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You know you've played too much NiGHTS when....
Posted 27 August 2008 - 04:16 AM
-You are the leader of a NiGHTS related group.
-You consider it to be the greatest game of all time that can't be topped.
-You're name is CORNSiLK. lol
-You're a member of this forum. lol
Posted 27 August 2008 - 06:02 AM
but I'll play along
- you try to dualize with your girlfriend
- you wear bat-tight pants to gymnastics class
- you believe one of the three wise men tried to assassinate Jesus
Posted 27 August 2008 - 01:10 PM
- Whenever you see a jester, you are immediately reminded of NiGHTS. *Guilty*
- You spend 4+ hours making patterns for plush dolls of NiGHTS characters without any prior experience -- and they actually work. *Guilty*
- You have just about every NiGHTS-related thing in existence.
- You have almost the entire fanbase on your computer -- including song remixes, fanart, and videos. *Guilty*
- You've made a NiGHTS cosplay. *Soon to be Guilty*
Posted 27 August 2008 - 04:12 PM
-You try to go to bed early or on time every night because you can't wait to dream
-You fly almost every night
-You randomly hum Dreams Dreams in public
-You draw nothing but NiGHTS-related scenes/characters, or almost nothing but NiGHTS-related scenes/characters
-You choose purple curtains for a completely white room (which were put up in my room three days ago)
-You think of NiGHTS's eyes when you look at your cat's
Posted 27 August 2008 - 08:43 PM
~If you try to draw people, they end up with no nose, eyebrows, or ears
~Whenever someone says 'dream,' 'nightmare,' or even 'sleep' you instantly think NiGHTSlyness
~If you hear a bell chime, you instantly think of Bellbridge
~Anyone with the name Elliot, Will, or Helen (I've heard of no one named Claris, sadly,) you ask them if they've had any weird dreams lately.
Posted 27 August 2008 - 09:39 PM
you can play too much NiGHTS!!!???
My thoughts exactly!
It's almost disturbing how much of this I'm guilty of-
~You can never get Dreams Dreams out of your head
~If you try to draw people, they end up with no nose, eyebrows, or ears
~Whenever someone says 'dream,' 'nightmare,' or even 'sleep' you instantly think NiGHTSlyness
~If you hear a bell chime, you instantly think of Bellbridge
I once spontaniously burst into singing Dreams Dreams at my Friend's party, lol.
-You randomly hum Dreams Dreams in public
-You draw nothing but NiGHTS-related scenes/characters, or almost nothing but NiGHTS-related scenes/characters
-You think of NiGHTS's eyes when you look at your cat's
Although I ALWAYS draw NiGHTS, I can't draw Elliot. He looks like Paris Hilton with no bones. =P
- Whenever you see a jester, you are immediately reminded of NiGHTS.
- You have almost the entire fanbase on your computer -- including song remixes, fanart, and videos.
- You've made a NiGHTS cosplay. *Soon to be Guilty*
-You wish to have a dream that's exactly like a level of NiGHTS.
-You consider it to be the greatest game of all time that can't be topped.
-You're a member of this forum. lol
I actually dreamt all of Spring Valley. Puffy looks darn creepy when lucid
I don't think NiGHTS is perfect. I KNOW that it is!
Some of my own-
~ You want to dye your hair blue/pink/blonde to look like a dreamer
~ You name your cat Clawz
~You give your friends nicknames based on what nightmaren the most resemble, even though they have no idea what you're talking about (guilty!)
Posted 27 August 2008 - 11:22 PM
-When a survey says crush, hero, lover, anything like that, you put NiGHTS or another someone's name.
-You start comparing real life things to NiGHTS. Like, my kitten reminds me of Reala, and my neighborhood looks like a level.
-You doodle NiGHTS. EVERYWHERE. Body counts >:3
Guilty of all of those D:
Posted 28 August 2008 - 12:48 AM
Posted 28 August 2008 - 12:54 AM
Already done! Blond is my natural color! BWAHAHA >~ You want to dye your hair blue/pink/blonde to look like a dreamer
~You give your friends nicknames based on what nightmaren the most resemble, even though they have no idea what you're talking about (guilty!)
Guiltyyyyyyyyy-You start comparing real life things to NiGHTS
Posted 28 August 2008 - 01:40 AM
-Get blisters on the sides of your thumbs from playing it to much ;___;
-When a survey says crush, hero, lover, anything like that, you put NiGHTS or another someone's name.
-You start comparing real life things to NiGHTS. Like, my kitten reminds me of Reala, and my neighborhood looks like a level.
-You doodle NiGHTS. EVERYWHERE. Body counts >:3
Guilty of all of those D:
GAWD I'm messed up...guilty of all of those too...I started doodling Jackle singing "Happy Happy Joy Joy" on my math test once. Needless to say, my teacher thought I was nuts.
