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Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing

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Dex la Cabra

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i have just spend ages reading through every comment on that video, and some of those people are so ignorant. they're calling people "faggots" purely because they have hope for the game (and if that word needs removed, just tell me and i will.) half of them won't shut up about sonic not running on his feet on a sonic game. they completely fail to realise that this is not a sonic game, or even a spin off, this is another collaboration of sega characters in a new situation. plus, if they're complaining about sonic not running, then why not complain about tails not using his tails to fly, or even samba not playing his maracas to the beat of the song. Samba's not staying true to his rhythm games, but does anyone complain? at least the game is enveloping speed, which is the basic element of sonic gameplay, so the game is a step up from SST for them. And the amount of mario kart references! sonic is the game where speed is important, so if anyone deserves the kart-racing game, it's sonic and SEGA. Mario is fairly slow in my opinion, so why is he even racing anyway? (but that is a different argument altogether!) Although there is one thing i must agree with: why is it called Sonic & SEGA all-stars racing? should it not be Sega Superstars Racing, inkeeping with the theme? plus, now that i look at it, it says ALL-stars in it, and so NiGHTS should be included in that all. i also read a comment from someone saying that jackle should be on it! :wub: one of the most sensible comments of the 450+ i read! ;)

sorry for the length of this, feel free to disregard it. or possibly argue with or against me! :P




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half of them won't shut up about sonic not running on his feet on a sonic game. they completely fail to realise that this is not a sonic game, or even a spin off, this is another collaboration of sega characters in a new situation. plus, if they're complaining about sonic not running, then why not complain about tails not using his tails to fly, or even samba not playing his maracas to the beat of the song. Samba's not staying true to his rhythm games, but does anyone complain? at least the game is enveloping speed, which is the basic element of sonic gameplay, so the game is a step up from SST for them. And the amount of mario kart references! sonic is the game where speed is important, so if anyone deserves the kart-racing game, it's sonic and SEGA. Mario is fairly slow in my opinion, so why is he even racing anyway? (but that is a different argument altogether!) Although there is one thing i must agree with: why is it called Sonic & SEGA all-stars racing? should it not be Sega Superstars Racing, inkeeping with the theme?


you see I posted this in other forum, and their reactions were....well frankly not quite happy at all

people dont see the brighter side of new Sonic related games anymore do they? honestly, im so gonna buy this game (I needs more racing games lol)




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Ugh, I know I was probably called a faggot for expressing my excitement for the game. >.>; Who cares, screw them. They're probably the ones who haven't played a Sonic game since the Dreamcast just because they think the new games suck. And I bet half of them are newfags anyway. It feels like sometimes I'm the only real Sonic fan left in the world...(i like love all the Sonic games SEGA comes out with...>.>; )

And anyway, I haven't had a good racing game since Crash Team Racing for the Playstation(and i think PS2?). And this has Sonic in it, what more could you want?! MOAR SONIC-RELATED RACING GAMES SEGA PLZ THANKS.

I was thinking when I saw that video this afternoon, 'Wouldn't it be awesome if Jackle was in it?!'. I thought I was the only crazy one thinking that. XD




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For the whole "SONIC THE FRICKEN FASTEST THING! HE NEED NO CAR!" crap I'd say Since Sonic could easily outrun all of them, It would be like a new challenge for Him. You know how in Sonic Riders, Sonic is the fastest on foot but he was Crap on a board? It would be exactly like that. Anyway, I'd choose Vectorman as my pick for an Old school character.
If Reala had a car it would probably look like Shadow's Secret car from SA2 but more red.




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Considering that NiGHTS was in the first SSS game, he's pretty much a given here.

I'll wait for actual gameplay footage.



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Anybody who gets upset over Sonic characters in cars obviously has no idea what the word novelty means.

