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Posts Tagged ‘colorful’



3 October;  Author: TRiPPY

Some of us are mad enough to go decorating our bedrooms all NiGHTSy themed. Textiles, murals you name it. There’s no better way to inspire your hung-over self than being surrounded by bright gaudy eyeburning colors straight from the city circus! I’d like to see more people doing this because it’s a lot of fun. Somebody needs to recreate the kids bedrooms or one of the levels or something. Go on you know you want to. Want to add your own room to this page? Post in the subs forum [here].  


Kichigai’s room:

Sariachan Mural ‘NiGHTS tempera on Wall’:
Hello, I did a NiGHTS mural for my brother’s bedroom :)


TRiPPY’s room:

This was my old bedroom back when i lived in Scotland. I’d wanted a NiGHTS pimped room for a while and one day just decided to crack out the purple gloss and gold spraypaint. Started in 2005, finished in 2006. I love kitsch and tacky, never let me near your house.



May 2005



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