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Saifer Dracondrali
Saifer Dracondrali
Member Since 13 Mar 2008Offline Last Active Jan 20 2012 12:21 PM
About Me
Greetings, I'm Saifer.
I'm a fellow who enjoys video games, riddles, and art. I am quite easy to get along with and I love nothing more than a good conversation. I am always willing to lend an ear to those who need one. Your race, religion, gender, age, etc. will not change my opinion of you so feel free to talk with me about those as well should the need arise. Politics is a rather unsavory topic for me, but I can keep my head on.
I act goofy in the forums attempting to put a smile on everyone's face, as we all need a good laugh. Regardless, most of the time I'm quite serious. I am either going to appear very kind and gentle or stern and unforgiving, but this site always manages to lighten my mood so hopefully we won't see much of the later.
If you draw/paint/play an instrument I always love to see creativity.
Community Stats
- Group Visitor
- Active Posts 901
- Profile Views 18621
- Member Title Dreamer
- Age Age Unknown
- Birthday Birthday Unknown
Not Telling
Daring to Drea... OH NO! The dream is collapsing!
Anime, jokes, games, .Hack, cookies, Lackadaisy, NiGHTS, animals, cookies, art, cookies, science, quotes, folklore, Sonic Comics, AND cookies.
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