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Sonic Adventure

23 December;  Author: Dex la Cabra

While Burning Rangers may have been the first game to have a NiGHTS cameo, the Sonic franchise has always done well to include NiGHTS. Among these cameos, few are as prominent as the "NiGHTS into Dreams…" pinball table on Sonic Adventure. Sonics first fully 3D adventure went above and beyond to ensure than as well as the aesthetics, the music and atmosphere that made NiGHTS stand out all those years ago was present in this cameo. Indeed, due to the SEGA Saturn selling poorly this was many peoples first exposure to SEGA's purple secondary mascot, and it did well in showcasing what made NiGHTS special, from the cards displaying the unique character designs, to the moments where Sonic is whisked away through sections of Nightopia flying through rings alongside NiGHTS. 

These moments are best experienced in motion, and so fellow NiGHTS fan MidniteandBeyond has seen fit to supply us with a video of gameplay! 



First4Figures Reala Statue Needs Your Help!

16 December;  Author: Dex la Cabra

Well THIS is a spot of bad news.

First4Figures, the people behind the recent NiGHTS statue, were due to be making a follow up statue of Reala, as seen in the prototype image above. Due to a perceived lack of interest however, the statue is in danger of being scrapped. In order to save Reala, we need EVERYONE to vote "yes" on the poll First4Figures are conducting here on Facebook; be aware though that you must join their Collectors Club here to be able to vote. The "no" votes are not counted, and we need to get the "yes" votes at least to 550 before Reala can be saved and put into production. This is bigger than just Reala though, as any future NiGHTS statues that might have been made are entirely dependant on this poll, so to have ANY chance of getting other characters made later on, you must vote yes in this poll!

We cannot allow NiGHTS to fall into obscurity again, and if we all just take a minute to get on and vote in this one poll, we can make sure that NiGHTS continues to get the love and attention that the franchise deserves!

You can read the initial First4Figures blog on the subject here.

An example of the scale of the statue.
To see this statue never come into fruition would be heartbreaking, but we can ensure it gets made if we all work together!
Let's let our voices be heard, we have to make sure that they Don't Forget NiGHTS~!

Sonic Lost World: Nightmare Edition

26 September;  Author: Dex la Cabra

The original trailer for the NiGHTS DLC for Sonic Lost World may have been removed but we've replaced it with something else: a playthrough of the DLC itself by our own MidniteandBeyond!



Original Post by TRiPPY:

Hold me people. This was a complete surprise that I didn't know a single thing about until this morning.

A new Sonic Lost World video has appeared online with a VERY SPECIAL teaser for NiGHTS fans at the very end. Really. Just wow.

The resulting reaction of NiGHTS fans so far online has required a lot of mops.

What really is a huge and amazing thing here is that we didn't have to ask for this or cause a fuss or annoy anyone. It just happened. This is great for the NiGHTS franchise. I'm so happy I can barely type lol, don't be expecting any well thought out journalistic write ups from me – I'm too busy straight out fangirling at the fact JACKLE is in this.

If you'd like to see some screenshots then read on below. I'll try to get some nice HD ones up soon as I get any.

Absolutely amazing. Thank you so much SEGA.


Now please excuse me. I need to return to squealing. Oh- and finding out how to preorder this edition. Guys get on this as quick as you can so none of you miss out on the NiGHTS content! Thanks to Daniele Narducci for the heads up!


New Album “Changing Face” by Curtis King Jr!

2 September;  Author: Dex la Cabra

If there's one song that everybody knows from the NiGHTS games, it's 'DREAMS DREAMS'. It has been featured in so many other SEGA games over the years that you could be forgiven for being sick of it haha! Regardless of this, there's no denying the vocal talents of Dana Calitri and Curtis King Jr, the latter of whom has a new album out!

The new album by King Jr, named "Changing Face", is available on the usual suspects iTunes, Google Play, Amazon Music and Spotify! I've not had a chance to listen to it properly yet but what I have heard sounds great! Be sure to support one of the voices of NiGHTS' history by downloading and/or streaming the new album!

Happy listening~!


