Posts Tagged ‘Lucid Dreaming’
Hey guys. Guess what's now online?
Fly faster to that download that you've ever flown before.
A new era of dreaming is about to begin~
The trailer for the OverClocked Remix album 'NiGHTS: Lucid Dreaming' went live today.
If you have not seen the trailer yet then press that play button and prepare yourself for lucid levels of awesomeness. Once again, Jose 'The Bronx' Rican knows exactly how to hype a project as this trailer is flawless.
Not long now until July 5th. Hang in there, we're almost with ya ~
Level 99 sure looks happy about his physical distribution copies of NiGHTS: Lucid Dreaming finally arriving, doesn't he? That can only mean one thing. We are getting ever closer to the release date for the remix album.
In light of Lucid Dreaming's forth coming release, Level 99 has been invitied on to Radio Free Gamer to talk about the album. The interview is set to take place on Wednesday June 22nd, from 7 – 9pm EST. The show will be live so you can tune in during those hours to drop a comment for the man or check out the downloadable MP3 after the show has aired. Radio Free Gamer has also landed a little bit of an exclusive in that they'll be playing a tune from NiGHTS: Lucid Dreaming that has not been heard anywhere else yet. I think you'll be wanting to check that out, most definitely.
NiGHTS: Lucid Dreaming is set for release on July 5th. I know. You can't wait. Neither can I.
We are slowly but surely approaching the release date for NiGHTS: Lucid Dreaming, the OverClocked ReMix album headed by Level 99. With that in mind, donations for the project have now officially opened. "Donations?" you say. Why, yes. But this is not something for me to explain to you. Please read the quote below taken from Level 99's recent post at the OCR forums explaining everything about the process, what it means for the project and what it means for YOU the fan. Read on for the details -
"Alright, so, now that things are winding down, I'm getting ready for the physical release. As of right now, it is planned that I will be ordering a bunch of physicals, consisting of a double disc version of the project (no bonus disc), including most (if not all) of the art as an insert book.
I'm looking to gather about $1000 to completely pay for this batch. NONE of this money will go into anyone's pocket: I will raise money until we hit the desired amount. If I don't hit it, some way will be found to pay it off (probably out of pocket). If I do gather that much, great. Any additional money I would possibly get OVER the price of the physical distribution will be put towards the cost of shipping copies out. If I gain enough to cover all shipping and STILL have money left over, the rest will be donated directly to OC ReMix.
If you donate $25 or more, you will get a copy of the physical release!
If you are interested in donating, please contact me."
It is normal for OCR album projects such as this one to open for donations leading up to the release. If you have any questions and/or are interested in making a donation yourself then please contact Level 99 at our forums via the 'Contact Information' section on the bottom left hand side of his profile page.