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Member Since 07 Jan 2008Offline Last Active Apr 22 2015 08:47 PM
About Me
Hello~! My name is Nyx~!
Dreaming is a huge part of my life and the main source of my inspiration. I'm an artist by default and can usually be found working on a piece of artwork (usually with my nose about an inch from the page), sewing a costume and swearing at things like thread tension, making dolls, composing music, or writing a story (often to be used later in comics). I run my own fledgeling art studio, DreamShift -- and hope to one day make my art my profession.
My dreams have shaped me -- how about you?
(I'm also a -lot- more social than I was back in 2011-12. Drop by and say hello sometime~!)
Community Stats
- Group Visitor
- Active Posts 215
- Profile Views 13154
- Member Title Dreamer
- Age Age Unknown
- Birthday May 28
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