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Member Since 20 Nov 2009Offline Last Active Oct 01 2021 04:30 AM
About Me
I like the Verdana font so I am going to use it here
Hi there! I've been a NiGHTS fan for almost 25 years now, and I have a Fan-Maren I call Surreal, which is why I gave myself my handle name.
I've been a fan of NiGHTS since winter of 1997, especially after NiGHTS had his own comic book by Archie Comics. I never had a Sega Saturn and hadn't played NiGHTS into Dreams back then, but I was overjoyed when in 2008 I got NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams with the Nintendo Wii for my birthday. Otherwise the only other way I've played something like NiD was in Sonic Adventure when Sonic plays the NiGHTS Pinball game. Sometimes I got on Sonic Adventure just to play the NiGHTS Pinball minigame for about an hour at at time!
I used to dream about NiGHTS average three times a month
Finally I was able to play NiGHTS into Dreams in August 2020! I finished both Claris and Elliot's stories and unlocked Christmas NiGHTS in December 2020 (I never beat that one yet). Reading the fanzine NiGHTS into Zines renews my love for this fandom every month!
Favorite Steam Video Games: NiGHTS into Dreams; A.R.E.S. Extinction Agenda EX; Primordia; Grapple Force Rena
Favorite Anime Shows: InuYasha; Full Metal Alchemist; Dragon Ball Super (up to the Tournament of Power saga); My Hero Academia
Some Favorite Books: Interview with a Vampire; The Vampire Lestat (not done); I, Robot
Other Favorite Fandoms Besides NiGHTS: A.R.E.S. Extinction Agenda EX; Transformers G1; Transformers More Than Meets The Eye comic book; Transformers Lost Light comic book
Community Stats
- Group Visitor
- Active Posts 18
- Profile Views 8085
- Member Title Lurker
- Age 39 years old
- Birthday June 2, 1985
North Hills, California, USA
NiGHTS!! And REALA!!! Plus: playing video games on Steam, writing fan fiction, fan art, fantasy/sci-fi, journal writing, anime, retrowave and 80s music, video game music, and robots/androids.