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There have been 44 items by Silvia Callisto (Search limited from 04-May 23)

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#1206 Um... ...hi?

Posted by Silvia Callisto on 27 April 2007 - 12:28 AM in Introduce Yourself

Okay, big debue post...and I'm more than certain that I spelled 'debue' wrong, I'm just too lazy to go and spell check it...

Anyway! My name is Silvia Callisto (...well, actually, my character name is - but it works), call me Silver or Silvia to shorten things. Or Callisto, Callisto's good... I'm 14 years young, currently a girl in the eighth grade and eagerly awaiting high school, an aspiring artist and writer (now if only I can COMPLETE a story for once...) who likes to role play, act, and sing. Dislikes include bad music, bad food, people who have no taste in induviduality, that kind of thing...nothing much bothers me, really. This site, actually, was what got me into NiGHTS...and now I'm darn well obsessed with it, seeing as to how I was like...compltely oblivious to video games when it came out? Currently hoping to get a Wii and the new NiGHTS game for Christmas.

...Jeez, I hate describing myself on forums...

I'm also a gamer with multiple computer, PS2, and Gamecube games. First game I ever played was Sonic 2, when I was very little and I was over at the house of some friends of the family. Video games vanished from my mind until we got a PS2 while I lived in California.

I stumbled across the NiGHTS into Dreams site after playing Sonic Riders and seeing NiGHTS in it. I started looking up more info, and I stumbled across TRiPPY's site sometime during Febuary. Sometime after finding it, I started lucid dreaming again after...I forget how long. So I partially thank NiGHTS and I partially thank TRiPPY for getting my dreams back. (Yes, I have no transition between those two paragraphs and they are nowhere related to each other save for video games. I'm spontaneous that way.)

WARNING: You might see me cuss, but you might also see me use terms from a sci-fi show called 'Farscape'. Most definately if I ever say its equivalent of the F-Word. (I refuse to say the actual word myself.)

OKAY, enough about me! It's a pleasure to meet all of you!

#1215 Um... ...hi?

Posted by Silvia Callisto on 27 April 2007 - 12:37 AM in Introduce Yourself

Yeah, like I said...too lazy to use spell check. (And I'm an editor for the school newspaper...boy, I'm ashamed of myself.) Farscape is a fun show to watch - my parents and I love watching it. And thank you!

#1260 Your Number 1 Favourite dream

Posted by Silvia Callisto on 27 April 2007 - 01:24 AM in Dream Discussion

...Oh, good gosh, which one to choose? Guess I'll choose the one that I remember the most, then...

The Dream

I had this dream in Febuary after coming across the site and bookmarking it (when its menu was still in the section-by-color-name version). I remember being on some huge ship with a few other people and, most distinctively, my 7th grade math/science teacher. Having sighted her, I had basically thought "Mrs. C*name withheld*? What're you doing here?" but I soon dismissed it. I remember something about jeans, probably because I was thinking about genes, I don't remember, but I soon left for a room in the back.

I'm about to sit down when there's a shout from outside, causing all of us to race outside and see...what I think was the Flying Dutchman. I'm serious, I'm pretty sure I saw a flying ship that looked like the Flying Dutchman, my mind must've had taken a Pirates of the Carribean turn. Someone shouted something about the Kraken and instantly I thought 'the ship's doomed' and then the next thing I know, the ship's turned into some sort of flying ship that reminds me of a cross between that one ship of Cid's from Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children and those fighter planes in the Babylon Garden level of Sonic Riders. Or a Falcon Peak gummi ship from Kingdom Hearts II.

However, it seems that the target is me, so I basically...well, jump off the ship and suddenly start flying. High. And at speeds probably faster than Sonic, because I find myself high up in like...half a second. XD While I'm up there I just see this absolutely gorgeous scene with the clouds and the water down below me, and I'm basically up in the air with my jaw dropped. And then I remember 'wait - I've still got villains on my tail' and so I dive down with my eyes closed. I hit the water, go a bit underwater before remembering the Kraken (and I think I heard it, too) before flying upwards. Next thing I know, our flying ship and I have arrived at some sort of half-water, half-land air base and I'm on some sort of construction thing. Somebody comes up to me in a weird yellow and black bike, tells me to hop on, which I do, and then we start riding off to get away from the Kraken.

