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#93459 What makes plushie a plushie?

Posted by DARiA on 16 September 2010 - 07:36 PM in Community Corner

One of my faves in terms of coming up with a design is using construction paper and sewing your pattern with that, then stuffing it to get a brief idea of what it will look like... then if you like, transfer to fabric.

Oh, I used a similar technique then =) Only that I made a plasticine model, then carefully wrapped it in thin layer of tissue paper, and then made a draft patterns. The head look okay as of now, although I would need to improve NiGHTS's face and collar.

As for the WIP photos, I'm afraid that the only capturing device I have is a web-cam, and I know all too well how bad photos ruin the impression =( I can try, though.

#93443 Winter of Nights 2011?

Posted by DARiA on 16 September 2010 - 03:24 PM in NiD15

I never noticed that Winter of NiGHTS abbreviated as W.O.N. All the more credits for it =)

Funny thing is, listening to all the podcasts all over again, I kind of imagine the UK part of the fandom throwing a NiGHTS party, with, say, Japanese part of the fandom looking jealously and getting "Why, in Japan you get a PS2 port first, the storybook and the preorder toy and whatnot, now there's something only we can have!" kind of thing...
ugh, sorry, forget that =)

#93442 Achievement Unlocked!

Posted by DARiA on 16 September 2010 - 03:16 PM in NiGHTS chit-chat

I like achievements about killing Gillwing in 2.0 X) Yay NiD podcasts.

There should be an achievement for collecting at least one Ideya as a dreamer, yes it should be.

#93441 What makes plushie a plushie?

Posted by DARiA on 16 September 2010 - 03:05 PM in Community Corner

Right, so I'm in the making of a NiGHTS plushie. My very first plush, mind you. It's fun, though there are little bugs popping up here and there, so I have to fix my pattern as I go...
He's currently just a floating head, and he stares at me with those beady little eyes of his - my guess is that he wants his PaPRTCH body done quickly. It must be quite uncomfortable to be a lone floating head.

But anyway, while making it, I wondered - what it is exactly that makes a good plushie? What are materials people use - apart from felt and fleece? How well different fabrics mix, and the like...
And also, how do people come up with patterns in the first place? :mellow:

#93419 You know you've played too much NiGHTS when....

Posted by DARiA on 15 September 2010 - 11:09 PM in [ARCHiVED] NiD Discussion

You don't call purple color purple anymore. You call it "NiGHTS' color"


you find out in how many languages you can say something like "There is no NiGHTS" or "Give it up NiGHTS".

Just thought I could add something in Russian, though it doesn't sound half as badass as it should - hope it's okay anyway. "Give it up NiGHTS" would probably be "Сдавайся, НАйТС" (pronounced somewhat like "Sdavais'a NiGHTS"), though technically that means "Surrender NiGHTS" really. "There is no NiGHTS" is a bit more difficult, 'cause you'd need to go gender-specific here, but taking "NiGHTS doesn't exist" and it becomes "НАйТС не существует" ("NiGHTS neh sooschestvooet", yay the funky transliteration).

#93418 NiGHTS plushies: The hunt is on!

Posted by DARiA on 15 September 2010 - 11:07 PM in NiGHTS chit-chat

I wish I could at least hold these plushies in my hands and have a chance to look them all over. I could figure out how to make proper patterns...

#90306 Random thought thread

Posted by DARiA on 15 April 2010 - 03:56 PM in Community Corner

So... saw a tidbit of Naruto manga today (Katana Grey had shown me). There was Naruto, happily yelling "Octopus, show me the way!~~~"

And this fandom here has his very own Octo-
so, yeah
Octopaw, show me the way!

#90305 DARiA's drawings album

Posted by DARiA on 15 April 2010 - 03:49 PM in Creative Stuff!

Posted Image

Katana Grey was actually the one who suggested it 'w'

#90039 Know Thyself

Posted by DARiA on 02 April 2010 - 11:42 AM in Creative Stuff!

Okay, so, we though about it and decided we want to share it.
We being me and Katana Grey, it being our fanfiction.

It had all began... back in the 2008, I think, or maybe a little earlier than that. I had been showing some NiGHTS fanart and fangirling about the upcoming JoD game to my best friend and the dearest sister Katana. She seemed fairly interested in the fandom.
But the real fun began when she and I got to play JoD on her birthday. From that time on she was hooked.
When I was telling her about the original game and a certain boss, some way or the other, she came up with an idea for a fanfiction. The said fanfiction was written during 2008, maybe taking early winter of 2009.

The fanfic is currently going through a major process of rewriting - and I must say that's really fun. I've remade first three chapters already, and things are going smoothly by now.
What we want to do is to tell a story about the past of the Dreamworld and the Mare as it could have been. Personally, I want to explore the possibilities of writing about a dream, and have it sort of Alice in Wonderland styled (as well as practice my English, lol).
Katana more likely wants to explore theme of relationships, growing up and out of something, and maintaining a grip on oneself. You'd have her say her opinion later, though ))

So, without further ado - links to the fanfiction:
Know Thyself on FanFiction.net
Know Thyself on DeviantArt

There are three chapters so far, but there's going to be more, I promise )

PS: a beta willing to correct mistakes would be kindly welcomed

#89854 SO who has it?