Posted 29 August 2008 - 11:51 AM
- Extra points if you have to sort all that fan art into folders because you have so many of them. *guilty*- You have almost the entire fanbase on your computer -- including song remixes, fanart, and videos. *Guilty*
- You managed to talk someone into the fandom before they've played the game.
Posted 29 August 2008 - 01:13 PM
Extremely guilty.- Extra points if you have to sort all that fan art into folders because you have so many of them. *guilty*
Guilty.- You managed to talk someone into the fandom before they've played the game.
- You wear excessive amounts of purple.
(Oh, I would if I could find places that sold it. Oi. Thrift shops, watch out -- crazy fan coming through~!)
- You redecorated your room in a NiGHTS, or NiGHTS-related character's color scheme. *Half-guilty*
(No paint on the walls, but pictures, glitter, and ribbons everywhere...)
Posted 29 August 2008 - 04:11 PM
- You have all of the music on your HDD
- You plan on customizing your PS2 so it will be purple and you will get a red PS2 controller as a reference to the ideya of courage
- You since Dreams Dreams obsessively
Posted 31 August 2008 - 01:14 AM
- You've made NiGHTS ringtones on your phone
- You start figuring out NiGHTS songs on your guitar
- NiGHTS is your favorite game of all time
- You buy Sonic Adventure just so you can play NiGHTS pinball
Posted 31 August 2008 - 01:52 AM
- You sit in class drawing a bunch of little pictures of NiGHTS
- You've made NiGHTS ringtones on your phone
- You start figuring out NiGHTS songs on your guitar
- NiGHTS is your favorite game of all time
- You buy Sonic Adventure just so you can play NiGHTS pinball
These pretty much all fit me o_____0
I can play Dreams Dreams on the ocarina. I have no life.
New ones-
- You did one of those "Marry your favorite character" things online and married NiGHTS (although it has no gender, lol)
- Thanks to Will you think fanny packs are awsome
- You have draw countless fan comic serieses, all of which have NiGHTS in one way or another (guilty)
- anytime someone mentions a medieval Knight, you think of flying jesters (guilty)
Posted 31 August 2008 - 08:42 AM
I'm guilty of the following mentioned
and here's a few more I'm guilty of-You wish to have a dream that's exactly like a level of NiGHTS.
- Whenever you see a jester, you are immediately reminded of NiGHTS.
- You have almost the entire fanbase on your computer -- including song remixes, fanart, and videos.
-You randomly hum Dreams Dreams in public
~You can never get Dreams Dreams out of your head
~Whenever someone says 'dream,' 'nightmare,' or even 'sleep' you instantly think NiGHTSlyness
- You managed to talk someone into the fandom before they've played the game.
- anytime someone mentions a medieval Knight, you think of flying jesters (guilty)
- Whenever you spell any word with "night" in it you instinctively cap all letters but the "i"
- whenever someone goes to bed you say "Good NiGHTS"
- go through possible modifications you can make for your fanmaren in your head for hours during work
- Jesters move right to the top of your "cool" list
- purple is no longer a "girl" color
- you study (before learning about their true gender) NiGHTS and Reala's body structure/ muscle build/ behavioral patterns/ clothing style to find their true gender
Hey, I'm insane what did you expect?
this is just to name a few...
Posted 31 August 2008 - 12:07 PM
-Even though you cannot be certain, you REALLY hope that NiGHTS is the same sex as the one you are interested in.
-You have read the Archie comics more than once even though you didn't like them the first time.
-If people ever ask you about what you do at night, you respond with "THERE IS NO NiGHTS!"
-You have a fish named "Gulpo"
-You hate the fact that you are cursed with having a neck and wrists.
A few Jackle-specific ones:
-You studied the graphics enough to find out which tarot deck Jackle's cards are from and bought it.
-Said deck was over $10,000 because you also wanted the earliest printing possible rather than a "shameful" reprint.
-You are convinced you are absolutely invincible as long as you are clothed.
-You take your expensive cards and throw them at strangers on the street, laughing constantly until people come to lock you up.
Posted 31 August 2008 - 05:50 PM
- You managed to talk someone into the fandom before they've played the game.
SO guilty. I talked to my friend about it non-stop, and she's making a radioplay about it, and she's never even played the game XD;;
Posted 31 August 2008 - 09:24 PM
Oh lord where do I begin!!??
I'm guilty of the following mentioned
and here's a few more I'm guilty of
- Whenever you spell any word with "night" in it you instinctively cap all letters but the "i"
- whenever someone goes to bed you say "Good NiGHTS"
- go through possible modifications you can make for your fanmaren in your head for hours during work
- Jesters move right to the top of your "cool" list
- purple is no longer a "girl" color
- you study (before learning about their true gender) NiGHTS and Reala's body structure/ muscle build/ behavioral patterns/ clothing style to find their true gender
Hey, I'm insane what did you expect?
this is just to name a few...
