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Getting Lucid
Posted 27 April 2007 - 11:07 AM

How do you prefer to get to lucid dreaming and meet NiGHTS? Personally, I like to do RCs (Reality Checks; Looking at your hands in Reality to create a habit of looking at them in a dream so you become lucid), but I've been failing at that recently. There's tons of ways to get Lucid. Here's a few:
- MILD (Mnemonic induction of lucid dreams) = Easiest for new lucid dreamers. Repeat to yourself something like "I will Lucid Dream Tonight. I will be aware I am in a dream!" over and over again while you fall asleep.
- WBTB (Wake-back-to-bed) Sleep for 5 hours, wake up, do a MILD, and fall back to sleep.
- WILD (Wake-initiated lucid dream) = My favorite, but the hardest of them all. I often let my mind wander until the hypnagogic imagery starts to appear (for me, it's flashing lights). What this one is, is that you fall asleep while awake! So, you keep yourself concentrated on the imagery that starts to appear when you close your eyes. You concentrate more and more until you are in the dream. This tends to also be the scariest, because of sleep paralysis (ya' know that feeling when your foot falls asleep in the morning? That's sleep paralysis when you wake up. Imagine that for most of your body while trying to fall-asleep ><.). Sleep paralysis happens reguarly, every day in-fact, but it can be scary for some people.
So, how do you get lucid? What do you prefer to do?
More info on Lucidity:
Posted 27 April 2007 - 12:04 PM

I go to to learn more stuff and to find new ways to dream. :D Tea and chocolates for everyone~!
Posted 27 April 2007 - 12:08 PM

I go to to learn more stuff and to find new ways to dream.
Tea and chocolates for everyone~!
You too?! D: That was the first site I went to to research lucid dreaming. It tought me a technique so that I could remember my dreams. As you are lying in bed trying to sleep, try thinking to yourself "I will remember my dreams. I will remember my dreams..." Oddly enough, I have had this work for me several times. Neat!
Posted 27 April 2007 - 12:14 PM

You too?! D: That was the first site I went to to research lucid dreaming. It tought me a technique so that I could remember my dreams. As you are lying in bed trying to sleep, try thinking to yourself "I will remember my dreams. I will remember my dreams..." Oddly enough, I have had this work for me several times. Neat!
Sweet~ You should try putting an amethyst or a quartz (non-cracked) crystal under your pillow. It can help you remember more and add zest to your dreams. @w@
Posted 27 April 2007 - 12:21 PM

Sweet~ You should try putting an amethyst or a quartz (non-cracked) crystal under your pillow. It can help you remember more and add zest to your dreams. @w@
*gasp* My real mom gave me one of those a long time ago. That would help so much!
My memory stinks majorly. (I said something else but edited it for the good of the children.) When ever I study for a test and then go to sleep, I forget all the information I just studied. NOT COOL! I have been up all night so I won't let that happen for the final I will take in the next 2 hours. (I took a nap a long time before another final...woke and needed to restudy everything in 30 min. ACK!)
Of course my dream memory is just as bad. I rarely remember my dreams or I only remember random ones.
(Which stinks because people think my diary is bogos because the few dreams I have in there are anime or video game related. Sorry if I can't remember most or some are as short as me getting hit by a tidal wave while playing a game called Pika Pica Puka.)
Posted 27 April 2007 - 02:00 PM

Posted 27 April 2007 - 02:32 PM

I'll try that MILD. :B
Posted 27 April 2007 - 07:39 PM

Sweet~ You should try putting an amethyst or a quartz (non-cracked) crystal under your pillow. It can help you remember more and add zest to your dreams. @w@
Hmm....., I've heard about the amethyst crystal thing. I should try that sometime soon....
Posted 27 April 2007 - 07:56 PM

I go to to learn more stuff and to find new ways to dream.
Tea and chocolates for everyone~!

