cosplay!

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Wooden NiGHTS Car

By Twilightdreams03:
I made this car in woodworks class!

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Reala Pillow

By Sarantsatsral-Hang:
Here is a pillow that I created. This is completely hand-sewn; it took about a month.

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The following community fan albums are complete projects. To hear additional tracks please visit the artist [INDEX].
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Lucid Dreaming




3 October;  Author: TRiPPY

Some of us are mad enough to go decorating our bedrooms all NiGHTSy themed. Textiles, murals you name it. There’s no better way to inspire your hung-over self than being surrounded by bright gaudy eyeburning colors straight from the city circus! I’d like to see more people doing this because it’s a lot of fun. Somebody needs to recreate the kids bedrooms or one of the levels or something. Go on you know you want to. Want to add your own room to this page? Post in the subs forum [here].  


Kichigai’s room:

Sariachan Mural ‘NiGHTS tempera on Wall’:
Hello, I did a NiGHTS mural for my brother’s bedroom :)


TRiPPY’s room:

This was my old bedroom back when i lived in Scotland. I’d wanted a NiGHTS pimped room for a while and one day just decided to crack out the purple gloss and gold spraypaint. Started in 2005, finished in 2006. I love kitsch and tacky, never let me near your house.



May 2005



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