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Hello, it's been a while~!

LEGO IDEAS member Takuro has come up with a fantastic idea, a "NiGHTS into Dreams…" LEGO play set! If you're unfamiliar with LEGO IDEAS, members submit designs for people to support, and if it reaches a certain amount of supporters within a time period LEGO themselves could release the set officially!

So get those LEGO accounts going and support this set because this is one that deserves to be made! And will likely need it too, given the niche nature of the NiGHTS franchise~!

I've curated the pictures from the site here below, including an additional picture of additional eyes for the NiGHTS model~!

















Here's hoping we can work together to bring this dream into reality hehehe~!


Community Post: August 2021

6 September;  Author: Dex la Cabra

Another combo Community Post is here, combining submissions from both July and August!

Let's get crackin'!




Kit_Sketches shares these lovely drawings of NiGHTS and Reala,

with Reala sporting a cool mix of his NiD and JoD designs~!



Lou Doodles


Lou Doodles shares this stunning picture of NiGHTS! The stars overlapping him really give this piece

a lot of extra texture and life~!






Maupiszon shares this fantastic pixel art of NiGHTS to celebrate the franchise turning 25~!



NiGHTS into Zines


NiGHTS into Zines has updated with its 16th and 17th issues!

Spearheaded by Anthro7, these are fan creations at their finest and continue to impress~!

Each zine can be accessed in the left menu of the site, under "COMMUNiTY"!




Rocktype shares this spectacular Neocities website dedicated to "NiGHTS into Dreams…"!

The use of the Sonic Pinball Party sprites is an inspired choice~!








TragedicArt shares a wonderful 4 panel comic of Elliot just doing his very best haha,

and some fantastic drawings of NiGHTS and Reala, sporting a cake inspired design and a crown, respectively~!



Some wonderful submissions in this Community Post! If you have anything you'd like to submit just contact us

(links in the Contact tab on the top bar) and assuming it's SFW we'd be happy to share!

Until next time~!


“NiGHTS into Dreams…” Turns 25!

7 July;  Author: Dex la Cabra


On the 5th of July 1996, a special little game was released in Japan, "NiGHTS into Dreams…"!

This game would go on to become a cult classic, garnering love and support from fans of the characters and worlds

it presented as well as the music and gameplay!

25 years have passed since that initial release and here I am now writing up this anniversary article,

curating all of the latest fan projects sent in to us, of which there is plenty!

Let's have a look at what one of the most talented fanbases around has been up to to mark the occasion~!




7Marichan7 shared this lovely picture of NiGHTS holding out his hand~!





Acrosanti shared this incredible piece of NiGHTS with many intricate details and a subtle redesign~!





AdventureBlur shared a fantastic video look at some NiGHTS obscurities~!





CaptainElfie shared this great picture of NiGHTS' brethren giving him a cake~!





Charlo shared this awesome picture of NiGHTS and Reala~!





CottonEyedJosie shared this amazing mosaic piece of NiGHTS~!



Dex la Cabra


It's me! I quickly drew a piece of NiGHTS art to mark the occasion!

The minimalism of the Japanese cover was a big help haha!





D.P shared this outstanding piece to celebrate the occasion! I will never get enough of the duvet cape~!





DreamCastingArt shared this picture of NiGHTS looking very sleek and elegant~!





Dreamie shared this incredible picture of the NiD crew, including Nightmaren constellations~!





DreamyImagination101 shared this fantastic picture of NiGHTS and all 5 Ideya~!





D-Thessy shared this heartwarming piece of NIGHTS and Reala holding hands~!





Frag-Raptor shared this really cool pencil drawing of NiGHTS~!






F**kMyLife4412 (what a username haha I love it!) shared these lovely pictures of NiGHTS

in both his standard and christmas outfits~!





KitSketches shared this picture of NiGHTS with a big birthday cake, on which is the true MVP of the series, Octopaw!





LegendCartBoy shared an article dedicated to Reala for the series anniversay! You can read it on Source Gaming's site here~!





Luna shared this really cute picture of NiGHTS! I really like how small NiGHTS is here~!





Maritime shared this lovely piece showing NiGHTS grow up from mere spirit to JoD design~!



Megan Moonbeam


Megan Moonbeam shares this darling picture of PaPetch style NiGHTS with cake~!





MisterSureShot shares this dreamy picture of NiGHTS in the night sky~!



NiGHTS into Zines


Anthro7 and her team have released the latest issue of NiGHTS into Zines, and it is a DOOZY~!





NetNomad shared this tweet, showing a fantastic MGSDRV cover of "Message From Nightopia"!