As for myself, the hardest thing for me is getting to sleep ><. It takes sometimes even longer than hours for me to go to sleep, even when I'm tired. I've only successfully entered a WILD...once, and that was because I wasn't paying attention to anything and I remained awake and entered one. But, I "ruled out" 'No, this isn't a dream.' when it was. Grr ><.
As for LD about NiGHTS, only once. And, he just appeared twice in it. Never talked or anything. Sadly, the only way for me to meet NiGHTS in a dream is usually while Lucid.
Posted 27 April 2007 - 08:05 PM

You should see that. It's not normal.Thanks
! I'll be sure to check it out!
As for myself, the hardest thing for me is getting to sleep ><. It takes sometimes even longer than hours for me to go to sleep, even when I'm tired.
Some years ago I had to stay in bed awake for about THREE hours. I couldn't sleep. And this lasted months... Then I discovered that the place where I slept was too cold and had too much noise. I changed places and I could sleep well. I have to switch places with a certain frequence, because the old place soon gets annoying. Thesedays, the place where I sleep is too cold. I have to change, again.
See if it's it. Maybe you just have to change your bed's place.
Posted 27 April 2007 - 08:21 PM

Hmm... I suppose I'll try that along with MILD or WILD, whichever works better in my case.Sweet~ You should try putting an amethyst or a quartz (non-cracked) crystal under your pillow. It can help you remember more and add zest to your dreams. @w@
I have been having a hard time remembering my dreams just recently, as well as dreaming altogether.
Posted 27 April 2007 - 08:22 PM

Meh, I doubt it. It's mostly because I always have to be moving or I get bored when trying to do a WILD, lol. BUT, it does take me a long time to go to sleep once I do actually want to go to sleep. I don't know why, but I'm gonna start looking into it. It's deffinately easier when I'm tired, but, idk. Maybe it's because I go to bed when I'm not tired, 'cause I'm forced to by others and myselfYou should see that. It's not normal.
Some years ago I had to stay in bed awake for about THREE hours. I couldn't sleep. And this lasted months... Then I discovered that the place where I slept was too cold and had too much noise. I changed places and I could sleep well. I have to switch places with a certain frequence, because the old place soon gets annoying. Thesedays, the place where I sleep is too cold. I have to change, again.
See if it's it. Maybe you just have to change your bed's place.

Posted 27 April 2007 - 08:27 PM

I'm in the same case you are. One of my sides can get crampy after a while, and I shift myself into another sleeping position.Meh, I doubt it. It's mostly because I always have to be moving or I get bored when trying to do a WILD, lol. BUT, it does take me a long time to go to sleep once I do actually want to go to sleep. I don't know why, but I'm gonna start looking into it. It's deffinately easier when I'm tired, but, idk. Maybe it's because I go to bed when I'm not tired, 'cause I'm forced to by others and myself
. Or, because I'm uncomfortable in my bed...
Posted 27 April 2007 - 08:48 PM

Anyway, I found some really odd method by complete accident which has boosted my dream recall and lucidity rate dramatically.
I'm just going to quote my post on ld4all:
1. Find a good Lucid Dreaming hyponsis-type mp3 and load it to an mp3 player/iPod/etc. Make sure to make it in it's own folder if you don't want to be waken up by the next track if you fall asleep.
2. Get to bed at a decent time, of course. 10:30 is good.
3. While in bed I do something to keep my mind going. My favorite activity is a nice, long, run at Chip's Challenge on the Atari Lynx.Obviously, you can read a book too.
4. Once you get really tired and it's hard to focus (usually 30-45 minutes for me), lie down, slip on your headphones/earbuds and play the track you loaded into your media player. If you fall asleep, that's fine.
I might just be completely insane, but this works great for me. I'm also pretty good at WILDing, but waking up in the middle of the night is quite rare for me, and I tend to sleep through my alarm clock anyway, so...
Posted 27 April 2007 - 09:02 PM

