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Getting Lucid

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Hmm...,same thing happened to me around January/December. I was trying to imagine myself in Spring Valley, but I got bored and scared so I opened my eyes and failed. Nothing very close to that since...

As for getting lucid in a dream, I had a short period of time when I got lucid almost every night. But, that faded when I started to do less Reality Checks ><. And, I almost always get hurt in dreams, no matter what happens....

Speaking of which, I've got another question for everyone: How often do you think I/we should do RCs? I've heard 15 a day, but I don't know how I should space them. Any suggestions?

maybe you were denied access to Spring Valley, you wouldn't want to upset Claris would you? Lol jk.

If you want to do 15 RC's a day you should do 5 every 6 hours, kind of like how your suppose to space out your 3 meals a day every 6 hours.



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maybe you were denied access to Spring Valley, you wouldn't want to upset Claris would you? Lol jk.

If you want to do 15 RC's a day you should do 5 every 6 hours, kind of like how your suppose to space out your 3 meals a day every 6 hours.


Hmm...I was thinking of doing something similar to that. I'll try it. Thanks.




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Hmm...I was thinking of doing something similar to that. I'll try it. Thanks.

Yay! Glad I could help.3




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I've tried all manner of reality checks before, but the most effective one thus far has been simply asking myself "Am I dreaming?" at certain points of the day. I don't really schedule it.. ^^; But when a certain moment comes along, one that reminds me of a dream or could be dream-like, I just ask it. And I don't automatically answer - I take the time to check my surroundings and make sure all is in the waking! Making a habit of that finally paid off last night! Although I had no control, I was well aware that I was dreaming.

Ah yes, and I tried that WBTB method too - slept for five, stayed up for two, and then dreamed for the better part of an hour, it felt like. :3 I do wanna try WILD, especially during the week when I have to work.

This is fantastic! It's like a whole new world is slowly opening up to me!

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This makes me sad. I have never had a Lucid dream ever before in my life. XD

Sorry to hear pal but there's hope ^^

Using a quartz doesn't work 100% all the time. One thing you should know is that quartz crystals are always sending certain types of frequencies There's quartz in radios, TVs, and even military usage. (Ebay it!). Sometimes it takes some time for your crystal to "adjust" to your mind/spirital/etc frequency. The longer it is around your presences, the more insync it will become.

I have a clear quartz that I've had since I was 13 and always kept it under my pillow. It has helped me greatly with dreams. (With odd side-effects) Just keep trying and it might work for you. I know it has worked on others because I experimented on them without telling what's going on. I gave Spon nightmares. XD;;;

Awesome (besides the side-effect)

I want one ^____^



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I've tried all manner of reality checks before, but the most effective one thus far has been simply asking myself "Am I dreaming?" at certain points of the day. I don't really schedule it.. ^^; But when a certain moment comes along, one that reminds me of a dream or could be dream-like, I just ask it. And I don't automatically answer - I take the time to check my surroundings and make sure all is in the waking! Making a habit of that finally paid off last night! Although I had no control, I was well aware that I was dreaming.

Ah yes, and I tried that WBTB method too - slept for five, stayed up for two, and then dreamed for the better part of an hour, it felt like. :3 I do wanna try WILD, especially during the week when I have to work.

This is fantastic! It's like a whole new world is slowly opening up to me!

WILDs are very hard >____<! I don't suggest doing 'em right away, unless your really are confident you can do it etc. I fail them a lot, but I did have a successful one once ^_^!

As for doing RCs, I have been forgetting know ><. I really need to start doing them again, I was on a roll a few months ago.


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I've only known I was dreaming on a few occasions and I don't think I believe all this stuff. Seems strange.




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I get lucid randomly. Sometimes I am kinda lucid, sometimes I am not, sometimes I just dream and scream "WAKE UP METRA, YOU ARE GONNA BE LATE FOR CLASS! WAKE UP YOU LAZY PERSON! AAAAAAAAAA".

I'll try that MILD. :B

me too, except waking up for school. I avoid waking up for school until I have to.




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On topic though, a good old DILD is for me. People always try to overcomplicate things, which is lame. Just keep a journal and do your reality checks. You'll lucid dream. Too much effort has negative effects when you try, so calm down etc.

This. RCs aren't good to rely on though, I only do them if I'm genuinely questioning whether I'm awake or not.

