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If you're like me and you love a bit fresh music for your playlist (because there's only so many times we can listen to the same NiGHTS music over and over again, right?) then you're gonna luuuurve this!


OverClocked Remix is a website i am hoping a lot of NiGHTS fans will be paying attention to over the next year as the highly anticipated remix album 'NiGHTS: Lucid Dreaming' will be releasing for NiGHTS 15th Anniversary on July 5th 2011. I've been involved in the project, hearing what is being created and i can only speak of good things to come. What i did not expect to see (or in this case, 'hear') was remixer and old friend of mine DCT dropping a quick remix for everyone to enjoy for this winter season. His remix of 'Take The Snow Train', neatly titled 'The Polar Express', blends a soft and cozy chill factor to an already established song. You know what the original sounds like, now how about we take you on to that legendary train with a nice glass of whatever-you're-having and watch as the snow comes down outside on the opposite side of that windowpane. It's the perfect music for this festive time of year and i couldn't think of a better tune to bring us in to December. 

This particular remix can be found here and is available for your free downloading pleasure.

A big shout out to DCT for coming with a NiGHTS remix, i personally appreciate it as i'm sure other NiGHTS fans will too. NiGHTS remixes are few and far between and i like to think that makes them all the more special.
Happy Holidays everyone, here's to a pleasant December to you all.

DiGi Valentine


How is this for perfect timing? In an interview released today with SEGA's Yosuke Okunari the producer of the upcoming XBLA Dreamcast ports, it was revealed that all hope is not lost for the SEGA Saturn's catalogue of classic games! This makes the possibility of the long overdue western NiGHTS port so much more likely.

From Nowgamer.com via Impress Watch

"Okunari : It's not that we're ignoring Saturn I think you can see this, considering that we ported Nights Into Dreams (PS2) and other titles. What we announced this time is a project where we will have consecutive releases of titles that were debuted on Dreamcast. Separate from this, we're of course thinking about ports of Saturn games. It's the same as how Sega Ages and Virtual Console were separate existences. It's not that we have no intention of porting Saturn titles, so please share your requests."

Read the full article here:


Of course a giant flaming fangirl like me is never happy with second-hand information so I approached Okunari-san directly myself with the request for NiGHTS to be ported for download directing him to our NiD15.com campaign website to show him demand for the title. I explained that although the PS2 version is nice it's not convenient for fans (especialy younger fans) to have to import things from Japan. And what do you know, within a few minutes he replied to me :) He acknowleges that the PS2 version never made it overseas BUT he states that he would be interested in challenging himself with a NiGHTS port if the chance came up. So hey, let's make that chance happen~ show your support for www.NiD15.com. Press the button once, leave a comment in the comment section to back up your vote, join our forums and get in on the discussion – share it with your friends.

There are a lot of great titles on the Saturn i grew up with from Burning Rangers to Panzer Dragoon, Guardian Heroes to Fighters Megamix. If all Saturn fans pull together we might actually see this happen. The hardware might not have sold insane amounts back in the day but the games were incredible. Get to it.


SEGA Blogs

5 October;  Author: TRiPPY

SEGA's online community team is, in my opinion, one of the best ideas the company has had in recent years. Working directly with the fans the community managers blog about new releases, magic up promotional events and competitions, give us resources and goodies- all while juggling a million other non blog things at the same time. Online PR if you will ;) Lovely bunch of people. SEGA – well done.

We've had the pleasure of working with SEGA on a good few occasions now. Be sure to check out the other pages on our site for our community event reports.

Here's a list of all NiGHTS related SEGA blogs!


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