I wouldn't say I'm excited for this game, but I'm definitely optimistic. I actually enjoyed the Sonic Riders titles and Super Star Tennis was fun enough. As for NiGHTS, I think there is an incredibly high chance of him appearing. He's a cameo machine first an foremost, but he's also been in quite a few of these games lately (Tennis, Sonic Riders). Also, let's put things into perspective. Super Star Tennis had Gilius Thunderhead in it. Yeah, NiGHTS' chances are looking pretty good in my opinion.

I completely support Ryo in a forklift. Here are some others I'd like to see. It's all wishful thinking but hey, I can dream.

-Crazy Taxi's Axel makes too much sense not to appear.
-Considering how much inspiration HotD:Overkill took from Grindhouse, I'd love to see Young G in a car like the one from Deathproof.
-Virtual-On's Temjin on his Surfboard of doom
-Orta riding her dragon from Panzer Dragoon Orta

Oh, and it is totally on with you Jof and DiGi. Warm those thumbs up baby! XD

DiGi Valentine

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Crazy Taxi!! Why didn't i think of that? It would be perfect in this game! Good call, Zero XD

I read somewhere that someone wanted to see Opa-Opa from Fantasy Zone in it and that's a good idea as well. I've never played the game but the character would suit well to this kinda thing.

I also second Jackle to appear. Chances are slim as they'll probably choose Reala again but i would like to see Jackle.

I wonder how it's going to play. People are saying that it could be using the same engine used in Outrun 2.
I also didn't know this but Outrun 2 was built on the Daytona 2 and Scud Race engines. It's kinda obvious now that i look at it because they all play the same. Though, i don't see how All-Stars racing will be able to use that type of engine. The tracks in All-Stars racing seem a bit extreme. Like, how would the engine work those loop-de-loops on that Green Hill stage?
The Outrun 2 engine seems to be based more on straight line speed and drifting where as this game seems to be a little more than that.
Bah, who knows. As long as it handles well, i'm sold.

I'm actually wondering about the online features too. I own a Wii so i'm gonna have to get it for the Wii. Would i only be able to race people on the Wii version of the game then or would i be able to play against people on Xbox360? I'm guessing 'no' already but i figured i should throw this into the discussion anyway. *still wants to get an Xbox at some point*




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Anybody who gets upset over Sonic characters in cars obviously has no idea what the word novelty means.

I don't get upset at Sonic in a car per say, but I'd prefer him to be on foot when possible, for the same reason you give: Novelty. Sonic racing Outrun 2 Guy is something I've wanted to see happen pretty much ever since I heard Risky Ride ~ Guitar Mix, but I imagined Sonic on foot.

I completely support Ryo in a forklift. Here are some others I'd like to see. It's all wishful thinking but hey, I can dream.

-Crazy Taxi's Axel makes too much sense not to appear.
-Considering how much inspiration HotD:Overkill took from Grindhouse, I'd love to see Young G in a car like the one from Deathproof.
-Virtual-On's Temjin on his Surfboard of doom
-Orta riding her dragon from Panzer Dragoon Orta

I'm very confident that Outrun 2 Guy is going to be in this game considering Sumo's track record. And I would also love to see VR Temjin ripping it up.

If the actual gameplay is anything like the trailer, we could be looking at some kind of Motorstorm/Mario Cart combination, but gien the way Tails flys into the race, it's hard to tell where the fluff ends and part meant to represent gameplay begins.




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I'm still confused as to why this isn't called "Sega Superstars Racing".... Anyway, ever since I saw Sega Superstars Tennis the wanting of a Superstars Racing just flared up! They are working backwards of Mario! He did kart racing before he went to sports. NiGHTS is guaranteed to be in it 100%! He/she is in the others and cameos in almost every other game Sonic appears in. I don't understand the ruckus caused by Sonic being in a car. This isn't a regular Sonic game, y'know the ones where he runs with his feet IN EVERY OTHER GAME. Well, it's also not a Sonic game, per se, except the title has Sonic in front. Maybe sales for the other Superstars games didn't rise too high so Sonic is slapped onto the name to sell the newest entry?




