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NiGHTS into dreams… SEGA Heritage trailer

3 September; Author: TRiPPY


NiGHTS into dreams… HD is featured as part of the SEGA Heritage line up!

A demo of the game was recently available for play at this years PAX event, where a trailer for the collection was also shown. You can watch the trailer over here at SonicWreckshttp://youtu.be/9C11odKVbHs

The trailer also provides us with information that the title is to be released during October 2012, though a specific date has not yet been announced.

So, not long to wait…

Are you ready to fly again?


6 Responses to “NiGHTS into dreams… SEGA Heritage trailer”

  1. gahram says:

    And with this news, you have officially made September the longest month of 2012…

  2. TRiPPY says:

    hahahah i know right? XD

  3. OWLCiTiZEN says:

    Now I can finally catch up on my NiGHTS. I was born the year NiGHTS into Dreams … came out, so I never had the chance. I may have never played the original on Saturn, although I plan to, so this is the chance I never got. Thank you, TRiPPY and DiGi for taking the time to manage this site!

  4. Lampers says:

    Can't wait! The achievement list is available at True Achievements.com. Looks like it will include Christmas NiGHTS :)

  5. kat says:

    do want. so much. if it comes out on pc than i am getting it no matter what!

  6. SUPERNiGHTS says:

    this is awesome news that NiGHTS is coming out in October so I can play it on the Xbox 360, it's all thanks to Sega  and to TRiPPY for making the dream come true for all NiGHTS fans every where

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