And then I wake up due to the darn alarm clock.

The darn thing lasted all night. And once I'm awake and I've turned off the sound of the blaring thing (or was it the sound of a waterfall?), I'm all "Whoa..." I just loved it, especially when I was up in the air above the clouds. Memory that'll stick with me for life, I'm sure.

Why It Was Special

The reason why I chose this dream (when I could've chosen one of two special other ones that I remember from when I was, like...7 and 9-ish) is because until I had that dream, I either had 1) Nightmares or 2) no dreams at all. For the past few months before that, it was the second part. Then I stumbled across TRiPPY's site about NiGHTS into Dreams and started looking at the information. It got me hooked on NiGHTS and it got me dreaming again. This is why I chose to put it.


Well, considering that one of the minor details included me grabbing and putting on a pair of jeans after entering one of the rooms, the fact that the water felt wet, and the wind sheer, yeah, I'm pretty sure I was lucid. One of the few lucid dreams that I ever remember having.


The only confusion that I got was from the sudden appearance of the Kraken, the Flying Dutchman, and the sudden change in my ship from water to air. Other than that, I just had fun. Lotsa fun flying around, I think I also did a few loops in the meanwhile (and I normally get sick to my stomachs on roller coasters that do loop-the-loops in real life). Wonderful story-dream thing.

A Second Seeing

Dang, I'd love to have this dream again. Maybe a little bit differently, so that way I could actually attack the Kraken instead of just flying and dodging stuff. The main reason why I'd love to have it again is because it made me feel like I had done something right by finding TRiPPY's site and bookmarking it for future reference. I've been having a lot of flying dreams lately, but that was the first one I had after a long gap of complete unconsciousness while I slept.

#1277 Your favourite Nightmaren from NiGHTS into Dreams

Posted by Silvia Callisto on 27 April 2007 - 01:44 AM in [ARCHiVED] NiD Discussion

Other than the obvious NiGHTS...


I'm sorry, I like Jackle a lot. From what I've seen of the guy, he's got a few screws loose in the head, and thanks to TRiPPY's interpretations of him, I see him as a tarot-card using Nightmaren that will occassionally show the future to dreamers. If only in really really minor ways like...the final level of another video game or something. (Me and my dreams...look at my dream journal to see what I mean.) And Jackle's music was a song that I just fell in love with - I loved it.

NiGHTS and Jackle are tied for my favorite. Reala comes as a close second.

#1291 NiGHTS music

Posted by Silvia Callisto on 27 April 2007 - 02:08 AM in [ARCHiVED] NiD Discussion

Okay...dang, the music, the MUSIC! Good music is normally what helps me get interested in a game. (Part of the reason why I wanted to get Kingdom Hearts.) Jeez louise, where to start?

Boss Music - The Mantle. Jackle's theme song has a tendency to get stuck in my head and I just LOVE the thing to pieces. The original and the Acid Love remix. Jazzy, upbeat, has that air of mystery and slight insanity to it...and the creepy vocals durring it, too, I just loved that.

NiGHTS and Reala and its additional remix "Theme of a Tragic Revenge" also gets stuck in my head every now and then, mainly when I'm trying to think out fight scenes for my stories.

D'Force Master...my gosh, also something that I just love listening to. Perfect sense of creepy and anxiousness.

Stage Music - Gloom of the N.H.C. was one of my favorites once I heard it. I will listen to this thing for hours on end. This song just gives me that vibe of flying easilly. I can imagine myself flying to this thing, especially with the stage that it describes.

Growing Wings was another one of my favorites after its...creepy beginning. That's the only part that I didn't like about that song, the part in which you're on the ground as either Claris or Elliot (I watched footage of the game - never played it myself) before you start flying.

