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Sonic Runners

30 July; Author: Dex la Cabra

The NiGHTS into Dreams event in Sonic Runners has now begun, allowing you to unlock Buddies of NiGHTS, Reala and a Nightopian! The event lasts until the 13th of August, so get collecting those Red Rings for the Premium Roulette! I'll be collecting images of the event for you to view here if you cant/don't want to download Sonic Runners.


There are a few changes to the BGM during this event. The premium Roulette wheel now has "DREAMS DREAMS (In Silent Memory)" playing. If you have all 10 special eggs however, it changes to "Growing Wings." Using NIGHTS as Buddy 1 changes the BGM to "Message from Nightopia", while Reala gets "NiGHTS and Reala" fittingly. While the Nightopian doesn't get a song, it sings the first 6 notes of the chorus of "DREAMS DREAMS" when its ability is activated.

I love how Sonic Team even kept them to scale with the Sonic characters, I think there was a lot of love going on when making this event :)

I'm still trying to unlock Reala,

Dex la Cabra~! (That kinda rhymed!)


One Response to “Sonic Runners”

  1. MC.Gemstone says:

    I hope I get at least one of them

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