I keep a journal, read my journal, and subconsciously (consciously I'm not bright enough but my subconscious has me covered) pick up on things, and while I'm dreaming (and awake for that matter) I keep a skeptical attitude. Usually in dreams at at least one point I'll think, "Okay, that doesn't make sense... but I'll go with it." which right there is really close to being lucid. I have to catch myself before I finish that thought and become lucid.

So there's my method, probably won't work for everyone... but then I've never looked into it, it might. Try it.




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Yes, that's a good way of doing reality checks, a little unreliable though. (In fact very unreliable, depending on the amont of control you have beforhand)




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Having Lucid dreams is really random for me.

I can controll them to some extent. Like I can move myself but I cannot stay in the same area at once, the environment keeps moving for me.

I also have dreams were I'm going trough windows and I have to tear the screens to get out. Mind you, these windows have like 20 layers worth of screens to them.
So yeah, the screen thing is getting better but those dang dreams keep popping up.


Also, if anyone could give me a link to dream dictionaries that have an adequate number of meanings, that would be nice, thanks!




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I usually try to have a cool temperature, cold enough that its cozy to be under blankets with 6 pillows around me :3 I usually play some new age because its so relaxing, and I burn an insence. What also helps is if its windy and the trees are blowing or if its raining. It helps me induce lucidity, and while I'm lucid I like to relax in the grass staring up at the starry sky in my designated dreamscape. To help me concentrate and not relax too much to loose lucidity, I swim in the nearby river. Its so fun.

On rare occasions, I'll actually meditate before going to sleep. On other times I drink hot tea or eat a banana smoothie, it really depends on my mood but all help in different ways. (I used this part in the "Dream Food" thread ;) )


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I've actually read somewhere that instead of utilizing mind techniques to LD, instead you use outside stimuli. The process is, you associate in your something in your mind which is real, then as you sleep, the outside stimuli is activiated and you figure out in your mind that you are dreaming.

To do this, typically you take normal LCD lights (most people prefer blinking lights so that they may recognize that they are in a dream easier) and place them over your eyelids before you go to sleep. The LCD lights have motion sensors, so that when one goes into their REM cycle (dream cycle) the LCD lights detect this and begin blinking, thus alerting your dream self that you are in a dream, not seemingly in reality.

This process is typically used for people who are not able to utilize normal mind techniques to lucid dream. :mellow:




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I personally favor reality checks since most of my lucid dreams have been by accident.




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I've actually read somewhere that instead of utilizing mind techniques to LD, instead you use outside stimuli. The process is, you associate in your something in your mind which is real, then as you sleep, the outside stimuli is activiated and you figure out in your mind that you are dreaming.

To do this, typically you take normal LCD lights (most people prefer blinking lights so that they may recognize that they are in a dream easier) and place them over your eyelids before you go to sleep. The LCD lights have motion sensors, so that when one goes into their REM cycle (dream cycle) the LCD lights detect this and begin blinking, thus alerting your dream self that you are in a dream, not seemingly in reality.

This process is typically used for people who are not able to utilize normal mind techniques to lucid dream. :)

A product used to exist called a 'novadreamer', there have been many knockoffs since. Essentially it made peopes dreams involve bright flashy lights by flashing LEDs. So it gave them a dreamsign. The rest was up to them.

As to if it was any good? It used to exist.


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A product used to exist called a 'novadreamer', there have been many knockoffs since. Essentially it made peopes dreams involve bright flashy lights by flashing LEDs. So it gave them a dreamsign. The rest was up to them.

As to if it was any good? It used to exist.

My friend was actually thinking of making a custom one...
I wonder what happened to that....




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My friend was actually thinking of making a custom one...
I wonder what happened to that....

The Nova Dreamer was discontinued due to seizure hazards.




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The Nova Dreamer was discontinued due to seizure hazards.

And where did you hear this exactly?




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gah, something that happened to me the other night that really frustrates me... I realized I was dreaming. I did a reality check and figured it out and even told myself "this is a dream" but... I didn't realize what that all meant... exactly. so I wasn't fully lucid~

This happens to me sometimes. where I suppose I am techinically lucid, but don't realize that I'm not taking advantage of it the way I should...

and in some cases I won't realize I'm dreaming... but I do feel super powerful and control everything that is going on in my dreams...

very rarely do I both know I'm dreaming, and realize I can control my actions/do anything I want because it is a dream. Only then do I identify it as a truly lucid dream... and they only come once in a while.