Posted by DARiA on 23 March 2010 - 06:50 PM in DON'T FORGET NiGHTS

Got the PC version of the game last Saturday. Oh man, that's addictive...

To tell the truth, I didn't expect it would be this enjoyable - but that mostly due to my poor gaming skills. Poor racing games skills, anyway, Rides was hard for me... But ASR feels like a breeze! It's so much fun to be able to blast through the track and actually kick ass...
And with Amy, of course. Recalling how she was the only one to drive a car in Sonic R, I begin to wonder if that's where her driving skills come from))

I agree that Sonic tracks could use a bit of a variety - I'm saying "Sonic" because I'm not that familiar with other titles... but I guess Hatcher's one could use that, too. There was... around three SeaPalace-themed tracks, right? But other than that, it's really fun to play.
My favourite is Shibuya Downtown, though)

The fun thing is, I don't see how Shadow is amazing. That maybe because I'm not that familiar with the gameplay, or that I play on PC, or anything... Take Whale Lagoon - with Amy, I was able to put quite a distance between myself and the other racers. With Shadow? Took some effort to come in first. It wasn't that hard, but still...
One fun thing about Shadow? An effect Ulala's AllStars move has on him. That was a bit out of character, but that was so cute somehow...

Oh, and I want to see the commentator's lines written down somewhere - can't make them out half the time (sorry). Written down, or maybe I just need to change options a bit to hear him better.

#89804 The Owl

Posted by DARiA on 18 March 2010 - 07:01 PM in Creative Stuff!

Oh, FINALLY you've posted it ))) took your sweet time worrying about nothing, dearest

damn, wish I could draw in those bold outlines too TT_TT and don't give me that "you draw better than me", your bold and confident style of outlining is really something to admire.

#87913 NiGHTS as Flag Man

Posted by DARiA on 30 January 2010 - 01:40 PM in DON'T FORGET NiGHTS

You know, now I get the weirdest images... like, NiGHTS actually acting as a sexysexy flag babe, announcing the start of every race. Or JoD dreamers somewhere among the viewers... or on the track, helping with cars... NiD dreamers being - how's that called, announcers? - shouting "Look how Big cut the corner!" or "Zombiko got a boost in speed!" or the like.
And NiGHTS drilldashig along the racers for the heck of it. Or to mock and make fun at them...
I believe that OMNiPOTENT NiGHTS would take everything from this opportunity. I mean, tecnically he's not restricted by anything and can fly about the track as he pleases)

And yes, I truly believe that would keep everything from ever forgetting NiGHTS))

#86965 What would you want in a new NiGHTS game?

Posted by DARiA on 15 January 2010 - 06:40 AM in NiGHTS chit-chat

Unless the next NiGHTS game is a prequel, NiGHTS should be dead and stay dead. NiGHTS is good now- he's no longer the trickster of NiD.

Um, I really sorry if I misunderstand, but did you mean Reala in this sentence?
Or, did you mean that since NiGHTS faded in a white light in JoD, he faded from the dreamworld completely?

#86964 Don't Forget NiGHTS

Posted by DARiA on 15 January 2010 - 06:37 AM in DON'T FORGET NiGHTS

Didn't TRiPPY drew some NiGHTS inspired car some time ago? And NiGHTS-inspired motorbike?
Or, as someone's said, NiGHTS could always be a vehicle with dreamers driving it. The main problem is, would that be NiD or JoD pair? (I'd much better have NiD, since it's easier to imagine Elliot and Claris drive)

As for the Allstars move - why not Drill Dash? I believe it's boost can be compared to Super Sonic's...

#86926 Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing

Posted by DARiA on 14 January 2010 - 07:02 AM in DON'T FORGET NiGHTS

I can say that after that final roster was discover, a few Sonic fans over here were a tad sad. "Oh... no NiGHTS. What a pity". Not a big impact, but STILL, there are people who really believed he'll be there till the end.
That's the mighty Russian avos' for ya, the power to either sit and wait till things work out, or work neglecting safety.

I can't do much, and my words probably won't help much either, but DiGi - you're a great and infinitely strong man, TRiPPY - you're a great and infinitely strong woman. Life can't be this unfair to mess up for this long.
As of now, all I can think of is that people over SEGA are desperate and try to find or recover a fanbase, attract more fans and appeal to more people. Can't say I blame them, although forgetting NiGHTS was... well, you know.
Things will work out. I just can't believe they can ignore their most loyal and creative fans like this. It's just isn't how it supposed to go.

#86836 Do you like Owl?

Posted by DARiA on 13 January 2010 - 09:30 AM in Poll Area

I kinda like Owl. That is, when I don't have to listen to him. Sometimes he does sound annoying...
What I think is, my attitude towards him reflects my attitude towards eldery people on the whole. Like, I can listen to my grandmother patiently, but she annoys me too...

