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Member Since 16 Dec 2007Offline Last Active May 28 2009 07:57 AM
About Me
I'm always up for collaboration work. I'd like to get some manga or doujinshi drawn, I just lack a writer (hinthint). RPing is great too.
Other places I'm at:
RenegadeSanzo @ tegakie.com
Renegade Sanzo @ XBoxLIVE
renegade-sanzo @ fanfiction.net
Ice Prince Yuki @ gaiaonline
Renegade Sanzo @ cosplay.com
sanzo @ 1up.com
AIM: Renegade Sanzo
Community Stats
- Group Visitor
- Active Posts 28
- Profile Views 5484
- Member Title Lurker
- Age 38 years old
- Birthday May 8, 1986
Drawing, sleeping, digital art, video games, singing, tattoos/piercings, anime, manga, tegaki blog, cosplay (mostly crossplay), conventions, horror movies, ball-joint dolls, Pinky St. figures, resin figures.<br /><br />Xbox Live gamertag: Renegade Sanzo<br />Gaia Online: Ice Prince Yuki<br />FF.net: Renegade Sanzo<br />AIM: Renegade Sanzo<br />Tegaki blog: Renegade Sanzo<br />Cosplay.com: Renegade Sanzo
- AIM Renegade Sanzo
- Website URL http://