Yay! You're not the only looney- Those ALL fit me except for the "purple" one.
-You have read the Archie comics more than once even though you didn't like them the first time.
-If people ever ask you about what you do at night, you respond with "THERE IS NO NiGHTS!"
-You have a fish named "Gulpo"
I so have no life...I despize those comics, and yet I can't watch that video of the guy destroying them because I gaet all "Oh my god! How DARE he destroy a NiGHTS-related thing! Those can't be remade, you know!"
My fish has like, six names. Gulpo, Cheep cheep, Goldeen- If it's from a viideo game that I like, my fish gets that name.
More that I'm guilty of-
- Forcing people to play NiGHTS whether they want to or not
- Stupidly puting an "a" after the word "real"
- Seeing the "Wizebuys" channel on direcTV and thinking of TRiPPY's "Wizemart" picture
- Quoting Journey of dreams around people who haven't played the game: thus scaring them completely
(e.g. "Hello *insert friend's name here*, shall we have some fun?" in a feminine brittish accent)
- Accidentally asking for purple "mare" ballons for a party
- When playing Super Smash Brothers Brawl, you choose purple toon Link so you'll look somewhat like NiGHTS
Posted 31 August 2008 - 10:00 PM
GUILTY!!!!!GUIIIIILTYGUILTYGUILTY!!!!- Quoting Journey of dreams around people who haven't played the game: thus scaring them completely
(e.g. "Hello *insert friend's name here*, shall we have some fun?" in a feminine brittish accent)
Some Wizeman-specific ones:
-If anyone calls you 'wise guy', you take it as an insult
-You spell wise with a z
-You have tried to redecorate your glasses or sunglasses to look like a persona
and GUiLTY
Posted 01 September 2008 - 01:53 AM
Posted 01 September 2008 - 02:29 AM
Can't watch Peter Pan without thinking of NiGHTS the whole time.
One of the sad side effects of being a fan of both NiGHTS and Disney
- You run around on the aniversary of NiGHTS' release wishing everyone around you "Happy NiGHTS day" (guilty. One friend thought I was insane "It's not night and day at the same time!")
- You wear all purple on NiGHTS day (guilty)
- When someone says you can't do something, you repond with "In a dream we can do anything we want to!" (guilty)
- You insult someone by calling them a "Stupid Ideya!" (prnounced like idiot as in JoD) by acciddent (guilty, lol)
- You name your Animal Crossing village Nightopia and your person NiGHTS
Posted 01 September 2008 - 02:25 PM
- You run around on the aniversary of NiGHTS' release wishing everyone around you "Happy NiGHTS day" (guilty. One friend thought I was insane "It's not night and day at the same time!")
And on Reala day, you stop everyone you know and tell them "Happy Reala day! And remember, THERE IS NO NiGHTS!!!" (You bet I'm guilty)
In that one scene during The Dark Knight where he jumps off a building, you can't help but think he's in Twin Seeds.
Posted 01 September 2008 - 09:07 PM
*laughs* I thought I was the only one who did that!- whenever someone goes to bed you say "Good NiGHTS"
Some more that I'm guilty of:
-You clear out a good chunk of your pictures and videos from your cellphone so you'll have room to put Dreams Dreams in its music gallery (and then it doesn't copy the whole file on anyways).
-You've practiced Girania's hard mode, or any other NiGHTS stage/mission, in your dreams. (Must get an A. Paraloop faster. FASTER! Use the dash!)
-You spend your time at the pool trying forwards and backwards rolls/flips and twisting in the water to practice for flying dreams.
-You make the effort to remember and record your dreams, even though it means waking up, writing down a dream for one hour or longer, and then falling asleep only to wake up an hour or two later and repeating the cycle.
-You get your family to sing Happy Birthday to NiGHTS on July 5th before blowing out the candles and eating the cake.
-You have NiGHTS-related inside jokes with your friends (who are not NiGHTS fans).
Yes. It's crazy.
Posted 02 September 2008 - 01:24 AM
Posted 03 September 2008 - 01:16 AM
Posted 03 September 2008 - 10:54 PM
-You repeat NiGHTS's only lines in NiD and are actually GOOD at it(guilty)
-You whistle Dreams Dreams until your friend yells(guilty)
-You've actually spent 24$ for a Saturn and about another 13$ for NiGHTS into Dreams, only to learn that you could have ordered the PS2 version on eBay(guilty as HECK!)
-You've made fake NiGHTS game covers(guilty)
EDIT: You constantly spell NiGHTS's name in words, like NiGHTmare, Good NiGHT, etc.(guilty)
EDIT2: You nae Gummi Ships in KH2 after NiGHTS Characters.(guilty)
Also, PIE!
