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Personal Dreamscapes
Posted 15 May 2007 - 01:12 AM
I think I saw mine X3. Last week during Yoga class we went into meditation with a tape playing. Eventually I dazed off and I saw myself sitting in a lush green enviroment. Not like a forest, more like an overgrown maze garden. With plants intertwined and hanging off of arches and columns and such.
Now at first I thought this is a result of my meditating/daydreaming XD. But I've seen the place before in a dream, so my second thought was, maybe this is my dreamscape.
Any one else? ^.^
Posted 15 May 2007 - 04:50 AM
It too was a lush green place, only it had huge rolling mountains and valleys covered in tall grass that looked like an ocean when the wind was blowing, filled with what *looked* like purple heather and large stones and boulders. The sky was blue with huge white clouds and a bright sun. I could hear birds singing in the forest that laid at the edge of the wide open mountainous area, which is were I would enter from. Was the most beautiful place I've *ever* seen. The colors were so bright and rich, and I just felt calm and happy there.
Here's an actual pic I did at the time, though it still fails to capture the true beauty...
Also... I remember hearing a flute being played from somewhere one time. I walked around for a while before coming to a large hill, were a single tree stood at the top. That's were the music was coming from, but I never got a good look at who or what was playing it under that tree. XD Which is a pity... if I *had* seen, and it had been NiGHTS... that'd be some crazy stuff because 2 years ago, I NEVER saw anything NiGHTS related and knew nothing about the game. All I can remember is seeing a flute being held by white-looking hands. That's it... I woke up before I could see anymore.
That's going to *really* bug me now. 8|
Posted 16 May 2007 - 12:49 AM
Hm.... well, there is one place I've seen and visited more than once in my dreams. I believe that place could possibly be my dreamscape, although I haven't been there in over 2 years... it saddens me. ; ;
It too was a lush green place, only it had huge rolling mountains and valleys covered in tall grass that looked like an ocean when the wind was blowing, filled with what *looked* like purple heather and large stones and boulders. The sky was blue with huge white clouds and a bright sun. I could hear birds singing in the forest that laid at the edge of the wide open mountainous area, which is were I would enter from. Was the most beautiful place I've *ever* seen. The colors were so bright and rich, and I just felt calm and happy there.
Here's an actual pic I did at the time, though it still fails to capture the true beauty...
Also... I remember hearing a flute being played from somewhere one time. I walked around for a while before coming to a large hill, were a single tree stood at the top. That's were the music was coming from, but I never got a good look at who or what was playing it under that tree. XD Which is a pity... if I *had* seen, and it had been NiGHTS... that'd be some crazy stuff because 2 years ago, I NEVER saw anything NiGHTS related and knew nothing about the game. All I can remember is seeing a flute being held by white-looking hands. That's it... I woke up before I could see anymore.
That's going to *really* bug me now. 8|
Oh wow that pic is beautiful! I wish I could draw scenery like that ^^; That way I can show how my dreamscape looks like, but that dream you had with yours sounds very interesting, and it would be pretty freaky if it was NiGHTS in your dream before you even knew what it was XD. He's forever playing that inviso-flute of his so, you never know X3
I think I'll make an attempt at my dreamscape O.o, it's gonna be rough tho ^^; it was pretty "busy" looking, there was greenery and flowers everywhere. it looked more like it was overgrown on top of man-made objects like a maze or old buildings. Cause the shapes around me were rather flat and square-ish like walls, then there was an archway that was completely covered in vines and flowers so you couldn't see the arch itself.
Guest_Ideya Fairy_*
Posted 16 May 2007 - 01:06 AM
Posted 16 May 2007 - 10:00 AM
Posted 16 May 2007 - 10:13 AM
One I really liked and used to visit often looked like somebody's back garden and it was really beautiful. It had this enormous old weeping willow near the back of the garden that I would sit under and there was a pond and just loads of pretty plants ^^ I love that place!
Then I've had weirder ones like one looked like I was inside a huge tree or bush and there was a spiral staircase that went all the way to the top and it had like grown together from the twigs. And at the top of the staircase there was like a balkony that wen all around the top and you were right under the sky but you couldn't see it properly because there were leaves and branches in the way. The weird thing was there were old computers and wires and telephones all intertwined in the branches that were glowing in teal. That was a really strange cool place I'll have to draw it sometime!
And the one place I seem to visit most often in my dreams is a public loo were all the doors are missing D:
Posted 16 May 2007 - 02:49 PM
Posted 16 May 2007 - 08:22 PM
Posted 16 May 2007 - 10:24 PM
Oh Kat, when you mentioned meditation you reminded me of another dreamscape I went to while falling asleep during a yoga class. XD It was a recreation of a beach I went to in Brasil..except cloudy. Yes, I know. '2muchBrasilandcloudsftW!' you say. I bet these two dreamscapes are like, right next to each other or something..and say something about my state of mind. XD You guys can figure it out if you want, I'm too hungry right now.>.>
Posted 16 May 2007 - 11:44 PM
@Mystic cookie: Oooh that sounds weird and cool at the same time. Nature and Technology..