Other music - Sowing Seeds. When I managed to find the opening to Claris's story on YouTube, I was all 'I NEED TO FIND THAT SONG SHE SINGS'. I loved it. Once that I realized it was Sowing Seeds, I started listening to it a lot. I just love the vocals, even if it's all just 'la la la's.

#1320 Worst Nightmare

Posted by Silvia Callisto on 27 April 2007 - 02:53 AM in Dream Discussion

Worst Nightmare? Oh, yeah, I remember mine PRET-ty well.

I was six or seven, as it was the year before my family moved down to California. I am also the older sister by four and a half years (nearly exact - my little bro and I are off only by two days), and this dream involved him. At first, it didn't seem like a nightmare, but it quickly changed into it by the end.

The dream itself was me lying down on my bed reading a book. I hear someone come in and sit on my feet. I presume it to be my little brother, so I basically tell him to go away.

And then I hear the scariest noise in my life: something melting faster than you can say 'holy'. I gasp, thinking that something just happened to my little brother that I do NOT want to see, and then wake up. I think I started crying soon afterwards.

#1342 YamiLover's Winamp skin!

Posted by Silvia Callisto on 27 April 2007 - 04:10 AM in Creative Stuff!

I just sketched out a dreamscape that I remember visiting a few times since I was little and at least once again just recently. It looked like some sort of highway in Seattle surrounding this weird tower. All I remember is the weird Sonic-like highways and took some of my own liberties with the tower. Also doubled as a really cool perception excersize (with vanishing points all around, methinks).

My picture is here: Seattle Skyline

#1357 YamiLover's Winamp skin!

Posted by Silvia Callisto on 27 April 2007 - 04:44 AM in Creative Stuff!

Well, I can't get a DeviantArt until next year, so I had to deal with TinyPic...one moment, I've got an idea...

EDIT: HAH! It worked! Yeah, you can now view the thing without those other pictures (I clicked the link and the next thing I know, I'm taking a look at a palm tree. O.o)

#1363 Shoutout Messages

Posted by Silvia Callisto on 27 April 2007 - 04:57 AM in [ARCHiVED] Misc

TRiPPY and DiGi: 1) Random note: your nicknames rhyme, I just noticed that (sorry), and 2) thank you for making NiGHTS into Dreams.com and the DreamCasts - you two made me laugh out loud MULTIPLE (and I do mean MULTIPLE) times durring both shows. Thank you very much and keep up the good work!

P.S. Sorry if that sounds corny.

#1548 Um... ...hi?

Posted by Silvia Callisto on 27 April 2007 - 01:27 PM in Introduce Yourself

Thank you very much for the warm welcomes!

#1767 Shoutout Messages

Posted by Silvia Callisto on 27 April 2007 - 11:32 PM in [ARCHiVED] Misc

How bout:


To the Badger Badger song xD Somebody think of something witty for the snake part ...^^"

First thing that comes to mind for me is 'Jackle! It's Jackle!' or something like that...

#1861 Getting Lucid

Posted by Silvia Callisto on 28 April 2007 - 01:40 AM in Dream Discussion

I honestly don't know how I slip into lucid dreaming. It just happens with me. I might try your method and see if it works, Sierra.

And Twilight Town, Yami? I've done it before with Dearly Beloved, if I recall...

#2577 Point of View in your Dreams

Posted by Silvia Callisto on 29 April 2007 - 08:07 PM in Dream Discussion

I normally have first-person dreams, normally somewhat realistic, but they've changed at the drop of a hat to third-person...and in some cases, it's like watching one of my favorite shows, which is a bit out there, when I see 'em.

#2582 TRiPPY's Art Projects

Posted by Silvia Callisto on 29 April 2007 - 08:23 PM in Creative Stuff!

Okay...three days after I take a look at the thing and I'm still blown over. One moment while I'm trying to regain myself...