Posted 03 September 2008 - 11:26 PM
-You repeat NiGHTS's only lines in NiD and are actually GOOD at it(guilty)
How about Reala's "There is no NiGHTS" in a sythesized-sounding voice? I am so guilty, someone thought that I was the game, lol!
- You make Miis over everyone in NiD (guilty)
- You act out the whole NiGHTS story while trying to explain the game to a six-year old (guilty)
- You make the funny voices from JoD while doing the above (guilty)
Posted 05 September 2008 - 04:54 AM
- You sit in class drawing a bunch of little pictures of NiGHTS
- You start figuring out NiGHTS songs on your guitar
- NiGHTS is your favorite game of all time
-i draw NiGHTS art/doodles EVERY signal day at school! my bordom is my inspiration!
- i can play Dreams Dreams some what on my violin but i prefer singing it
-NiGHTS is my favorite game but Nintendo was first since I grew up with them
-You get 5 big marbles that are the colors of the five Ideya and say that it's your Idyea
- you perform Dreams Dreams then at the end say a NiGHTS quote for your school talent show (I probably might do that)
-you constantly do a NiGHTS bow and when you finish a big project you do the Mission Complete bow
Posted 14 September 2008 - 09:25 PM
but I'm also guilty for all the following:
-plan on making a helen cosplay and wear it to school (and scare your mother half to death in the process)
-whenever you bow, you do it in a NiGHTSY fashion
-acted out the NiGHTS christmas carol for your friends
-you name your left and right shoes after Claris and Elliot
-whenever you hear a clock/church bell ring, you stop in your tracks (happened to me during gym class...)
-you have countless notebooks filled to the brim with NiGHTS doodles
And finally:
-Your eternally stuck in 1996
Posted 15 September 2008 - 04:48 PM
Posted 16 September 2008 - 09:01 PM
-Your teachers are all mad at you because some purple creature seems to fly around all of your homework pages (SO guilty)
-Every time you come across a new instrument to mess around with, the first song you try to play is Dreams Dreams (I can play it on five instruments and counting!)
Posted 17 September 2008 - 08:07 PM
-Every time you come across a new instrument to mess around with, the first song you try to play is Dreams Dreams (I can play it on five instruments and counting!)
Can you play it on ocarina? If so, TELL ME HOW PLEASE! I can play "Message from Nightopia" on ocarina, it sounds neat.
Isn't this sad how obsessed most of us are? My NiGHTS cosplay is being made as I type this!
Some more that apply to me -
- You see a black and red skeletal jester halloween costume and think "OMYGOD! REALA COSTUME!" and the are disapointed when you discover it's not Reala.
- When someone asks what your favourite show is, you reply "The Reala Show"
- You create endless music videos of NiGHTS with your favourite songs
- You name your Pokemon after NiGHTS characters (Level 100 Espeon- I'm pondering NiGHTS or Claris)
Posted 18 September 2008 - 02:17 AM
Posted 18 September 2008 - 08:37 PM
Can you play it on ocarina? If so, TELL ME HOW PLEASE! I can play "Message from Nightopia" on ocarina, it sounds neat.
LOL no, not on the ocarina, sadly! I can play it on the cello, clarinet, piano, guitar, and plastic trombone thingy!!
Posted 19 September 2008 - 12:55 AM
Posted 19 March 2009 - 11:09 AM
-Whenever you type in caps, the i is always lower-cased
-You stand on the lunch tables at school either
a)shouting, "THERE iS NO NiGHTS!
b ) jumping off hoping to fly
-You sing Dreams dreams on the bus for all the passengers
-You carve the lyrics to Dreams dreams into your desk
-do everything else everyone else has mentioned.
Posted 19 March 2009 - 11:46 AM
Posted 20 March 2009 - 12:39 AM
Might Become guilty of that one...- You managed to talk someone into the fandom before they've played the game.
let's see...
You know you've played too much NiGHTS when...
You take some playing cards and throw them at the neighborhood kids to terrorize them
You go and buy a pirahna and put a NiGHTS doll into the tank and watch him tear it up
You try to relate some places to NiGHTS stages *guilty*
Your afraid of the dark because of the marens in the game *guilty *
yes,yes it is, but it could be worse, we could be worshiping a plumber dressed in blue overalls and stomps on turtlesIsn't this sad how obsessed most of us are?
Posted 20 March 2009 - 09:04 AM
yes,yes it is, but it could be worse, we could be worshiping a plumber dressed in blue overalls and stomps on turtles
Hey, I was gonna cosplay as the plumber in blue overalls who likes to stomp on stuffs...or perhaps the red and black flying mime.
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