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Posts Tagged ‘sweet snow’



Those of us who bought Journey of Dreams a couple of years ago pretty much can all agree that the Sweet Snow version of DREAMS DREAMS is incredibly beautiful and like eating the best kind of icecream while drowning in 90ft of deep nostalgia and not caring. What made that song so special (other than just sounding ultimately pretty!) was the fact that the original girl who sang the song as a child – Jasmine Ann Allen, returned to sing the song once more as an adult. We all thought of her as the Claris of the song and tried to sing along as best we could as kids ourselves, lol.

But there was another equally important part to DREAMS DREAMS that Sweet Snow unfortunately missed out on. That was … Cameron Strother.

Cameron Strother was the Elliot Edwards to Jasmine's Claris and thanks to the wonderful Joshua Goring and Cameron himself we have a truely magical gift for you all.

Merry Christmas, happy 15th and a brilliant new year everyone!

Dreamers reunited! :)

I was very young when I first heard and sang this song. I'm not sure how many years ago it was now but it seems like I  recorded it a year or two before NiGHTS was released. It was my first paid singing job. I was paid a handsome sum (didn't mean much to a kid) and was given an armful of Sega Saturn games (meant the world). More than the money or even the games though, I remember the special feeling I got when visited the Sega HQ building. Video games were my chocolate so I felt like I was walking around Willy Wonka's factory, witnessing a magical process. 

I remember seeing the early plans for a game that was supposed to replace Sonic the Hedgehog as Sega's new flagship series. I was supposed to keep quiet about it but I told all my Japanese school friends about this amazing new game that was coming out and how I had seen the secret last boss. Suffice to say, It was an awesome experience and it holds a very special place in my childhood memories and I was glad to revisit that happy time by singing Dreams Dreams again. I myself am a big NiGHTS fan and I'm still holding out for a proper sequel or at least a good re-release for the current generation of consoles. 

Thanks for keeping NiGHTS alive!

-Cameron Strother
*This is a fan made song/edit/tribute not created for profit and is not endorsed by SEGA in any way*

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