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NiGHTS MUST be in this game. Seriously, if SEGA put AiAi in this, NiGHTS will be there. It just wouldn't be right otherwise.

I do agree with DiGi- seeing Jackle would be EPIC. It's a much slimmer chance than seeing Reala, though, and even having Reala too would be good. The more NiGHTS, the better!


Out of curiosity, since the article said that different courses wouldbe inspired by the different games... what do you think NiGHTS' course would be? I'm thinking Bellbridge or Twin Seeds personally, but what would you like to see?




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Ugh...alright, every idiot out there who thinks: "Why the heck is he in a car?" MUST have hated Drift. I wasn't a big fan of Sonic Drift either, but seriously, those morons are just plain stereotypical. They think that EVERY Sonic game since Shadow's sucked, and even BEFORE THAT they said that Heroes was crappy. Well, IT'S A LOT *bleep*ING BETTER THAN THE *bleep* WE CALL 06!

Everyone: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:

Whoo...Alright, I got THAT outta my systems...

I agree, Jackle WOULD be awesome...
What about Ristar, though? Stars need love too!




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This all reminds me of Wacky Racers one of my old favorite cartoon program.
Flying and other cool trix you can do with your car, plan or whatever they are.^^
NiGHTS car look quite boring to me.
But I wanna test drive it first b4 I can say something.

Other funny cartoon racer.
Parking Space



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Nobody liked Sonic Drift because it sucked. I don't think carts had anything to do with that one. It was just a good ol' fashioned crappy game.

DiGi Valentine

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You know, something i read yesterday that did kinda irk me was the complete ignorance in some Sonic fans in regards to what this game is supposed to be. I'm not talking about the whole 'should he run or be in a car' debate, that topic i'm not really too bothered about.

But i swung by The Sonic Stadium yesterday because i was curious to see how the Sonic fans were feeling about this game. Some people are COMPLAINING about the fact that there are other SEGA characters in this game. Like, they're having a moan about "why can't it just be Sonic and his cast? Why does there need to be characters from other SEGA games?" He then went on to say everything other than Sonic was sh!t therefore should need not be in this game...and he just wants Sonic and his friends to race ...and that's it.
The game is designed to celebrate SEGA's cast as a whole and therefore needs to include characters from different games because that's the point of this thing. It's what SUMO Digital do. They don't churn out Sonic game after Sonic game. They figured on the point that if they have something for everybody in a game like this then they please a wider percentage. So, in that respect, having all these other characters from other game series' is a good design idea and pleases fans of other games.
Secondly, that's just it. Sonic gets a game almost every year, sometimes bi-yearly even. His games are being shat out at an amazing rate these last few years and therefore those Sonic fans have a flippin' shed load of stuff featuring their blue hedgehog already. There have been some SEGA characters who have not seen light in god knows how long and i praise SUMO Digital for dipping back into that bag and bringing them out again. Sonic need not be the only hero in SEGA's catalogue that we HAVE to play as.
Thirdly, the Sonic Rivals series on PSP had two games all of which were Sonic and his friends racing eachother. So his point about him wanting to race Sonic characters only can be redirected to Sonic Rivals if he wants to play something like that so badly.

It just really annoys me that some people in SEGA's fanbase have become so accustomed to Sonic that they only want to see him now and disregard the rest of what SEGA can give us. That certainly makes me sad at the fact that this might have been another reason why people didn't want to try out NiGHTS JoD, for the simple fact that it wasn't Sonic.

Other than that little rant there, i'm still looking forward to this game. Partly because i like it when a company recognizes there's more to it than just the hedgehog and partly because i'm excited at the thought of NiGHTS making an appearance again. I've missed the purple guy :blink:



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Amen to that.