I guess I'll just keep working on that. But does anyone else know what I'm talking about or have the same problems?




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One certain lucid dream I can remember was in late spring this year or somewhere around that... I never did enough reality checks, but, when I saw surroundings of my house covered with snow, I went like: "Uh, okay, the snow? WTF, girl, it's the month May already, there's no snow!". So then I've just run around the place like a happy idiot, yelling "It's a dream and I'm aware of that!", and I've tried to fly - which I succeed...

Sadly, no more lucid dreams now. There's one thing I've mastered - whenever I'm in a nightmare, I can jab myself out of it into the waking...
I should work on getting lucid much more seriously...

BTW, I think I've almost made it to the WILD lucid dream when I was a kid - at least I can certainly recall a sleep paralysis, myself thinking "I'm not sleeping", and hearing a few words being sung... The auditory hallucination, right? One thing I can remember for sure is that this sudden auditory hallucination was so realistic that it was almost shocking, so I've jumped off my bed... I'm trying to do WILD now - just to see if I can do it or not - but I don't expect much success. But that's okay - sleep paralysis is quite a funny state, I like it )

And yes, I have a question - sometimes when I fall asleep, I feel the sensation of actual FALLING. Like, I'm coming down some stairs, and then all of sudden the stairs is gone and I'm fallind down like a heavy stone... It lasts for a few seconds only, because by the time the panic thought "Ayeee, I'm falling!!!" hits my head, I'm awake... Have anyone experienced anything similar?

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I dunno if I get "lucid", but I act it out and make desicions and actions in my dreams. Does that count...?



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I well f*!*ing Lucid Dreamt last night. For the first time ever. Completely randomly too, no prior methoding or nout.

I had a rather long dream, which lead to me coming down in an elevator with a priest in school, wearing only a towel. I felt too akward int he elevator, so got off at the "PATTERN AND PATCHES" floor of my school, thinking I'd find clothes there. I went through a corridor, and began to run towards my clothes.

It was then I noticed that the other kids were also running, but very statically. Like frames were missing or something. they would just reappear further down the corridor.

And I thought to myself, this is a dream. I'm dreaming. And then I was like, I'm freeking Lucid Dreaming =D.

I ran the rest of the way down the corridor, thinking what I should do, but got a bit dizzy. And I was like, nooo, I'm gonna wake up, so I managed to calm myself down, and tried to think what I should do.

Unfortunately, I decided to just put on my clothes and continue with my dream.

And then Raving Rabbits fell out the vent pipes and it all went back to just wierd Jof dream. The End.




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I well f*!*ing Lucid Dreamt last night. For the first time ever. Completely randomly too, no prior methoding or nout.

I had a rather long dream, which lead to me coming down in an elevator with a priest in school, wearing only a towel. I felt too akward int he elevator, so got off at the "PATTERN AND PATCHES" floor of my school, thinking I'd find clothes there. I went through a corridor, and began to run towards my clothes.

It was then I noticed that the other kids were also running, but very statically. Like frames were missing or something. they would just reappear further down the corridor.

And I thought to myself, this is a dream. I'm dreaming. And then I was like, I'm freeking Lucid Dreaming =D.

I ran the rest of the way down the corridor, thinking what I should do, but got a bit dizzy. And I was like, nooo, I'm gonna wake up, so I managed to calm myself down, and tried to think what I should do.

Unfortunately, I decided to just put on my clothes and continue with my dream.

And then Raving Rabbits fell out the vent pipes and it all went back to just wierd Jof dream. The End.

yoda says you must write down all of your dreams as soon as you wake up, and by starting to really remember all your dreams, ya start to remember more and more, it becomes more vivid then (the stage i'm at) ya kind of randomly have 30 seconds of lucid dream. unfortunately not very often currently, but i'm trying. crazy sleepo tapes are good as well.

also, f*!*ing virtua cop for the win *big ugly blue gun that hurts soooo bad*



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Thing is, I nearly always remember my dreams. Very rarely do I wake up and not remember what I dreamt, I just choose not to write them down. I only choose to write down the real intresting ones.

So, vividity is not a problem, as I can tell you what I dreamt last night, no matter what time of day it is.

All I'm gonna do now is simpy hope it arises again out of the blue.




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More on that NovaDreamer

I looked up lucid dreaming on youtube a while back and saw this video, dunno why I didn't share it before but I guess now is a good time lol.




