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Here's a great opportunity for all you American NiGHTS fans to meet the lady behind the official voice of NiGHTS in Journey of Dreams! The wonderful and multi-talented Jewels Aguirre has been confirmed as a special guest at RMCC this coming October in Colorado. Jewels will be doing signings and would really love to meet the NiGHTS fans. This is her first convention appearance so lets give her lots of support! Tell all your NiGHTSy friends who live local to the convention or hit the road yourself :) I really wish I could go but I'm stuck in the UK, booo.

The Rocky Mountain Collector Con runs over the course of 3 days from October 4th to the 6th. Tickets are available to purchase online at the convention website.

To learn more about Jewels' impressive portfolio of work check out her guest page on the RMCC website. You can also connect by showing her support on her official Facebook page.


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