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Member Since 30 Aug 2010Offline Last Active Mar 25 2023 04:59 PM
About Me
Good Morning everybody, it's MidniteAndBeyond! So this is the story of how I discovered NiGHTS. One day, I saw NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams at a GameStop. I vaguely remembered reading about it in Nintendo Power and decided I would check it out. The cashier started to cry when I brought the game to him asking to buy it. He told me that this game and its series was very special and he wanted me to promise that I would take in the full experience of this game. And realize everything that it has to offer. I wasn't expecting a reaction like that, so when I went home to play it, I was expecting a journey like no other.
I was right. This was far more than just a game. It had an impact on me that changed my life forever. I owe so much to NiGHTS. If it weren't for NiGHTS, I wouldn't be who I am and where I am now. I owe so much to this franchise and have made so many amazing friends and experienced so much thanks to it. It's been an incredible experience in this fan base filled with so many amazing people who are incredibly passionate about these games as well. I hope I can one day be on the same caliber as them. Being able to give something to the fan base and make an impact on people just as NiGHTS has done. Hopefully I can remain active on these forums. But if I'm not here, you can find me making Let's Plays on Youtube or writing about my life and posting occasional artwork on deviantART, tumblr, and Twitter. Thanks for hearing my story. So without further ado, Let's Dream!
My Youtube:
My Patreon: https://www.patreon....idniteAndBeyond
My NiGHTS into Dreams Let's Play:
My Christmas NiGHTS Let's Play:
Midnite Hour: The Dream Diary:
My deviantART:
My Twitter:
My Twitch:
My Game Collection: http://backloggery.c...idniteAndBeyond
My Anime List: http://myanimelist.n...idniteAndBeyond
Community Stats
- Group Visitor
- Active Posts 24
- Profile Views 24119
- Member Title Lurker
- Age 28 years old
- Birthday May 22, 1996
Not Telling
Video Games, Anime, Manga, Drawing, Acting, Singing.