By the way, I reccomend for lucid dreamers, the forum's got a huge wealth of information that makes for a lot of interesting reading.
Anyway, I found some really odd method by complete accident which has boosted my dream recall and lucidity rate dramatically.
I'm just going to quote my post on ld4all:
I might just be completely insane, but this works great for me. I'm also pretty good at WILDing, but waking up in the middle of the night is quite rare for me, and I tend to sleep through my alarm clock anyway, so...
Yes, ld4all! LOVE that site, gave me final inspiration and a lot of information about LD-ing before I came to the forums. I checked out the forums once or twice, but haven't recently....
I might try the .mp3 thing. I heard of it before, didn't give it much thought at first (don't have an mp3 player with a lot of battery power >< ), but...might try it now.
I'm in the same case you are. One of my sides can get crampy after a while, and I shift myself into another sleeping position.
That happens a bit with me. Mostly, my chest starts feeling like it's saying "COME ON, MOVE! I'M SOOOO BORED!!!", because I always fidget with a lot of stuff except when I'm reading. And, it creeps up all my limbs until I just move and totally destroy my WILD or MILD (unless I'm in sleep paralysis).
Posted 27 April 2007 - 09:05 PM

Posted 27 April 2007 - 09:41 PM

Posted 27 April 2007 - 09:55 PM

Anyway, you've gotten mixed up with a lot of your terms there (Wake Back To Bed is wrong for example, you're close, but not quite on the mark), so yeah, DV is the place to go, but stay clear of the forums.
On topic though, a good old DILD is for me. People always try to overcomplicate things, which is lame. Just keep a journal and do your reality checks. You'll lucid dream. Too much effort has negative effects when you try, so calm down etc.
Posted 28 April 2007 - 12:14 AM

Anyway, you've gotten mixed up with a lot of your terms there (Wake Back To Bed is wrong for example, you're close, but not quite on the mark), so yeah, DV is the place to go, but stay clear of the forums.
Oh, whoops ><. Didn't really look into WBTB as much, not my favorite LD-technique (not convienent for me). Anyway, I'll be sure to check out DV!
DILD works for me the most, out of all of them. And, WILD discourages me way too easily ><.
Posted 28 April 2007 - 12:33 AM

The total silence thing makes me mad because everyone says listening to soothing music helps you sleep, or get lucid, and etc. Not me. I tried oh so hard and it won't work.
I think always being in an uncomfortable environment is the main cause. But I can't help it. I am in a dorm. Which means its freezing cold because my roommates are ferkin Eskimos, loud blaring car music in the parking lot at midnight, people having fun in the room above me at 2:00 in the mourning, and then the 6:00 a.m. blow dryer I hear every mourning. Oh isn't college life grand? lol
But beyond the point, I wonder if the kind of music you listen to does affect your dreaming. I think (once and only once) I fell asleep so some soothing music I had playing on my GBA (Twilight Town), and I remember that was the time I had this very easy going dream. I was in the water and everything was calm and tranquil. I can imagine what would happen if I had soothing music playing on min, and then Metallica the next.
Posted 28 April 2007 - 01:14 AM

Posted 28 April 2007 - 01:34 AM

I have this really unorthodox, weirdo way that helps me lucid dream. I didn't learn it anywere, I just kinda..did it one night and kept doing it. Anyways, I call it, 'exploring my subconscious'. First I close my eyes and try to visualize myself, and for some reason, every night I look different. Anyways, once I visualize myself, I start walking around, at first in a kind of nothingness. But as I fall asleep, stuff starts appearing/ happening. Like one time, I found myself dressed like a valkyrie, wandered around in nothingness, and all of a sudden there's a big stone tower that I'm climbing, whereupon when I reached the top, I find a valley and go flying. I think since I start to control my dreams before/as they start, I'm able to be more lucid. Will someone try my method and see how it works for them?
Hmm...., something similar to that happens to me a lot, or at least every once and awhile. I'll think of something and start visualizing me doing things, and my subconscious starts to continue the events for me as I get more tired. I've never exactly continued doing it for a long time before, I might try that tonight, or sometime soon.....
Anyway, that sounds vaguely familiar as to something I've read about before....
Posted 28 April 2007 - 01:40 AM