Dex la Cabra

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i think including sonic in the title has confused them to the point they're complaining like that. They think that because sonic is in the title, it HAS to have purely sonic characters, otherwise it should include names of whatever franchise involved (such as mario and sonic at the olympic games involving mario) but they can't exactly call it sonic & super monkey ball & samba de amigo & NiGHTS.....and you get the gist :blink: racing. the point still stands that naming it sega superstars racing would've been better.
why are they wanting a racing game of purely sonic games anyway? there's already 5, and they are constantly bashed (despite the fact that sonic r is what got me back into sonic when i was but a lad :blink:) it seems sonic fans/sega haters really don't use their brains when it comes to judging games involving the blue dude with a 'tude. And they better not be comparing sonic to NiGHTS!




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i think including sonic in the title has confused them to the point they're complaining like that. They think that because sonic is in the title, it HAS to have purely sonic characters, otherwise it should include names of whatever franchise involved (such as mario and sonic at the olympic games involving mario) but they can't exactly call it sonic & super monkey ball & samba de amigo & NiGHTS.....

I absolutely agree. That got all of the Sonic fans hyped, but it they wanted a Sonic only racing game, they've already got it! The premise of this game was for ALL the characters to come together and race, merging games in new sort of way. Sonic characters could race each other in other games- and have it tie to the plot!- quite easily, but Sonic VS NiGHTS? Where else would that happen?

And those Sonic only SEGA fans need to be educated on the power of our favorite purple dreamjester.




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To be fair, it seemed to me that people who want this game to include only Sonic characters are really rare. So it's not really an issue.

I don't know if you've heard of it, but apparently the title of the game was originally "Sega Superstars Racing". I guess Sega added the "Sonic" to make it sell more.

Noctourne Wonderland

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I don't know if you've heard of it, but apparently the title of the game was originally "Sega Superstars Racing". I guess Sega added the "Sonic" to make it sell more.

That makes sense, but isn't it also kind of redundant? If anyone is the epitome of a Sega Superstar, it's NiGHTS Sonic. :lol:
Plus, this being the third "Sega Superstars" game, it's somewhat a series, so saying Sonic and Sega Superstars alludes to Sonic not being in the first Superstars games. They way the it's worded even makes it seem like superstars from the Sega company and Sonic company, but I'll save that rant for later.




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To be fair, it seemed to me that people who want this game to include only Sonic characters are really rare. So it's not really an issue.

I don't know if you've heard of it, but apparently the title of the game was originally "Sega Superstars Racing". I guess Sega added the "Sonic" to make it sell more.

you're right there

since it seems that the two previous super star games didn't sell very well, they'd put "Sonic" in the tittle thinking that the game will sell more cuz it has Sonic in it

so yeah, Sonic's in the title for marketing purposes, Sega must be reeeeally desperated

thou, the game is still in development cicle, so they may change the game's title in the future...who knows, with or without Sonic Im buying the game :lol:



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That makes sense, but isn't it also kind of redundant? If anyone is the epitome of a Sega Superstar, it's NiGHTS Sonic. :lol:
Plus, this being the third "Sega Superstars" game, it's somewhat a series, so saying Sonic and Sega Superstars alludes to Sonic not being in the first Superstars games. They way the it's worded even makes it seem like superstars from the Sega company and Sonic company, but I'll save that rant for later.

Wait...third? I was only aware of this one and the tennis game. For the last one are you referring to that Eye Toy game?

Dex la Cabra

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yeah, the eyetoy one is called SEGA superstars, so presumably it's part of the series, although i could be wrong. that game's so fun, actually flying like NiGHTS :lol: except no paraloops :P

Noctourne Wonderland

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Wait...third? I was only aware of this one and the tennis game. For the last one are you referring to that Eye Toy game?

I was indeed referring to the Eye Toy game. I don't know if it counts, but it has the title "Superstars" and the premise of multiple Sega characters.




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What if this becomes the next sonic r? XD i loved sonic r.