Follow the link and give it a listen~!





Pennyadodumuss shared with us this spectacular picture of NiGHTS watching fireworks~! 





Pikmin442 shared this starlit picture of NiGHTS and a Pikmin sitting on an Ideya Palace~!






Poppohatosabure shared this peaceful picture of NiGHTS and his Nightmaren family~!





Prince shared this awesome picture of NiGHTS, Elliot and Claris~!




Rail of Light


Rail of Light shared this delightful picture of NiGHTS with some cake~!





RiDEL shared this sneak peek at an in depth look at a video essay about NiGHTS! Can't wait for the full thing now~!





SpiritShackle shared this lovely picture of a Nightopian eating a piece of cake~!



Tiago into Dreams


Tiago into Dreams shared this tweet to celebrate NiGHTS' 25th, I hope the confetti was easy to clean up haha~!





TragedicArt shared this outstanding piece of NiGHTS, Elliot and Claris with some special guests in the background~!





Tsukino shared this cute piece of NiGHTS holding the red Ideya~!





Viperxmns shared this incredible picture of Nightopians carving the NiGHTS statue from Soft Museum!

It IS the franchises Silver Jubilee after all~!



Willowshine / Elijah Perez


Wife/Husband combo Willowshine and Elijah Perez shared this lovely collab piece of a moonlit NiGHTS atop a spire~!





YaBoiAnthonee shared this really cool popart style picture of NIGHTS~!



Yuki Chan


Yuki Chan (18+ past the link) shared this intricate piece that celebrates both NiD and JoD~!






ZAC_IMPACT shared these incredible pictures of both NiGHTS and some of his Nightmaren siblings~!


What a talented bunch you are! I'm proud to place my work next to yours, keep up the great work and I hope to see you all

presenting future works to the Community Posts~! 


If you'd like for your NiGHTS related artwork/project to be included here, make sure to @ us on twitter or email us at [email protected]!


Next milestone is the 30th, until then Don't Forget NiGHTS~!


Community Post: June 2021

4 July;  Author: Dex la Cabra

Hello again! We have a very short but sweet NiGHTS Community Post this month!

Ordinarily I'd have held off posting these pictures until the July post but tomorrow is the 25th Anniversary

of the NiGHTS franchise which will be getting a post all its own to keep your anniversary projects seperate! 




Andy_Cat10 shares with us this lovely grayscale drawing of NiGHTS~!





D.P shares with us this wonderful Tamagotchi NiGHTS, inspired by Kirby_Stardream's Tamagotchi Sonic~!





Dreamie shares with us this cool picture of Reala with some very nice big lashes~!





TragedicArt shares with us these fantastic pictures of NiGHTS,

with one being of a very summery, flowery outfit for NiGHTS~!


Like I said, short but sweet! If you have any NiGHTS related artwork or projects you'd like to see

featured in these posts, whether it's old or new, big or small, just check the 'Contact' page at

the top of the page for details of where to send it!


Until next time~!


The fabled "NiGHTS Dream Wheel" has finally reared its head, with San Manuel Casino

tweeting a couple of days ago about its presence at their venue!


"This is not a dream and you aren't in Nightopia… YET!

SEGA Sammy's NiGHTS Dream Wheel has hit our casino floor! Located on the second floor near the Merch Shop,

this game features a .01c denom with a .50c min and $5 max bet."


I don't know the first thing about these kinds of machines but visually they've gone all out using JoD imagery~!

We've got Reala, Owl and Nightopian icons incorporated into the game, and I'm guessing the

NiGHTS model by the actual wheel may be animated to a degree?


[EDIT] twitter user Isabel has tweeted a video of the machine in action~!

I'm surprised it's not pachinko~!


Ooh er, wasn't expecting that! As you may know, The Sonic the Hedgehog franchise turned 30 years old yesterday,

and SEGA streamed a special orchestra event covering music from throughout the franchise. 

A little sneaky treat happened though, with a dash of NiGHTS music making its way in due to Sonics presence

on "Christmas NiGHTS into Dreams…" Skip to 38:17 to catch a little snippet of heaven~!



It gives us a good idea of what the NiGHTS section of the SEGA Game Symphony Japan performance in

2015 would have sounded like, as there still seems to be no recordings of that particular event!


until next time~!


Community Post: May 2021

6 June;  Author: Dex la Cabra

It's that time again~! Time to look at what the NiGHTS community has been up to this past month!

This update is actually for April as well as there were so few submissions last month,

I simply compiled them here instead!