And Twilight Town, Yami? I've done it before with Dearly Beloved, if I recall...
Posted 28 April 2007 - 02:43 AM

Posted 28 April 2007 - 02:46 AM

Posted 28 April 2007 - 03:00 AM

Posted 28 April 2007 - 03:23 AM

Somehow it's really hard for me to get lucid ._. It's like, in my dream I tell myself "this is a dream", and I wake up.
Posted 28 April 2007 - 03:25 AM

Posted 28 April 2007 - 03:33 AM

For instance, I need to come up with my setting and just kind of hang out there using my imagination until I steadily fall asleep. Of course it is always helpful to do math problems or do some kind of action like walk around or swim, what ever makes you relaxed but stay conscious. Keep your breathing steady and concentrate on it so there is consistency and stability so you don't wander off into subconsciousness. After that I should be feeling the effects of the hypnotic stage and paralysis and then eventually weather it works or not, in my lucid dream.
Unfortunetly for me it hardly works and it usually takes me at LEAST 45 mins to even get into it so you have to be really patient.
Sometimes I try to do it the more common way, and thats lucid dreaming after the first 5 hours of sleep because that is when your REM kicks in. I then wake after 4-5 hours of sleep and stay up for a half hour and do something relaxing. I usually make a cup of coffee and burn some inscents, the coffee for helping to stay conscious before I try to induce lucidity. After that I just do what I did in the description above and hope for the better.
Hmm, I hope that helps someone out, the first one is basically a WILD and the second being a WBTB but theres always something you can tweak to modify it to your benefit. My weakness is staying conscious while doing it, and I have tried HILD's (Hypnotic Induced Lucid Dream)before but those require a good memory and lots of concentration.
Posted 28 April 2007 - 03:38 AM

Hmm....., I've heard about the amethyst crystal thing. I should try that sometime soon....
Wow that seems really interesting, it makes sense too. I might try that sometimes as I practice Druid Magic and need them anyway XD
I knew that those can store memory because I actually like researching that "Mystery of the 13 Crystal Skulls" which are made of the same crystal that they use in computer chips to store memory. And they do mention something about the archaeologist who found the first one and gave it to his daughter. She put it next to her bed as she slept and it gave her dreams about Native American history. They say the crystal skulls hold the unsolved mysteries of life, I was fascinated by it and looked up alot about it, I was suppose to get a book on it for x-mas but never got around to it lol.
Check it out if your interested.
Posted 28 April 2007 - 11:31 AM

Oh, whoops ><. Didn't really look into WBTB as much, not my favorite LD-technique (not convienent for me). Anyway, I'll be sure to check out DV!
DILD works for me the most, out of all of them. And, WILD discourages me way too easily ><.
WILD isn't for begginers, it takes a hell of a lot of skill. People tend to just jump into it. because it's the coolest sounding one.
Posted 28 April 2007 - 04:10 PM

I know, but I decided to stick with it first (mostly because the others are rather inconvenient for me). I've had one successful WILD (sort of. It wasn't quite a WILD, mostly because I let my mind wander, but entered a dream while conscious, anyway.), anyway.WILD isn't for begginers, it takes a hell of a lot of skill. People tend to just jump into it. because it's the coolest sounding one.
Posted 28 April 2007 - 04:24 PM

