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Box Scans

21 September;  Author: TRiPPY


The .Com’s collection of box scans of games that NiGHTS has appeared on the cover. Although he has had cameo appearances in a large amount of games this section is for his major starring roles. Enjoy viewing packaging from all over the world~

(Scans from JoD box arts coming soon) 

NiGHTS into Dreams (Sega Saturn):

U.K Small CD Box
U.K Large Box
U.S Small CD Box
U.S Large Box
J.P Small CD Box
J.P Small Platinum Box




U.S Bundle Box
J.P Bundle Box


NiGHTS Sampler (Sega Saturn):

UK sampler CD
U.S NiGHTS Sampler
U.S Sampler CD
U.K Sampler CD


Christmas NiGHTS Limited Edition (Sega Saturn):

J.P Case
U.K Case
U.S Case


Xmas U.K CD
Xmas U.S CD
Xmas J.P CD
Japanese Xmas NiGHTS Bundle 

Other Games Featuring NiGHTS cover art:

Sonic Pinball Party (universal)
U.S Sega Superstars
U.K Sega Superstars Bundle
U.K Sega Superstars



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