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What if this becomes the next sonic r? XD i loved sonic r.



lol I cant imagine a car being drived by a lifeless fox plushie xD maybe he wont need a car at all, he's that powerful *insert exagerately evil laugh here*

Noctourne Wonderland

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What if this becomes the next sonic r? XD i loved sonic r.



lol I cant imagine a car being drived by a lifeless fox plushie xD maybe he wont need a car at all, he's that powerful *insert exagerately evil laugh here*

We need the Tails doll in a hearse. Or, perhaps, a cute little car like Amy Rose's from Sonic R, because Tails Doll is just that cuuuuuute! :)

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We need the Tails doll in a hearse. Or, perhaps, a cute little car like Amy Rose's from Sonic R, because Tails Doll is just that cuuuuuute! :)

Can you feel the sunshine?

Tails doll in a hearse is the best idea EVER. As much as I love nights, even HEEEEEE cannot escape the dreaded
curse of the tails doll




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okaaaay, let's get away from tails doll 'cuz he is truly creepy. I'm kinda mad that SEGA are using Sonic to market their other brands who aren't even used anymore. Sure we got Samba de Amigo, but the control is pretty bad. I think that it should have been delayed a year so that Wii Motion plus could've been adopted and it would've been amazing. Where is Space Channel 5 Part 3? Where are the new NiGHTS games? Where is Chu Chu Rocket? The only revivals of these franchises, besides a poorly done JoD, is the Sega Superstars franchise, yet SEGA wonder why these franchises don't sell the series. I have yet to get Superstars Tennis, but I will get it, and I have the original Superstars. In fact that was why I got an EyeToy. NiGHTS IN THAT IS FUN BUT PAINFUL! Space Channel 5 would be more fun if it was more responsive, and Samba de Amigo is too responsive! But it's still fun. Since the same company that made Tennis is behind Racing, I'm very hopeful. I'm actually kinda excited. I always wanted Sonic Riders to have more Sega franchise based tracks besides Carnival and Illusion, but those are still cool and themed well. Glad I took the time to unlock them and NiGHTS, Ulala, and Aiai. Apparantly this will have 2 tracks from each franchise which is awesome. Let's race on the space station to Mexican Flyer!

Saifer Dracondrali

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I'm not against racing games... and I liked Sonic Riders... I just plain don't have any hopes for this game... I don't have anything to base this off of, but when I saw the trailer I got the same vibe when I heard about Shadow the Hedgehog... but I am tired of idiots insulting others based on their opinion... it's annoying... sorry everyone for hearing you need to deal with that...

Although there is one thing i must agree with: why is it called Sonic & SEGA all-stars racing? should it not be Sega Superstars Racing, inkeeping with the theme?

If the hedgehog's name is in the title, then people will come!

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The SEGA Superstars eye-toy game was probably a one off title however during or after development they felt they could turn this type of game into a series, bringing SEGA's cast into one big game. SUMO Digital also made SEGA Superstars for the PS2, it wasn't another company.

With any luck, the Superstars series will last for quite a while and give us a nice variety of different things to do whilst resurecting SEGA's old characters from yesteryear.

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will they be doing a whole menagery of sports in the future, do you's think? like Sega Superstars Soccer (purely because of alliteration, instead of football) or Sega Superstars Basketball. in either case, NiGHTS can cheat -_-

DiGi Valentine

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I think there will be more additions to the series, yeah. Not too sure what kinds of genre's they'll fall into but it will have to be something competitive so it seems another sports themed game might be on the cards.

Personally, and i don't care if it's a rip-off, i want a SEGA Smash Bros type game. Maybe Nintendo could jump in and help make it or something since the two companies seem to be getting along with one another now and Nintendo knows how to make those battle-royal types of games.

If not then Football/Soccer seems to be an obvious option though people will now start complaining that they're copying Mario Strikers.
Basketball is an interesting one, i'd like to see that. I'm not quite sure if there is a market for it though.
Olympic type games are covered with Mario and Sonic so that probably wouldn't be an option.

....you know, i keep seeing adverts for all these online poker games.

SEGA Strip Poker. Now there's your fanservice on a whole 'nother level, lol.

