Posts Tagged ‘NiGHTS’
A fan comic adaptation by Lynne Triplett
*Last updated 23rd of July 2012*
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*Rated T for teen. This non-profit online comic is a work of fan homage and is not officially endorsed by SEGA in any way. All artwork © of Lynne Triplett 2012*
NiGHTS’ Festive Freestuff Competition! – ‘In a dream I could see…’
*COMPETiTiON NOW CLOSED! – Winners will be announced this week*
*EDiT* The closing time for ALL entries is 12 midnight GMT (London) on Christmas day.
It's coming up to that time of the year. The one that involves digging out Saturns and playing that certain Xmas edition of that one game. Therefore in the (preemptive) spirit of the season I would like to festively launch sparkly gifts at your heads in the shape of our newest competition 'NiGHTS' Festive Freestuff'.
I've been hoarding a few things away in case of emergency NiGHTS fan gift givage and I figured it'd make a nice little activity for us on the run up to Christmas.
SO, what can you win?
. : THE PRiZES : .
. : Original Artwork : .
. : Giant A1 Reala Poster : .
. : A2 NiGHTS Poster : .
. : NiGHTS: Lucid Dreaming music album : .
. : Sonic Colors wrapping paper and SEGA Lanyard : .
1. Grand Prize winner: 1 Giant A1 Reala poster. 1 A2 NiGHTS poster. The original Inked, signed artwork for the cover of my upcoming NiGHTS fan-comic 'NiGHTS: Descent into Dreams.' And a physical copy of the amazing OCR NiGHTS: Lucid Dreaming album.
2nd Place: 1 A2 NiGHTS poster. A copy of NiGHTS: Lucid Dreaming. Sonic Colors wrapping paper promotional item. SEGA ribbon Lanyard.
3rd Place: 1 A2 NiGHTS poster and a copy of NiGHTS: Lucid Dreaming.
Runners up: We have 7 more copies of NiGHTS: Lucid Dreaming to give away
. : HOW DO I ENTER? : .
What do you have to do in order to be in with a chance of winning one of these prize packs? Simple!
We want you to finish off the following line-
"In a dream I could see…"
See what? What did you see and how insane and creative can you get with this? You can answer by writing, drawing a picture, making a video, ANYTHING. If it makes us laugh it's a major bonus. People who put effort into their entries will be in with a better chance of winning – so make sure you get really imaginative with this. Make sure it's somewhat NiGHTS related though!
SEND YOUR ENTRIES TO: [email protected]
. : RULES : .
The competition closes on the 25th of December. Prizes will be sent out after this date to avoid the xmas post. Winners will be notified via email and this website when the winning entries are publicly posted. Only one entry per person. Any fan created material used must belong to you – don't go stealing things from other fans without permission – be considerate. Prizes cannot be exchanged for other items or money. Contest not affiliated or endorsed by SEGA. Have fun!
The trailer for the OverClocked Remix album 'NiGHTS: Lucid Dreaming' went live today.
If you have not seen the trailer yet then press that play button and prepare yourself for lucid levels of awesomeness. Once again, Jose 'The Bronx' Rican knows exactly how to hype a project as this trailer is flawless.
Not long now until July 5th. Hang in there, we're almost with ya ~
Fan artwork of modern NiGHTS from the 2007 game 'Journey of Dreams'.
[ Currently hosting 11 images ]
We are slowly but surely approaching the release date for NiGHTS: Lucid Dreaming, the OverClocked ReMix album headed by Level 99. With that in mind, donations for the project have now officially opened. "Donations?" you say. Why, yes. But this is not something for me to explain to you. Please read the quote below taken from Level 99's recent post at the OCR forums explaining everything about the process, what it means for the project and what it means for YOU the fan. Read on for the details -
"Alright, so, now that things are winding down, I'm getting ready for the physical release. As of right now, it is planned that I will be ordering a bunch of physicals, consisting of a double disc version of the project (no bonus disc), including most (if not all) of the art as an insert book.
I'm looking to gather about $1000 to completely pay for this batch. NONE of this money will go into anyone's pocket: I will raise money until we hit the desired amount. If I don't hit it, some way will be found to pay it off (probably out of pocket). If I do gather that much, great. Any additional money I would possibly get OVER the price of the physical distribution will be put towards the cost of shipping copies out. If I gain enough to cover all shipping and STILL have money left over, the rest will be donated directly to OC ReMix.
If you donate $25 or more, you will get a copy of the physical release!
If you are interested in donating, please contact me."
It is normal for OCR album projects such as this one to open for donations leading up to the release. If you have any questions and/or are interested in making a donation yourself then please contact Level 99 at our forums via the 'Contact Information' section on the bottom left hand side of his profile page.
Last year, Level 99 and myself brought you the Winter Dreamers EP, a small selection of NiGHTSy related songs to play during your Holiday season. It was nicely received by the community and it got such a good level of feedback that Levs did mention that come next year we could probably do a follow up EP to Winter Dreamers. Well it is now 'next year' and i have good and bad news for you, my funky friends.
The bad news is we do not have the sequel to the Winter Dreamers EP for you this year.
The good news is Level 99 recognized his promise to you last year and most certainly did not want to leave you all empty handed, so he went back and remastered the songs from the EP. Now your favourite tunes from the EP have had their quality level ramped up so it sounds even more crystal clear than it did the first time around. All the more fresh for the winter season, i'd say.
