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Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing

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DiGi Valentine

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what game is that track based on? i don't recognise it, although my guess is billy hatcher. and big looks weird with modern graphics!

Yeah, it's based on Billy Hatcher so he's gonna be in it no doubt.

Lol crotchgrab! Didn't you get told off for that and now Sonic does it in game XD *lmao* conspiracy.

Yes, they did XD
The time i needed to dress up as Sonic, i wanted to do some different kinda poses. After i said i was gonna make Sonic grab his crotch Michael-Jackson-style for the camera Kevin Eva gave me a warning that while i was wearing the Sonic suit i wasn't allowed to do anything rude.

And there's Sonic. Posing on top of his car. Grabbing his nads. pffahaha XD

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Suck on it! Aaaaooooooooowwwwwwww !!!

Dex la Cabra

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lol, he's well and truly grabbing 'em! could that perhaps be a reference to your intentions? :blink: does sumo digital listen to radio dreadux to get their inspiration for poses? :P



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Ha, 'rock' poses.
Super Sonic's incarnation= hell yes.
I'll be sorely disappointed if NiGHTS was not included in this.




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OMG I would recognize that stage everywhere! that's Blizzard castle from Billy Hatcher and The giant egg! there are even more Doras jumping there lol

if Billy Hatcher doesn't appear, at least he will have his own course

ok, now that I got a closer look on the course map, there are the characters I saw so far:


...too much Sonic charas IMO

DiGi Valentine

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I'm left kinda wondering where Knuckles is ....did they not include him because he's not 'cool' anymore? :blink:

Also, people are saying that this is built on the Outrun 2 engine. I guess if it drifts as good as Daytona 2 and Outrun 2 did then it should play quite nicely and keep the speed up. Though, does anyone think this race looked a bit slow ...or were we just expecting faster things with the name 'Sonic' in the title?

Either way, i'm happy with the way this is shaping to look. I will be dissapointed if Knuckles has not made it in if characters like Shadow and Big are. And NiGHTS, of course. He'd better be in there too.



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Okay, it'd be extremely weird if like, every Sonic character is in there except Knuckles.. Maybe he just wasn't selected in that race.. it'd be really messed up if he's not in it.

I still feel kinda bad for him in that he was neglected for Unleashed.

DiGi Valentine

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I just saw another gameplay video, this time of Amigo and... ..ok, here's the link first. --> Amigo race
Is it just me or did the drifting look really bad? ._.
I mean, Outrun had a really great drift feature that brought the cars around those corners beautifuly. After watching this footage here, Amigo has a tough time of really keeping a good drift going. He oversteers waaay too much.

I think i know what the problem is. If it's true and they're using the Outrun engine then these courses are too short for the Outrun drift to work properly in a game like this. These cars are not moving fast enough for a long smooth drift to keep the cars going nicely around the bend so instead they're oversteering all over the track whenever you try to drift.

This WILL NOT play like Mario Kart at all, if that's what most people are expecting. Mario Kart allows drifting to be done well too, kinda like Outrun does but in it's own way.
This footage, to me, showed me that drifting in this game might be a mess to pull off. This could totally ruin the atmosphere of trying to have a nice competitive race.

I'm kinda worried that this will be Superstars Tennis all over again. Great game full of fantastic characters and nostalgia....horrible game mechanics.
I'm really praying that i'm wrong because i want to love this game so much.

Noctourne Wonderland

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Yes, they did XD
The time i needed to dress up as Sonic, i wanted to do some different kinda poses. After i said i was gonna make Sonic grab his crotch Michael-Jackson-style for the camera Kevin Eva gave me a warning that while i was wearing the Sonic suit i wasn't allowed to do anything rude.

And there's Sonic. Posing on top of his car. Grabbing his nads. pffahaha XD

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Suck on it! Aaaaooooooooowwwwwwww !!!


That is wrong on sooooooo many levels. But at least you can say that you inspired a video game, DiGi! :P



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I'm kinda worried that this will be Superstars Tennis all over again. Great game full of fantastic characters and nostalgia....horrible game mechanics.
I'm really praying that i'm wrong because i want to love this game so much.

well DiGi, if it makes you feel better hopefully its still a work in progress, so they may be fixing the gameplay in the future, after all there's still a plenty of time until 2010 :blink:

Sonic must be very good since he can drive without using his hands xDDD

DiGi Valentine

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He seems to be playing the game a whole lot better than that person in the other video, but then again he's the developer. And he didn't use the drift for about 95% of the race so....hmm. I think there may be a problem there... I really hope they tweak it out properly and this really is JUST an E3 build.
Any idea if there are any reviews from people attending E3 who tried out the demo yet?

Over 20 characters? Well, there's currently 6 Sonic characters announced so far leaving quite a large number of open spaces. Let's hope they don't dissapoint with the final roster.

Sonic must be very good since he can drive without using his hands xDDD

Yeah, i noticed that too, lol.
Does anyone think they over do it a little? The animations seem to happen like once every 5 seconds.



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There should be one where Sonic lies down on the trunk of the car, yep. These 'All Star' moves look cool though, seems like that's the one that puts the character in their own element for time. Gosh, I hope it doesn't end up that the game would be so much better if everyone was always in their 'All Star' form instead of cars, lol. (Now THAT, I imagine, would get messy.)

But I reckon NiGHTS's All Star move would be like Sonic's (Super Sonic is his All Star, I'm guessing), where he gets out and flies for a bit. I really hope he just hasn't been announced yet, there's still time. There's no reason why he wouldn't be in this game.. not that that really helps..