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I think there will be more additions to the series, yeah. Not too sure what kinds of genre's they'll fall into but it will have to be something competitive so it seems another sports themed game might be on the cards.

Personally, and i don't care if it's a rip-off, i want a SEGA Smash Bros type game. Maybe Nintendo could jump in and help make it or something since the two companies seem to be getting along with one another now and Nintendo knows how to make those battle-royal types of games.

If not then Football/Soccer seems to be an obvious option though people will now start complaining that they're copying Mario Strikers.
Basketball is an interesting one, i'd like to see that. I'm not quite sure if there is a market for it though.
Olympic type games are covered with Mario and Sonic so that probably wouldn't be an option.

....you know, i keep seeing adverts for all these online poker games.

SEGA Strip Poker. Now there's your fanservice on a whole 'nother level, lol.

lol then we'd finally see what's under NiGHTS' hat, and sonic's shoes! he has fingernails, which implies he has toenails aswell -_-

me and my brother have often speculated NiGHTS and Beat being on SSBB, with NiGHTS' final smash being flying around the arena paralooping, and anyone that gets caught dies. or perhaps he drill dashes through the level as each different persona, including normal NiGHTS. who knows, there's quite a lot of possibilities for a Sega style battle game.



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Could we somehow campaign to get NiD Reala in this game?

Saifer Dracondrali

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Let's get started now and give Sega 10 years for them to pay any attention to it, lol

Noctourne Wonderland

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will they be doing a whole menagery of sports in the future, do you's think? like Sega Superstars Soccer (purely because of alliteration, instead of football) or Sega Superstars Basketball. in either case, NiGHTS can cheat :P

If NiGHTS played football, would his team be Manchester U-NiGHTS-ted? -_-

Personally, and i don't care if it's a rip-off, i want a SEGA Smash Bros type game. Maybe Nintendo could jump in and help make it or something since the two companies seem to be getting along with one another now and Nintendo knows how to make those battle-royal types of games.

That would be fun. Imagine NiGHTS paralooping Sonic, while Ulala uses the "A" beam on Amigo. :lol:

....you know, i keep seeing adverts for all these online poker games.

SEGA Strip Poker. Now there's your fanservice on a whole 'nother level, lol.

That would have Jackle at a disadvantage, seeing as he looses once he takes off his cape. :P
Plus, Sega would have to keep NiGHTS out, because his clothes seem to be his body, and imagine Robotnik in that kind of game. No, actually, please DON'T.




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a sega strip game? pfffft, I would laugh so hard if that happens,

but Im agree, I dont think NiGHTS is actually wearing any clothes

imagine Robotnik in that kind of game. No, actually, please DON'T.

...I think that would kill everyone's childhood :blink:

DiGi Valentine

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Could we somehow campaign to get NiD Reala in this game?

Probably too late, to be honest. After reading a quick "hands on" review by RubyEclipse it might seem that they've got their cast of characters set already. For all we know, Reala might not even be in it at all. I did email SUMO Digital a week ago and requested the inclusion of Ryo Hazuki but they've not got back to me so i'm guessing it's probably pointless to get in touch with them.

I asked Kevin Eva at SEGA if NiGHTS was even in this and he doesn't even know. He said he only knew what was announced in the press release so i don't know who would be best to contact if we wanted to request something for this game.

If you want to try and email them though then visit the SUMO Digital website, there's an email address on there. You could give it a shot and see what happens.

In other news, gameplay footage has turned up. Check it out --> here

...why does Sonic grab his crotch area when he jumps out the car and poses at 2:41?
No, really. He does. Look. XD

Regardless, i think it looks promising still. I want to try this game out as soon as possible. It looks like it plays similarly to Mario Kart, which is not a bad thing.

Dex la Cabra

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what game is that track based on? i don't recognise it, although my guess is billy hatcher. and big looks weird with modern graphics!



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Lol crotchgrab! Didn't you get told off for that and now Sonic does it in game XD *lmao* conspiracy.

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