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Member Since 16 Dec 2007
Offline Last Active May 28 2009 07:57 AM

In Topic: Was this you at Expo?

28 May 2009 - 01:50 AM

one of them's NiGHTS, one's Pain from naruto, one's a.....cow....but what are the other two cosplaying as?

Sakura from Card Captor Sakura is on the far left.

In Topic: How long have you been drawing?

26 May 2009 - 03:04 AM

I've always been drawing. I think I was drawing before I could walk or talk.

So, that's about 23 years then?

In Topic: Random thought thread

26 May 2009 - 02:57 AM

One of my cats ran across my face while I was asleep. I sure hope the nasty scar is gone by A-Kon. I can't have my beautiful close ups like this! D<

In Topic: Why is that your User Name?

26 May 2009 - 02:52 AM

I got the nickname of Sanzo in high school. My friends still call me that, even my girlfriend. And renegade? Renegades are kick ass. And I might have been inspired while listening to a certain Stix song.

I use renegade sanzo a lot as a user name. I probably should have stuck to a more girly name. I might as well continue being consist, though.

In Topic: Its still around

26 May 2009 - 02:40 AM

I recently got a Wii for my birthday for the hell of it.

I had prepared myself mentally for over a year to play JoD because I knew it was going to feel different than NiD. I picked up an uber cheap copy of JoD. Cheap games make me happy.