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Awesome thread.

When I feel like dreaming (which is every time I lay my head down), I eat a couple slices of cheese. It's high in [t-something] that makes your brain very active. It's very easy for me to "go lucid" when my brain is already going.

But unfortunately, I'm an insomniac; so I seldom sleep. Infact, I haven't slept since I woke up around 3pm Wednesday afternoon, and the earliest I'll be able to sleep is 2:30ish am tonight (well, technically tomarrow, but whatever) because of work.

Crazy, huh?

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Dude...get some sleep!




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Awesome thread.

When I feel like dreaming (which is every time I lay my head down), I eat a couple slices of cheese. It's high in [t-something] that makes your brain very active. It's very easy for me to "go lucid" when my brain is already going.

But unfortunately, I'm an insomniac; so I seldom sleep. Infact, I haven't slept since I woke up around 3pm Wednesday afternoon, and the earliest I'll be able to sleep is 2:30ish am tonight (well, technically tomarrow, but whatever) because of work.

Crazy, huh?

I have that same problem, and its not fun when you are currently afraid to shut your lights off over some weird crap and you have to get up at 5:45 AM for a 9 hour day at work. I wish I had some desk job where I can SIT! ^_^

I can't even take a nap because if I do I can;t get to sleep at night, cause my naps are so long.

And no one is home right now and I just heard my tv turn on and static then it stopped again...NOT fun...brb, i'm kind of, shaking right now...




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grrr! D: I just discovered this site last night and I was reading the lucid dream stories and while I was being a peepee princess and brushing my teeth I tried to think about lucid dreaming so I might have one and then I went to bed and I had "lucid" dream, but I wasn't lucid in it e_e

like, it felt completely real, but I wasn't controlling it; and I realized when I woke up how stupid I was for not realizing it was a dream D:

it was so real that I could even feel the difference in the underwear I was wearing because it wasn't the usual kind I wear >3>

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So I know this might sound weird, but I constantly lucidly dream WHILE AWAKE. Don't believe me? I don't blame you but it's true. I just happen to start day dreaming all the time, I honestly day dream about 70% of the time I'm awake, but I can still think and function while doing it. I don't have "day dreams" however which are tied to whatever is happening in the world as the way to relieve the board feeling you get from a situation, but I have full on dreams while still being conscious. I'm not dreaming now, but about a half-hour ago I was getting shot by some guy after jumping in-between him and my friend, but I could still move so I went on to knee him in the face and pull the gun away from him (it was a USP tactical), and I did this while doing the laundry in real life.



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What works for me,not always lucid,is using a "dream pillow",which is basically a small pillow with seeds of a good smelling plant.It may not work for you,but I can hardly sleep without it...




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I think I was lucid last night, but it was weird.

See, I'd had a few dreams before this one, completely normal, and I remember them fairly well. The one I seemingly was lucid in was very dark, and there were little katamari-style people around me, all neon pink and all facing away from me, like they were walking down a hallway and I was straggling behind. Then I turned lucid, or so I think- the dream immediately started to waver and fade, and I remember thinking- yelling?- that I didn't want to leave the dream. So I started spinning around rapidly, and looking at my hands and trying to make the dreamscape change. In real life that combination would have made me unbelievably dizzy. As I did it in the dream I got a funny feeling in the pit of my stomach, and thought I was getting dizzy. But I knew I shouldn't get dizzy in a dream, and arguing with myself, along with not knowing where I wanted to be, and the feeling in my stomach all woke me up.

I don't remember what made me realize I was dreaming, which leads me to think I was just dreaming about going lucid, not actually doing it. Anyone have similar frustrations, or maybe some insight on this? I'm confuzzled :/ .



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I think I was lucid last night, but it was weird.

See, I'd had a few dreams before this one, completely normal, and I remember them fairly well. The one I seemingly was lucid in was very dark, and there were little katamari-style people around me, all neon pink and all facing away from me, like they were walking down a hallway and I was straggling behind. Then I turned lucid, or so I think- the dream immediately started to waver and fade, and I remember thinking- yelling?- that I didn't want to leave the dream. So I started spinning around rapidly, and looking at my hands and trying to make the dreamscape change. In real life that combination would have made me unbelievably dizzy. As I did it in the dream I got a funny feeling in the pit of my stomach, and thought I was getting dizzy. But I knew I shouldn't get dizzy in a dream, and arguing with myself, along with not knowing where I wanted to be, and the feeling in my stomach all woke me up.

