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First4Figures Reala Statue Needs Your Help!

16 December; Author: Dex la Cabra

Well THIS is a spot of bad news.

First4Figures, the people behind the recent NiGHTS statue, were due to be making a follow up statue of Reala, as seen in the prototype image above. Due to a perceived lack of interest however, the statue is in danger of being scrapped. In order to save Reala, we need EVERYONE to vote "yes" on the poll First4Figures are conducting here on Facebook; be aware though that you must join their Collectors Club here to be able to vote. The "no" votes are not counted, and we need to get the "yes" votes at least to 550 before Reala can be saved and put into production. This is bigger than just Reala though, as any future NiGHTS statues that might have been made are entirely dependant on this poll, so to have ANY chance of getting other characters made later on, you must vote yes in this poll!

We cannot allow NiGHTS to fall into obscurity again, and if we all just take a minute to get on and vote in this one poll, we can make sure that NiGHTS continues to get the love and attention that the franchise deserves!

You can read the initial First4Figures blog on the subject here.

An example of the scale of the statue.
To see this statue never come into fruition would be heartbreaking, but we can ensure it gets made if we all work together!
Let's let our voices be heard, we have to make sure that they Don't Forget NiGHTS~!

4 Responses to “First4Figures Reala Statue Needs Your Help!”

  1. MC.Gemstone says:

    We gotta save Reala!!!!

  2. NightopianFoxGirl says:

    NO!!! I want Reala!

  3. Anthro7 says:

    Eeeeh, not when NiGHTS is over $200. I'm all for NiGHTS products, but not when no one can afford to buy them. Producing them to just sit around in a warehouse or back room would be foolish.

  4. lilDreamer says:

    It's too bad they never went through with this. I even voted for it. 
    I personally can't afford such a luxury, but other fans could have loved this. First four figures always seemed overpriced to me for something that is mass produced with 3d printers. I heard they sometimes get the 3d assets from the games so it's easier to be on model. Oh well.

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