@Sierra: LoL there's nothing wrong with dreaming in Brazil XD it's all good, and meditation dreams ftw! LoL
Posted 17 May 2007 - 02:59 AM
City scape
several School scapes
Suburbs scape
Water (where ever, I dont see this one as often anymore)
Nature scapes
Usually my City scape reminds me of some streets in New York and the sun always has a bit of a midday golden hue to it (this is usually where some of my odd dreams happen, don't see this one as often anymore)
The School scape continues to change. Sometimes its a combo of my schools, one school slightly changed or a different school I've never been before entirely. These I see the most.
The Suburbs scape looks like the suburbs near where i live except more green and the grassy hills are really big and the road hills are longer and curve more. This one has more of an evening golden hue. I only visit this scape every once in a while
The water scape is usually me falling into water and drifting, maybe hearing some voices of others above the water occassionally. I havent had a dream like this in years.
Nature scapes just look like the other scapes with more vegetation in them, flowers the size of skyscrapers or the scape is basically some unknown place where I find a new type of flower (this only happened once XD)
So sort of my scapes are just basically revamped versions of what I see in real life (as all scapes usually are I think XD) but they all rock :3 lol
Posted 17 May 2007 - 03:49 AM
Usually, my dreams take me to what seems to be a new place most of the time... rarely do I ever dream in the 'same' places as before - unless I concentrate on it before I fall asleep. I found what I consider to be my personal dreamscape in a recent series of dreams that followed the same landscape, and I was somewhat able to explore and find that they were connected to the first dream in the 'scape that I had. It's in my Dream Diary if anyone's curious (I don't feel like reposting it.. but still need to draw it at some point).
Posted 17 May 2007 - 01:15 PM
The first one is a small dock, where the sun is always setting. It's sort of small and made out of concrete, and there are never any boats there. It's located at the end of a small alley, connected to the rest of the city.
The second place is a long street with cobblestones, going down a hill with tall old buildings on either side. There's a small store located in the basement of one of the houses at the bottom of the hill. I've been in there several times, and they always sell really cheap, weird things. Bits and pieces that you might get in a "Win every time~!" lottery.
The last place I haven't seen in a long time, but I was there all the time a couple of years ago. It's a bookstore located on top of a real estate office (that actually exist). You walk up a large white wooden staircase, and enter this white room PACKED with manga, western comics, artbooks, comic magazines... a lot of them are really rare in Sweden, and you could spend hours there just browsing the shelfs.
The last time I was there it had changed into a huge warehouse completly in dark oak. Huuuugeee bookshelves everywhere, and a funky looking elevator. I've never bought anything there, but I remember picking up "ElfQuest" once. O___o
Posted 17 May 2007 - 07:37 PM
Posted 17 May 2007 - 11:07 PM
About 90% of my dreams, in one way or another, a doorway would appear. It could be in the middle of a feild or a busy street, or anywhere else, and I open it. It's a really dark cave, except in the middle is like a heavenly light. All around this cave are demons I had to fight, or still fighting, and each one represents a hard time I had in my life. Some of these demons are really weak because I haven't had to deal with them for some time, while a few others are nothing but dust. But the few that still haunt me in real life, man are they pissed. Especially the one of my mom commiting the act of making me stay inside like a caged animal.
Now the heavenly light in the middle of the room, it's actually quite interesting. Until I actually step into this light, I take the shape of my waking self, nothing different whatsoever. But once I step in the middle, my body changes quite a bit. My left arm is replaced with a prosthetic one with a type of weapon I made up years ago. My glasses vanish and I can see perfectly. My clothes also change, but it also depends.
After I wake up, sometimes I wonder if that location is actually locked deep in my mind and can only be released when I sleep.
Posted 18 May 2007 - 02:56 AM
Posted 20 May 2007 - 04:50 AM
The CLoudy Carnival sounds cool. Kind of like something that seems like it needs to be in NiGHTS though. But maybe it's the whole jester thing?
Posted 20 May 2007 - 05:31 AM
It looks like the street I live on, except the road is replaced with a dark, frozen river, and the street is lined with sakura trees.
It looks really neat.
Posted 20 May 2007 - 04:25 PM
Posted 21 May 2007 - 06:23 AM
Posted 21 May 2007 - 10:15 AM
But it was a really great place. I even had one dream where I saw the map to the entire land, it was very Lord of The Rings-esque, but the only problem is is that I have zero artistic talent
Oh well, at least everyone else has really great dreamscapes as well.
Posted 21 May 2007 - 11:30 AM
Other than my dreamscape, Soul's Dawn, my dreams move around.
Everyone else's dreamscapes sound beautiful too.
Posted 21 May 2007 - 08:48 PM
Posted 21 May 2007 - 08:51 PM
I haven't figured out a name for it yet...