Holy hand grenades, Batman! Just even looking at the comics like this makes me want to see more! I've always wanted to read the original WTAHM, but this...I think I can somewhat get an idea as to what happened, I think it's because I took a look at your bios for both yourself and for Astirma a while back, TRiPPY... Now I REALLY wanna figure out a way to finish up one of my stories...and probably make a comic myself in the meanwhile, 'cause I need the practice. They just...myeh.

Can I bow to you and your superior abilities? *bows anyway*

#2600 Ol' Six Hands

Posted by Silvia Callisto on 29 April 2007 - 09:24 PM in [ARCHiVED] JOD Discussion

Puppet Wizeman? Why is it that I suddenly get a flash of Legend of Zelda: the Wind Waker upon that thought? Probably that puppet reference...

And the Wizeman/Reala combination is just...grahh. I'd hate to have that kind of thing to fight, let alone look at. If they do bring Wizeman back, they should make it without a combination like that. It's just...grahh. (Yeah, I don't like that kind of combo thing. Fuckle is bad enough. I don't want two of 'em flying around.) I agree with the little representation of darkness in the dream world thing that Misaki-chan brought up. As long as Wizeman stays in Nightmare, everything's fine - it's just when he gets his own visions of grandeur that things get screwy and NiGHTS has to stop him.

I do darn well hope Wizeman's in the next one. It wouldn't be the same otherwise, in my opinion. (Besides, I wanna fight him in the next game. Epic battle scene right there just from playing it.)

EDiT: Argh, me and my slow ability of thinking up how to word stuff...Wizeman as an optional boss in JoD like Sephiroth in both KH and KH2? *shudder* Yeah, Wizeman with that much power...that would just be scary. I already can't beat KH2 Sephiroth as it is! (Need to level up more...)

#2622 Ol' Six Hands

Posted by Silvia Callisto on 29 April 2007 - 10:49 PM in [ARCHiVED] JOD Discussion

@ Prince: 1 would be the darn well best choice out of the three. 2 is definately one of those 'what the hell?' things that would run through my head (unless something happens and Wizeman pulls a Tron by bringing back a mindless, uber-powerful Reala like the MCP did to Sark). 3 is...basically endgame.

@ Metra: ...Yeah, I need to level up. I'm at the 50s range. It's going to take a looooooooooong time...

#2634 What if there are voices?

Posted by Silvia Callisto on 30 April 2007 - 12:11 AM in NiGHTS chit-chat

Oh, good gosh, do NOT remind me about the dubbed Sailor Moon! *hates the names, hates the voices, hates the dialog in the dub*

Yeah, if anything, I don't want any stupid 4kids voices doing NJoD. The Dreamers I'm fine with having voice-acted (and they had darn well better get the voices right, especially for Claris - she's a soprano, from what I can tell), but the Maren...no, not the Maren. The music-talk would work, probably - it would be rather interesting.

And I second the no "Yahoo!" at every paraloop. It would get incredibly annoying.

#2789 Ever encounter NiGHTS?

Posted by Silvia Callisto on 30 April 2007 - 01:46 PM in Dream Discussion

I haven't encountered him myself, but I've had NiGHTS-related dreams. It was either merchandise-related, like watching a TV-show, or it one of those times when I wasn't myself. If that makes sense. And even then I felt afterwards like I had played a role XD

I had similar, in a fashion. I never saw NiGHTS himself, but in one of my dreams, I did wind up seeing Ideya...red and blue, actually. (Ha...polar opposites...) I honestly don't know how I'd react if I ever saw him myself. I'll know if and when I do see him, though.

#2794 So, how many of you haven't actually played NiGHTS?

Posted by Silvia Callisto on 30 April 2007 - 01:55 PM in [ARCHiVED] NiD Discussion

Never played it.

I got reeled in because of Sonic Riders. I went looking for more info about the guy and found the site. Been hooked on the thing since Febuary.

#3472 Come meet Dark Night's Twisted World...

Posted by Silvia Callisto on 02 May 2007 - 02:20 PM in Introduce Yourself

Welcome to the forums, Dark Night! I, personally, like your signature, it makes me giggle. Also, from what I've seen from your avatar, you're a wonderful artist! I hope you enjoy it here!