Anthro7 shares with us this ridiculously cool NiGHTS lampshade!





DP shares with us a collection of stellar work, from a NiGHTS Nendoroid design

to a redraw of a fan favourite costume!



Dreamie shares with us art work of NiGHTS and Reala,

with some incredible colouring and effects going on!





Jan3D shares with us this lovely picture of his NiGHTS model flying through the sky!





Luna shares with us this fantastic picture of NiGHTS,

mixing elements of both his NiD and JoD designs!



Mila. H


Mila. H shares with us these brilliant designs for Oreos based on NiGHTS, Sonic and Balan!



NiGHTS into Zines


NiGHTS into Zines continues to go strong with its latest issues!

Also, the lovely staff of the zine have arranged a T-Shirt design competition

to celebrate NiGHTS' 25th Anniversary this year!

If you're an artist be sure to enter and support this wonderful idea!

The more people who enter, the more chance of winning!





PGirl has been ON FIRE lately, sharing with us piece after piece of quality NiGHTS art!

Those NiGHTS Earrings are so over the top, I love them~!






SegaChildStarSpawn (still the coolest name ever!) shares these MerMay drawings,

both NiGHTS and a Nightopian!





TRAGEDiCART shares with us some fantastic artwork and does what SEGA couldn't;

give Helen life and soul behind her eyes ;) Excellent work!





TxpZ_998 shares with us a sensational design of a dragon based fanmaren!


And there you have it! A slew of NiGHTS goodness to tide us over until next time!

If you have any NiGHTS related art, music, videos etc that you've been working on,

share them with us via the contact page at the top on the website!

Also please consider entering the NiGHTS 25th Anniversary T-Shirt contest mentioned above,

the more the merrier as Eggman says! I'll be doing a post focused on it ASAP!


See you next time~!


Community Post: March 2021

7 April;  Author: Dex la Cabra


It's that time of month again, Community Post time!

This time we're looking at the artwork and such sent to us in March,

a decidedly quiet month but one that bore fruit regardless, let's take a look~!




7marichan7 shared this lip sync video for Reala Day!

It won't let me embed it for some reason so you'll have to follow the link~!





Andy-Cat10 shared this awesome pencil drawing of NiGHTS!





Anthro7 and the gang have released the latest issue of NiGHTS into Zines,

with a wonderful picture of Reala for the front cover!





D.P shares this lovely picture of Reala with an idea for two shadowy subordinates

called Miasma and Ectoplasma, very cool~!





Dreamie shares this fantastic photo of NiGHTS urgently stopping a dreamer from falling~!





Dreamy shares this sleek picture of Reala, the fluidity in this piece is incredible!





DreamyImagination101 shares this atmospheric picture of Reala soaring through the night sky!





Luna shares this pair of pictures of NiGHTS, each with a different background!



Mila H


Mila H shares this funny picture of NiGHTS using one of Balans dreads as a mustache~!



SegaChild Starspawn


SegaChild Starspawn (with the coolest name EVER!?) shares this picutre of NiGHTS with Balan, Sonic and her OC

as they play with some Tims~!





TRAGEDiCART shares the latest drawing of their St Patricks Day/Spring NiGHTS, an older piece of Reala

with some Ursula flair and an animatic of Reala singing~!





Viperxmns shares these older pieces of Reala, looking both blingin' AND pimpin'! What a pair!



So there we have it! Another collection complete!

It would have been done sooner but I got heavily distracted over the end of March by Balan Wonderworld!

It's not perfect but by god does it have some good stuff going on in there, from the music to the art direction to

that one costume that totally breaks the game but it feels GREAT to do so haha!

Until next time~!



6 March;  Author: Dex la Cabra

Wayyyy back when "NiGHTS into Dreams…" first came out there were

plush toys available from UFO Catcher machines in Japan!

There were 6 toys available: NiGHTS, Flying NiGHTS, Reala, Elliot, Claris and a Nightopian!

I don't currently own the Flying NiGHTS plush (the only difference is his arms are up

and I've never felt like putting 200 quid down for such a small variant) but the others

are all viewable here! They're rough by todays plush standards, but they're still

some really nice collectables to have!

















NiGHTS into Zines

4 March;  Author: Dex la Cabra

There are fan projects, and then there are FAN PROJECTS!

Headed by Anthro7, "NiGHTS into Zines" is a monthly release full of all sorts of articles

and activities, from wordsearches to recipes, colour in pages to Q&As!

Click on the covers below to go to the respective issue!

Other useful links: Anthro7's DeviantART I DeviantART Group I Twitter 

















NiZ Taste Test



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