Hmm...,same thing happened to me around January/December. I was trying to imagine myself in Spring Valley, but I got bored and scared so I opened my eyes and failed. Nothing very close to that since...
As for getting lucid in a dream, I had a short period of time when I got lucid almost every night. But, that faded when I started to do less Reality Checks ><. And, I almost always get hurt in dreams, no matter what happens....
Speaking of which, I've got another question for everyone: How often do you think I/we should do RCs? I've heard 15 a day, but I don't know how I should space them. Any suggestions?
maybe you were denied access to Spring Valley, you wouldn't want to upset Claris would you? Lol jk.
If you want to do 15 RC's a day you should do 5 every 6 hours, kind of like how your suppose to space out your 3 meals a day every 6 hours.