Well looky what we got here! Sonic Forces, the next game for the Blue Blur is getting a damn fine bonus edition! Part of this bonus, as you can see, is a skin for the Avatar character that looks a tad familiar! The NiGHTS skin is accompanied by other SEGA franchises, which if you ask me is a fantastic idea to win over SEGA fans on the fence about the Avatar. There's only one slight issue with this wonderful occasion: 

It seems the purple and yellow of the cuffs are the wrong way round, akin to the same problem "NiGHTS into Dreams…" had with the in-game model! This is hardly an earth shattering issue though, and otherwise this is a fantastic way to show that SEGA still Don't Forget NiGHTS ;) This image was uploaded by the Sonic Twitter, and I think we should all send our thanks their way so they know that this is a very much appreciated NiGHTS reference, cuffs and all!

I know what skin i'll be usiiiiing~! AiAi's. 


How is it the 5th of July already!? That makes it 21 years to the day since NiGHTS into Dreams burst onto the gaming scene in Japan! It is also getting close to Journey of Dreams' 10th anniversary, how time flies!

Over on Twitter we've been using the hashtag #NiGHTS21 to show all of your creations you've made to celebrate! Even Naoto Oshima himself got involved, creating this new lovely piece of NiGHTS artwork!

You can follow him on Twitter here.

Personally I've not had much time to create anything to celebrate, but I'm still hard at work at NiGHTS into Webcomics, which is wrapping up the main story soon. It's so inspiring to see all of the love people are still giving NiGHTS, and who knows, maybe we'll see NiGHTS appear again with SEGA Forever in the future!

I'm not one for mobile gaming, but for NiGHTS I'd make an exception!


If you're not following the First4Figures Collector's Club on Facebook then you might have missed this photo shared on Sunday of our favourite red and black nightmaren Reala!

Ohhhhhhh, he's going to be so cool next to the NiGHTS statue~! I'll be keeping an ear to the ground for any more developments with this statue and will report them here as standard! I'm sure if you follow the twitter account you'll have this thrown in your face a lot once it is fully revealed for pre-order :P

Just imagine him once he's painted~!


What's groovin' bros!? 

That was certainly an…eventful year. I hope you all had a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 2016 was a very quiet year for NiGHTS but then that's a given really :P Some love was sprinkled throughout the year towards our favourite purple maren in various forms.

This website continued to reupload older content, with the NiGHTS Storybook now being available to read in English and Japanese again. Our own "NiGHTS into Webcomics" updated regularly, although with a couple of months silence whilst I set about getting my PC fixed. That was a looooooong time to not have a computer let me tell you! A large chunk of the JoD concept art was updated with better quality images like they deserve.

Customers received their NiGHTS statues from First4Figures during 2016, giving us all yet another way to marvel at the sheer magnifience of NiGHTS' ass! So shiny and sleek! Also teased by First4Figures this year was a Reala statue, with them gauging interest in their choice of pose for it. Keep your eyes peeled for that coming about!

In other NiGHTS merchandise news, we had new garments be made available via Cospa! a Eyemask, T-shirt, and new Hoodie were all released (though I've yet to get my hands on them haha)!

The community were very active over on social media this year, what with it being the NiGHTS franchise's 20th anniversary! NightsOCclub on DeviantART held a T-shirt design competition with some magnificent designs entered! Our own viperxmns won with his Storybook inspired design! 

You only have to search for NiGHTS on social media to see all of the fantastic pictures people have made over the year, it's been heartwarming to see people put so much passion into their work! There's also a lot of written love, such as ChaiDreamLatte's AU!

Another stand out item is the Ask the Nightmarens blog! The amount of work people put in to creating regular NiGHTS content is inspiring!

As for me, I took my little NiGHTS plush keyring down to Summer of Sonic in August to guarantee his presence at the event ;P I also met two people that I think maybe have something to do with NiGHTS still being relevant to SEGA!

It's like Admins old and new (and my girlfriend haha)!

We also had our resident Mishikis tweeting some very raunchy things just to get it on the big screen at the event, so cheeky :P  

To round the year off we had a NiGHTS Advent Calendar going on during December over on our social media accounts, all of which are preserved on this website! My favourite one was of course number 24;

Here's hoping 2017 is a good year for the NiGHTS franchise!


NiGHTS Advent Calendar Collection

2 December;  Author: Dex la Cabra

This December we've got a NiGHTS Advent Calendar event happening on our Twitter and The NiGHTS into Webcomics Tumblr ! Each day a new image is being uploaded, portraying a character from the NiGHTS Franchise! This page will be used to collect these images for the website, enjoy!


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