And yes, the eyes. Those tiny eyes. Sure, owls don't have to have eyes half the size of their heads, but still...
I believe Tikal from Deviantart made a doujin about JoD, and she managed to give Owl a decent eldery look - eyes size was the same, if I remember correct, but atleast those weren't goggling...
This is something that bugs me about Big the cat, too - I mean his perfectly round eyes with a dot-like pupil. He's a cat! Not a big cat like a tiger or a lion! Shouldn't his pupils be vertical?

#86835 What would you want in a new NiGHTS game?

Posted by DARiA on 13 January 2010 - 09:06 AM in NiGHTS chit-chat

I agree that it might be better to collect Ideyas one by one. The only thing that bugged me a little in the original game - why is it so that I collect all the ideas in Spring Valley, then have to start over in Mystic Forest, then Soft Museum, wash-rinse-repeat for Elliot?
I think that every person have all of the Ideyas, it just that some of them glow brighter, so to say. Like some people are more brave, the other more intelligent, some other always keep hope alive, or able to learn and grow stronger, or simply pure and nice. The main trait of the dreamers was bravery so far, so they were able to keep their heads high and face the odds. But I must say that it would be nice to see how a person with a different trait behaves.

And I seem to fail to see how would symbolism shatter if Reala comes back. NiGHTS can appear in a dream of any dreamer, as anyone can relate to NiGHTS. As NiGHTS isn't an exclusive entity to only one dreamer, wouldn't that mean Reala isn't one, too? Everyone has a shadowy part of himself, which is the way Reala can drag you into a nightmare - which won't be about flames and tortures all the time, I believe. Mine are mainly about university >_<
And I suddenly thought that JoD bossmarens are actually NiD bossmarenrs .__. What remained of them. It's like Noctourne said, they are formless, but take form of a dreamer's fear in a symbolic way. Is that possible?

As for the effects like rainbows or rain or thunderclouds - oh yes *_* Rain falling upside-down, why not?

#86659 Happy Thought of the Day

Posted by DARiA on 08 January 2010 - 09:46 PM in Community Corner

There are tons of yarn at my mom's house. I love this place *_*

#86650 Fandom into Dreams

Posted by DARiA on 08 January 2010 - 07:51 PM in Planning and Advertising

Inn to Dreams, I agree, it sounds nice.
Even though the hotel is bigger than inn... um, it started as an inn, and grew into hotel?..

#86639 Random thought thread

Posted by DARiA on 08 January 2010 - 02:02 PM in Community Corner

When you are going to have a family, do never, Ever, EVER let your children hear you arguing with your spouse or yelling at him. Especially for some dumb reasons like, OMG, when he entered the kitchen he didn't put off the jacket he smoked in on that balcony! Last Wednesday it's been exactly twenty years you have been living together, mom, didn't you learn to have some patience with dad?

#86576 Fandom into Dreams

Posted by DARiA on 07 January 2010 - 09:48 PM in Planning and Advertising

Um, I guess I need to establish Bomamba's profile, no?

Bomamba is the chef in Clawz' restaurant, and is mostly seen in the ever-messy kitchen, where she hops and spins around her cauldron merrily, humming rather weird nursery rhymes as she cooks. She is your loving-caring granny from the gingerbread house, always happy to feed Dreamers so that they get fat soon. Why would she want this is a mystery, though.
She is quite dignified and nice, as a rule, but might get offended if you refuse to eat her special porridge - she put love and Shleeps into making it after all! She also tends to rant about "youth these days", and thinks that dieting is a horrible thing.

As any old granny, she has her little quirks and whimsies, one of them being her fondness of cats. Her kitchen is filled with furball cats, a jolly bunch of lively lower marens who just love Dreamers - or, rather, love to jump and trampler over them. It seems that she enrolled as a chef because of the certain cat maren being the owner in the first place... And you are really better not to attack the furball cats, or else granny Bomamba will get very, very angry. She could even use a soup ladle on you.
Bomamba also brews some potions as a hobby, and sometimes - just sometimes - she occasionally drops them into the porridge or confuse them with soups. Well, old grannies are quite forgetful sometimes, aren't they? And effects from the potions don't last long anyway, everything will wear off before the next night! Most of the times, yes. Or you can always remove them. Or... er... well, granny Bomamba will make sure you get a pretty princess to kiss you!

#86574 Random thought thread

Posted by DARiA on 07 January 2010 - 09:09 PM in Community Corner

-30 centigrade and tons of snow, the nightsky clear and perfectly black. Oh, Siberia, I love you. You just can't have winter as good as this in Moscow, no, sir...

#86573 Word association game

Posted by DARiA on 07 January 2010 - 09:06 PM in Community Corner


#85899 Word association game

Posted by DARiA on 27 December 2009 - 05:35 PM in Community Corner


#85831 Word association game

Posted by DARiA on 26 December 2009 - 06:57 PM in Community Corner