Posted 25 May 2007 - 08:15 AM
I go there a lot, so I remember a lot of it, and from there I can access anywhere I want. Its so quiet, it gets eerie, but I can learn all I want and explore. I love it.
Posted 27 May 2007 - 03:19 AM
The main part of it seems to revolve around a rather dark and grey (and twisted) version of my hometown. Some places look just like they would going down the street here, and some look like badly drawn cartoon buildings. there's a highway setup on one end of the main town that looks like a horrible spaghetti monster, and many of those loops and turns just stop without warning. There's a weird amusement park near that highway. It changes per dream, but parts remain the same. Lots of residential areas, too. the houses vary a whole lot. there's one that looks like a regular house, but it's actually a candy shop with ice cream inside. another that looks dull and grey, but it's got twisty slides in the yard, and inside it looks like a mad scientist's labratory. complete with torture devices. There's schools, a hospital, a mall that seems to randomly change between being a mall, a college dorm, a museum/library, and a few other things. that place has the coolest arcade in it, too.
there's a lot of wide open areas outside of that town... two volcanoes. I -hate- those things. they always decide to erupt when you get close. there's a lake that resembles the lake near my hometown, only it's a place usually reserved for nightmares. Don't like that area at all. Wide open pastures full of caves and hidey holes for various creatures. there's a desert area out there somewhere with a upside down pyramid buried halfway down in it. Only seen that place a couple times.
My dreamscape has lots of places that pop up often when i dream. I'm usually in above mentioned areas, but there's a whole lot more that I see often. It doesn't seem to change that much, save for the usual moving around and altering. But when you dream, you always seem to know exactly where a place is, or how to cross an area safely. Or just fly over it.
Posted 04 June 2007 - 01:30 AM
Posted 04 June 2007 - 01:40 AM
Posted 04 June 2007 - 03:08 AM
Posted 04 June 2007 - 10:30 PM
You have to be there to appreciate it, but I don't really have a dreamscspe that reccurs for me.
Oh wait, dream pad? It looks like a friggin' SA book.
Posted 05 July 2007 - 08:29 PM
Posted 05 July 2007 - 08:36 PM
Posted 06 July 2007 - 07:54 AM
Edited by Purgatory, 06 July 2007 - 10:39 AM.
Deleted by Request of Poster
Posted 06 July 2007 - 09:53 AM
That's a far cry from you first seeing NiGHTS in a comic book/Google searches/Newgrounds and not knowing what he or a Nightmaren was. You have a lot going on in there.-Deleted-
You know what they say about finding a place to park your load: Location, location location.
Edit: Er.. to clarify, I meant the location of the dreamscape. As in.. Nightmare.. is a bad.. location? *Oozes away*
Posted 07 July 2007 - 09:01 PM
I'm immune to the cold and there's this bench I seem to be fond of.
He's what the city looks like:
Posted 06 August 2007 - 10:05 AM
What is first there notably is roofs - pointed ones at that; oddly shaped Victorian style houses yet somehow mixed into doors that slide open similar to something you see in Feudal Japan. There are lights hanging, changing colors - I could almost convince them being stop-and-go lights, meaning they change from red, yellow, to green, but all are floating lamps being held up by nothing. There are notably dirt roads as well, yet the floors inside of the buildings are white and shining and the walls are unbelievably designed with detail. There were also many spiraling stair cases, inside of the buildings, outside of the buildings - around towers, some twisting around into other buildings in impossible feats yet at the sametime people were able to walk in them defying physics itself. Some, even had no support yet walked straight up into the sky leading seemingly no where.
The buildings go high, but more than often than not, I'm able to jump onto the lower of buildings with no problem with certain ways of jumping from walls onto it. [maybe it's over exaggerating in dreams?] Everything has a red/orange/yellow hue - at least the buildings while the sky is a dark blue and purple murky color constantly. Notably, it's always night. There are usually high towards around, with vines - or veins growing into the buildings as well, you can see odd liquid flowing through them - as there's often wispy lights floating around - in fact in general the there are lights constantly glowing and floating about, one small enough you can hold it between your fingers.
There are sometimes people walking around in said place, but I never pay attention to them for some reason or another in them, or even how they act. There are glowing neon signs too way up high - and believe me, the place is huge, I remember climbing to a higher building, and seeing the strange view over the horizon. Notably odd, was a strange paradox where I stood standing, I saw my own back. from the highest point. It was really kind of neat?
Posted 08 August 2007 - 03:10 AM
Posted 08 August 2007 - 03:32 AM
Posted 09 August 2007 - 03:21 PM
Forest- -Mountain
Yeah...There ya go. The ocean cliff was where Somni asked me "Wanna fly..?" and shoved me off. XD That's pretty much how I learned to fly when lucid.
EDiT: So the justification of my post killed my little compass...Whatever. DX
Posted 11 August 2007 - 02:54 AM
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