I don't remember what made me realize I was dreaming, which leads me to think I was just dreaming about going lucid, not actually doing it. Anyone have similar frustrations, or maybe some insight on this? I'm confuzzled :/ .

My guess is that in a dream, you can feel emotions and pains as you do outside the dream dimension...




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I can't get lucid. D:

I've tried, but every dream I've had lately is all fragmented (it'll skip around every couple minutes) and I'm always tired.

Any way to fix this problem?



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I can't get lucid. D:

I've tried, but every dream I've had lately is all fragmented (it'll skip around every couple minutes) and I'm always tired.

Any way to fix this problem?

Have you tried putting a quartz under your pillow?




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How'd that help at all? -.-

Not to mention that a rock under my head would feel VERY uncomfortable. .-.



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How'd that help at all? -.-

Not to mention that a rock under my head would feel VERY uncomfortable. .-.

I don't really know...supposedly it's own waves work with your aura to help you sleep.this site will probably explain it much better than I can: http://en.wikipedia....Crystal_healing
also read this forum very carefully.




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  • Interests:I love anime and games! I collect manga more than I do anime 'cause it's cheaper, though, and cosplay from time to time. Hopefully I'll have a decent Jackle costume done in time for Nan Desu Kan this year XD. I also like yaoi, DDR, um...pandas...and yaoi. I don't like mainstream anime much though; most of it isn't very good anyway....

My guess is that in a dream, you can feel emotions and pains as you do outside the dream dimension...

Forgot to mention this...I was really hungry. Sry ^^;. Maybe it happened cause my body was like "foooooood x.x" lol.



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  • Location:The 13th Level of Hell AKA Massachussetts
  • Interests:I like NiGHTS, Sonic games, the Nightmare Before Christmas (I wonder what would happen if Oogie and Reala met... hmmmm.....) Writing, drawing, art in any way, shape, or form, hard rock music, dancing wildly even though I can't dance for crap. I write poetry and lyrics (although they're not very good T__T) and comedy movies. I love the Dreamcast podcast that DiGi and TRiPPY put on. I also enjoy thinking outside the box. I'm what is known as a Meathead. I can laugh at myself, think outside the box, and smile. Meatheads are smarter than your average Joe, with much more common sense and the rare ability to find creative solutions to problems. My idol is a man named Jimmy Dolittle. Look him up ^.~

So I know this might sound weird, but I constantly lucidly dream WHILE AWAKE. Don't believe me? I don't blame you but it's true. I just happen to start day dreaming all the time, I honestly day dream about 70% of the time I'm awake, but I can still think and function while doing it. I don't have "day dreams" however which are tied to whatever is happening in the world as the way to relieve the board feeling you get from a situation, but I have full on dreams while still being conscious. I'm not dreaming now, but about a half-hour ago I was getting shot by some guy after jumping in-between him and my friend, but I could still move so I went on to knee him in the face and pull the gun away from him (it was a USP tactical), and I did this while doing the laundry in real life.

I do that all the time! I'm day dreaming right now that I'm 20 years older and I have two kids O__o. I hate kids.



    Crazy Regular

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  • 1609 posts
  • Gender:Male
  • Location:333: Dude right across from the Beast.
  • Interests:If I'm on a NiGHTS themed forum, than what do you think my interests are!? Aside from that: Video games, drawing, writing songs, acting like an idiot, listening to the same bloody songs over and over, My fanmaren, and dreams are about it. :D

Forgot to mention this...I was really hungry. Sry ^^;. Maybe it happened cause my body was like "foooooood x.x" lol.

Who knows... if you have anymore problems,just tell me.

So I know this might sound weird, but I constantly lucidly dream WHILE AWAKE. Don't believe me? I don't blame you but it's true. I just happen to start day dreaming all the time, I honestly day dream about 70% of the time I'm awake, but I can still think and function while doing it. I don't have "day dreams" however which are tied to whatever is happening in the world as the way to relieve the board feeling you get from a situation, but I have full on dreams while still being conscious. I'm not dreaming now, but about a half-hour ago I was getting shot by some guy after jumping in-between him and my friend, but I could still move so I went on to knee him in the face and pull the gun away from him (it was a USP tactical), and I did this while doing the laundry in real life.

It could happen.That often happens to me on a long car ride or during a lecture...

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