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Art Update: Plushies and more

9 July; Author: TRiPPY

We've got a few nice little additions to the site today in the shape of 3 new wallpapers, 1 new craft and 2 new handmade plushies. Quite possibly the most hard2thecore plushie I've seen yet, Alkerone only went and recreated Dragon persona NiGHTS from fabric and it's massive!

I've been seeing more and more NiGHTS related plushies and dolls pop up on D.A lately so be sure to submit them in our forums if you'd like to see them on this website :) Remember that the plush section is for handmades only, official collection toys will be in our Merch section later on. I'd love to see more fan-made plushies of all the boss Maren… Bella anyone?


3 Responses to “Art Update: Plushies and more”

  1. DiENE says:

    Woooooow, that Dragon persona is amazing, perfect replica :D

  2. Dreamy NiGHTS says:

    Wow, VERY good!! Excellent job! You truly ARE multi-faceted. Beautiful!!!

  3. Alkerone says:

    I know I've said this multiple places already [like, within the past half-hour XD], but I really AM jusy [i]beyond[/i] flattered right now! *excited* You guys are seriously making my face hurt from me GRINNING so much! :D
    I am beyond ecstatic you guys like it so much! I'm inspired/encouraged to start planning to do the other two forms (dolphin and rocket) now, and it's thanks to you guys!
    So, from the bottom of my (uber-squealie-happiness-filled) heart, thank you!!!!!

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