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Community Gatherings

27 April; Author: TRiPPY

There are a lot of NiGHTS fans out there- sometimes we're even in the same place at the same time (god forbid). Traveling miles by the mighty power of airplanes, trains, boats and the slightly less exciting foot. This page here is a collection of meetings we've had as a community with photos and goodtimes(TM) attached. If you would like to attend a future meet, keep an eye on our forums for anything happening near to you. If more than 2 of you met up and you have a story to tell or photos to share email me and I'll include it in this archive here :)



3 Responses to “Community Gatherings”

  1. Kayelan says:

    LOL! Great pics! Looks like you had fun! XXXD
    Will's dad knows where you live…. O____O;;

  2. Will says:

    I was looking into making Nights into Dreams style stuff for an outfit I've been designing a few years now, and saw an AWESOME Nights costume on youtube and I watched the whole thing and at the end was the link to here!
    Awesome job! Def bookmarking this page!

  3. Will says:

     I am not the Will Kayelan was talking about.

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