#3957 Buying a Wii

Posted by Silvia Callisto on 04 May 2007 - 04:30 AM in NiGHTS chit-chat

I've wanted a Wii so I could play Twilight Princess, mainly...that, and actually get some exersize for once. (Thank goodness I have a fast metabolism.) NiGHTS coming out really bursted my want for a Wii - I asked dad to get me a Wii and JoD for Christmas.

#4042 NiD Rap BattleGround

Posted by Silvia Callisto on 04 May 2007 - 06:29 PM in Creative Stuff!

You? Out of character? Ha! That's a surprise.
You'd better watch it, NiGHTS, 'cause now I'm up on the rise.
If it weren't for me and El, your demise would've been met.
You didn't do it alone - or did you forget?

Did you forget about Wizeman, who trapped you in that palace?
And what about your brother, whose heart is full of malice?
Elliot and I are the reason you're free,
We beat 'em together - but we dreamers had the key.

So don't you dare go and get all cocky on us,
We don't really need to go and cause such a fuss.
Well, not just yet. Right now it's the two of us, ya see?
When the others get here, let's kick up this rapping spree.

I'm pretty sure the others're gonna get here soon,
but I highly doubt you'll be keepin' up your little tune.
Things'll get serious, everything delerious,
A little 'exam' turned brawl, and then bam!

Your senses all go outta whack, vision starts to turn to black,
What started out harmless becomes a downright rhymin' mess,
All success goes down the drain, all your comebacks used in vain,
You'll build up so much stress that you'll start to loose finesse.

So bring it on, NiGHTS, send me all that you got,
Word for word, I'll send you back all of my best shots,
And once the others arrive, we'll be at full war,
Nothing here will be said just for play anymore.

#5761 Personal Dreamscapes

Posted by Silvia Callisto on 20 May 2007 - 04:25 PM in Dream Discussion

Hm...if anything, most of the dreams that I remember having take place in some sort of urban place (one of them I called Seattle Skyline because it had this huge tower and it vaguely reminded me of Seattle). The only actual non-urban and nature-like place that I've ever seen was in a dream that I had a few weeks ago that sparked a story. Big white castle and then this place that I called the 'Green Gullies' because I couldn't think of anything else to name it.

#5764 What setting would you like to see for a dreamscape?

Posted by Silvia Callisto on 20 May 2007 - 04:47 PM in NiGHTS chit-chat

Personally, I'd like to see some sort of dreamscape that's like Babylon Garden/Sky Road in Sonic Riders. With some sort of weird Eurasian theme mixed in. And a giant bird-like Maren at the end.

...Jeez, I am NOT creative today...

#5970 NiD Rap BattleGround

Posted by Silvia Callisto on 21 May 2007 - 09:50 PM in Creative Stuff!

So says he who's got some screws loose himself,
But I agree about the Pian - he's gonna get shelfed.
Things have changed since the last time that I've been here,
But then again, you haven't noticed - so let's make this clear:

Shy little Claris's gone off and took a hike,
In case you didn't noticed, I've picked up the mike.
And I see that you're still clinging to that dumb mantle of yours,
Please tell me that you can find something better in stores.

And you, little Pian, you're way in over your head,
because in about ten seconds you're gonna wind up dead.
Mostly because of invisible man over there,
but, honestly, your stupidity amazes me, I swear!

So what, NiGHTS, if you've helped me out a few times?
Things have changed since then - you'd better note the rhymes
'cause in case you've haven't noticed I'm really rather pissed,
and if anyone asks, their face'll meet my fist.

Pian most especially - you're not just small in size,
Your puny arms length'll soon be your demise,
Because I really highly doubt that you can throw a grenade,
Head back to your egg - where you should've stayed,

'cause the temperature's risin' and the Maren are unsurprising,
and once you turn your back you'll be under attack.
Because the whole place is in uprise and to you I advise
that you high tail it out - and don't give me that pout!