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NiGHTS into Lipgloss

2 September; Author: TRiPPY

Here's an odd Sunday post for those of you who are inclined to cover yourself in sparkly things.
This would normally be filed under the 'NiGHTS into Uhhhhh' section but frankly it's too cool.

NiGHTS. Inspired. A cosmetics collection.

I'm not even joking, this is legit (though not official), take a look! :


I know what I'm buying on my next wage!



3 Responses to “NiGHTS into Lipgloss”

  1. SegaManFTW says:

    Im a guy, and im not too fond of makeup, but this is freaking amazing lol. Never thought something like NiGHTS would inspire makeup.

  2. Rei says:

    I'm not much of a fan of makeup either, but this does tempt me slightly.  Just in the "get it to say I have it" way. :P

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