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NiGHTS: Descent into Dreams

10 January; Author: TRiPPY

A fan comic adaptation by Lynne Triplett
*Last updated 23rd of July 2012*


English Japanese

- Read the written version of this comic's story [ CLICK HERE ] -

- Click on an image below to enlarge -

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*Rated T for teen. This non-profit online comic is a work of fan homage and is not officially endorsed by SEGA in any way. All artwork © of Lynne Triplett 2012*


26 Responses to “NiGHTS: Descent into Dreams”

  1. trollencia says:

    thanks TRiPPY, thanks god :'D

  2. Realaz5 says:

    Very nice. I am looking forward to reading this just after seeing the cover art. :D  

  3. daru says:

    this is going to be a awesome comic cause its by our favorite admin TRiPPY and its about our favorite person NiGHTS how could it go wrong

  4. m.doodie says:

    omg this is so awesome, when will you start updating? we must know please…!

  5. dizzydino says:

    this is going to be good, i know it! *fan girl sqweels* i can not wate for the next page….

  6. Yay! I can't wait! I just know this is gonna be great!

  7. EZEKiAL says:

    Holy damn, TRiPPY.  That's boss.

  8. Reaperrose says:

    when comic come out?

  9. super nights says:

    the artwork is cool

  10. Arc says:

    ahhhhhhhhhhhh so good. Can't wait for the rest. Keep up the awesome work.

  11. MAXinsanity / 409 says:

    Even these three pages are pretty epic. Keep up the good work!

  12. So far, so awesome!

  13. Exquisite details I must say.

  14. tehexile says:

    awesome! I'm interested in how the fan photos are going to be used.

  15. Star-Light says:

    Rockin! I only dream (haha) about being able to draw that good.

  16. MemoriesintoDreams says:

    Omg! Make more please! I LOVE this!

  17. SUPERNiGHTS says:

    I cann't wait to see the finished comic, it looks so cool and cann't wait to see what I look like in comic form

  18. Will says:

    I said it on the other page and I'll say it again here. This comic is amazing. Keep up the great work!

  19. Gifted says:

    I'll fly you to the end of time, I know it's just a dream away, I'll give you all I have.

  20. Jackle says:

    This looks amazing!

  21. luis antonio says:

    i love this make some more comics this dark mysterious tone is perfect for nights you should ask them if descent into dreams can be the next game imagine if YOU were in the game with nights youd have a fangirlgasm

  22. JUSTAViSITOR says:

    Absolutely incredible. I would stay on pages for like 30 minutes just marveling at the immense amount of detail and love that went into this comic. 11 out of a possible 5.

  23. Naitsu says:

    This is beautiful! Hopefully one day we can see it completed♥

  24. Myst says:

    I'm curious, does this show when NiGHTS first rebelled? Becuase I notice how different NiGHTS looks when he's caged, he's more scary and inhuman.

  25. Louche says:

    ^I dunno, but the concept art of Nights gave him/her sharp teeth and sharp fingers

  26. TRJ says:

    The comic no longer seems to exist , i can not find any link available !

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