Hmm...., the most recent Lucid Dream I had was in the last few hours of my sleep, but most of my LDs tend to be somewhere between the first and last 5 hours, usually a little more towards the first.I use a fusion of many of them. For some reason and its not the same for everyone, but I usually lucid dream in my first 5 hours of sleep, other than the last few after the 5 your suppose to get before trying to lucid dream.
For instance, I need to come up with my setting and just kind of hang out there using my imagination until I steadily fall asleep. Of course it is always helpful to do math problems or do some kind of action like walk around or swim, what ever makes you relaxed but stay conscious. Keep your breathing steady and concentrate on it so there is consistency and stability so you don't wander off into subconsciousness. After that I should be feeling the effects of the hypnotic stage and paralysis and then eventually weather it works or not, in my lucid dream.
Unfortunetly for me it hardly works and it usually takes me at LEAST 45 mins to even get into it so you have to be really patient.
Sometimes I try to do it the more common way, and thats lucid dreaming after the first 5 hours of sleep because that is when your REM kicks in. I then wake after 4-5 hours of sleep and stay up for a half hour and do something relaxing. I usually make a cup of coffee and burn some inscents, the coffee for helping to stay conscious before I try to induce lucidity. After that I just do what I did in the description above and hope for the better.
Hmm, I hope that helps someone out, the first one is basically a WILD and the second being a WBTB but theres always something you can tweak to modify it to your benefit. My weakness is staying conscious while doing it, and I have tried HILD's (Hypnotic Induced Lucid Dream)before but those require a good memory and lots of concentration.
I often try to imagine myself doing something I'd like to do in a dream (hang out with NiGHTS, run around Spring Valley, etc.) while falling asleep, but it takes about that long, maybe 15 mins less, to finally fall asleep. But, I keep trying anyway.
As for doing WBTBs, they work sometimes for me. But, most of my LDs are DILDs, so, nothing else seems to really be working too well for me (or, the more likely case, I need to put more effort in, lol).
Posted 28 April 2007 - 10:08 PM

Posted 28 April 2007 - 10:13 PM

Posted 29 April 2007 - 12:14 AM

Anyway, I followed Kichigai's advice with the crystal thing, but it didn't seem to work yet. Today, my mom got me a Deep Amythyst pendant. I don't know if it'll work due to it being fractured, but I'll try putting it under my pillow at bed-time.
I also tried the MILD, by thinking to myself "Please let me have a dream tonight" or something like that. It must of backfired... D: Plus I forgot the dream I had after around 10 seconds...
Posted 29 April 2007 - 12:51 AM

I have a clear quartz that I've had since I was 13 and always kept it under my pillow. It has helped me greatly with dreams. (With odd side-effects) Just keep trying and it might work for you. I know it has worked on others because I experimented on them without telling what's going on. I gave Spon nightmares. XD;;;
Posted 29 April 2007 - 12:00 PM

Hmm...., that happens a bit with me too. That's why I'm starting to realize that DILD is probably the best method for me.I don't seem to be that much into the WBTB form of Lucid Dreaming. It's just that once I go to bed, I hardly ever get up, and once I do get up, I just lay there.
Posted 29 April 2007 - 02:01 PM

Since then (two monthes ago) I've been trying all the various methods to zero effect. Though again, I almost got Lucidity a couple of NiGHTS back when some guy stabbed me in my dream, but it didn't hurt. I had the completely conscious thought of "Wait, why didn't that hurt?" but then my dream kicked in at full power again and made me ignore it XD
I shall get Lucidity one of these days though! XDXD
Posted 29 April 2007 - 08:25 PM

The first night I tried Lucid Dreaming I used the WILD method and from what I gather, almost got it to work... but as the dream/vision went on I started to feel completely overwhelmed by what I saw and made myself stop. Very disturbing night.
Since then (two monthes ago) I've been trying all the various methods to zero effect. Though again, I almost got Lucidity a couple of NiGHTS back when some guy stabbed me in my dream, but it didn't hurt. I had the completely conscious thought of "Wait, why didn't that hurt?" but then my dream kicked in at full power again and made me ignore it XD
I shall get Lucidity one of these days though! XDXD
Hmm...,same thing happened to me around January/December. I was trying to imagine myself in Spring Valley, but I got bored and scared so I opened my eyes and failed. Nothing very close to that since...
As for getting lucid in a dream, I had a short period of time when I got lucid almost every night. But, that faded when I started to do less Reality Checks ><. And, I almost always get hurt in dreams, no matter what happens....
Speaking of which, I've got another question for everyone: How often do you think I/we should do RCs? I've heard 15 a day, but I don't know how I should space them. Any suggestions?
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