Furthermore, Level 99 has also officially included instrumental versions of Hey Dreamer and Hey Dreamer (Can't Dance Sleeping Mix) in the download pack so now you can karaoke your little festive hearts out!
Truth being told, neither of us did forget about our idea to make the sequel for you all. The problem currently lies in the realm of having time to make a sequel. Level 99 is currently overseeing the finishing touches to the OverClocked Remix album NiGHTS: Lucid Dreaming which releases mid next year, as well as numerous other music related projects with various other people from the OCR community. I can't say i've been as busy as Levs in terms of projects but i couldn't do a sequel without him, he is the guy who does the real technical work after all. And besides, i wouldn't want to make an EP alone anyway, it just wouldn't feel right seeing as we brought you the first one as a SEGA super team-up collabo~
For the download files as well as previews of the remastered Winter Dreamers EP, click this link here.
Chances are that this will be the last update before 2011 so from Level 99 and myself, as well as all the Staff here at the site, we wish you a very Happy Holidays and hope you enjoy the New Year to come.
DiGi Valentine
If you're like me and you love a bit fresh music for your playlist (because there's only so many times we can listen to the same NiGHTS music over and over again, right?) then you're gonna luuuurve this!
OverClocked Remix is a website i am hoping a lot of NiGHTS fans will be paying attention to over the next year as the highly anticipated remix album 'NiGHTS: Lucid Dreaming' will be releasing for NiGHTS 15th Anniversary on July 5th 2011. I've been involved in the project, hearing what is being created and i can only speak of good things to come. What i did not expect to see (or in this case, 'hear') was remixer and old friend of mine DCT dropping a quick remix for everyone to enjoy for this winter season. His remix of 'Take The Snow Train', neatly titled 'The Polar Express', blends a soft and cozy chill factor to an already established song. You know what the original sounds like, now how about we take you on to that legendary train with a nice glass of whatever-you're-having and watch as the snow comes down outside on the opposite side of that windowpane. It's the perfect music for this festive time of year and i couldn't think of a better tune to bring us in to December.
This particular remix can be found here and is available for your free downloading pleasure.
A big shout out to DCT for coming with a NiGHTS remix, i personally appreciate it as i'm sure other NiGHTS fans will too. NiGHTS remixes are few and far between and i like to think that makes them all the more special.
Happy Holidays everyone, here's to a pleasant December to you all.
DiGi Valentine
NiGHTS fans always manage to knock me for six in terms of creative love for the game. This website sub knocked me for seven eight AND nine. How awesome is this? I've heard of fans having DREAMS DREAMS and stuff played as their wedding music but this fan has really pushed the boat out in dedication!
"Howdy,Long time no see. I just wanted to share the good news. I was married over the weekend, but of particular interest to you and the site, my wedding band was NiGHTS.It was custom made and paid for by two retired teacher-friends. It's silver and they will help me recast a white gold one for my 5th year anniversary.
Take care!Noe V"
Epic fan we salute you. You're right up there with INSANE!REALASCULPTURE and MANLY!TEARS. Congratulations and best wishes to you and your lucky partner from all of us here at Nidcom
NiGHTS into Dreams has featured in many 'top *insert number here* games of all time' lists over the years. But this one over at U.K GamesTM magazine is particularly epic peppers considering our favourite purple Nightmaren gets his own front cover along with eleven of SEGA's other most loved franchises. I'll be stalking the supermarket shelves for this one!
GamesTM goes on sale September the 2nd, buy it to find out what number our NiGHTS comes in at Thanks to for the news.
Hi folks, TRiPPY here with a bit of an update on things that have been happening lately. Well first things first I had London MCM Expo to contend with and it went very well. Seeing my art up on a big video screen was epic, as was watching Bentley Jones do a live performance of 'So Much More' from Allstars Racing. Thanks to all the people involved with that and thanks to all the Sonic/SEGA community people I got to hang out with over the weekend. Great times were had.
Sexy times.
Now straight after that I had to unleash my art portfolio in the hopes of getting a little bit of local work coming in. But within 24 hours I had a job interview in Sheffield and now I work for SUMO Digital. Yeah… it's not sunk in for me yet either. It's ironic that all this came about because of NiGHTS hahah. Let that be inspiring to you.
SUMO Digital are the wonderful, friendly and talented chaps who brought us Sonic and SEGA Allstars Racing amongst other great titles. The people who pushed to get NiGHTS into ASR for us. Now I work for them as a concept/2d artist. And you can bet your burning merch that I'm going to give them my 100% effort and loyalty since they done so much for our community. I know this might effect my ability to personaly report on any future (i wish) NiGHTS related leak things, but I'll make up for it by giving you guys my best work on-game. I'm not going anywhere from the NiGHTS fandom. If anything this might actually help us, lol.
Job gets!
So what else have I been up to lately? Well DiGi and I are very much on the campaign bandwagon and have a new NiGHTS related website to open next week. But you'll have to wait and see what that's all about.
Speaking of NiGHTS, Sonic Stadium recently interviewed Iizuka-san and someone popped a question about the possibility of new NiGHTS stuff. Go check out the full interview here:
@ Sonic Stadium
Hope you guys enjoyed E3. I think Nintendo's lineup impressed me the most with love being shown to their classic IP's … and yes we all want to play with Microsoft's Kinect. Can't wait to get my hands on a 3DS either!