And on the subject, how awesome would it be if NiGHTS could Paraloop other racers. Though it'd be lame if he couldn't. So, awesome vs. lame. No in-between. He better be able to, one way or another.



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...too much Sonic charas IMO

Yeah that's the one thing I'm not liking so far. I hope this game has a huge roster because there's already enough Sonic characters. I'd actually like to just see Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Metal Sonic, and Robotnik/Eggman for Sonic characters and the rest should be from various SEGA games. Crossing my fingers for Ryo Hazuki in a forklift and Ulala on her flying, platform thing.




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Does anyone think they over do it a little? The animations seem to happen like once every 5 seconds.

well that made me think...if they include NiGHTS in the game, probably one of his/her animations would be the oh-so-loved-by-everyone DU-A-LIZE animation xDDDD

come on guys, dont tell me Im the first one who though about it :blink:



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Judging by that video, it's "Sonic and maybe a couple extra people Racing" ...or Sonic Riders, in other words. :P But Sonic Riders wasn't so bad, so, sure!

EDIT: Also, YES to Metal Sonic! <3

Dex la Cabra

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is it just me or is sonic really showboaty on this? he's always showing off at every opportunity. and super sonic seems to put the middle finger up at everyone when he passes them, or is it his index finger? it certainly looks like his middle one!




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well everyone does get a special move when doing badly in the race. in the videos with Aiai his move as shown as darting straight through the other racers like Super Sonic only he is in his ball. I think it works in that vein as Mario Kart DS and Wii because in those the power-ups you get get better when in a worse rank. The best one you could get is the bullet bill which works like the super moves that Sonic and Aiai have shown.

wow, crotch grab... fan service right there! He shoulda done that in SSBB whenever he beat Mario!

I don't understand the inclusion of Big and the exclusion of Knuckles. They say they are including "fan favorites" so why is big in there? I think that Knuckles will be in the final game, but him not being in the demo with all of this other Sonic characters is weird.



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I can't think of a single person who likes Big.

Noctourne Wonderland

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I can't think of a single person who likes Big.

I used to like Big. The I played as him in Sonic Adventure... <_<



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I appreciate Big since he's not a clone of anyone else. Seriously.

DiGi Valentine

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I don't like him as a playable character, i find him to be too slow and clunky.
I don't mind him being in the background though. Kinda like a support-cast character thing.

Marine - now there's someone i DON'T want to see ever again. She really took the piss. She is beyond irritating. At least Big was just slow and dumb (and smoking some hard stuff). Marine just never shut up.

...god, i hope Marine ain't in this game.




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I played this at E3.

It's a good game. I think it should be a bit faster though.

DiGi Valentine

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I played this at E3. It's a good game. I think it should be a bit faster though.

Oh, that's nice ^.^

..wait, what? How did you manage to get in to E3??




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Digi, good question. How the hell'd you get into E3?? o___o

Also, I love big. He's my favorite fat purple cat. Well, second favorite. He can't take the place of ol'cheshire :3




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Knuckles for this game!! PLEASE!

What I don't get is Big. He's just a big, slow*both mentally and physically...what? Didn't you guys see those Sonic Short Collections?*, frog-obsessed moron.

Though he DOES get major kudos for being original and has good gameplay in Heroes.


Noctourne Wonderland

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Knuckles for this game!! PLEASE!

What I don't get is Big. He's just a big, slow*both mentally and physically...what? Didn't you guys see those Sonic Short Collections?*, frog-obsessed moron.

Though he DOES get major kudos for being original and has good gameplay in Heroes.


YES. Ristar would make the game prefect. Speaking of which, I'm going to go play Ristar right now.

Dex la Cabra

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i've never played ristar *sobs* is it good?




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i've never played ristar *sobs* is it good?

T_T you're not the only one, it would be interesting to see him in the game, thou it would be hard to revive a loooooooooooooooooooong time dead character

oh and about the animations, SOL has just confirmed that the characters do taunts when you press certain buttom

so the person playing that demo was surely a random buttom smasher xDDD




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Ristar was rated a solid 9*or 9.5, I forget* on GameSpot, and a LOT of people liked it. Unfortunately, I heard that SEGA attempted to try out a 3D-ish engine with stretchy arms for a Ristar sequel through Sonic Unleashed's Werehog, but not many people liked the night stages, sooo.....the odds of a sequel are kinda iffy, but fans STILL love the original Ristar and they want a sequel.

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Ristar was rated a solid 9*or 9.5, I forget* on GameSpot, and a LOT of people liked it. Unfortunately, I heard that SEGA attempted to try out a 3D-ish engine with stretchy arms for a Ristar sequel through Sonic Unleashed's Werehog, but not many people liked the night stages, sooo.....the odds of a sequel are kinda iffy, but fans STILL love the original Ristar and they want a sequel.

People didn't like the night stages because of it's concept and it's mechanics. Sonic weighs 3000 pounds, and the endless fighting of enemies gets repetitive. The idea of long arms, however, is fine. Ristar is cute and different, which is attractive in a video game world full of boring first-person shooters and Guitar Hero rip-offs.



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i've never played ristar *sobs* is it good?

It is rightfully considered among the Genesis classics nowadays, which is good. Also, the music in the game was done by none other than Ms. Tomoko Sasaki. But I think Ristar is included on one of the Genesis collections that's been released lately, so you should have another chance to play it, depending..

Ah, found my answer. One, it's on the Wii's Virtual Console. Second, do you own an XBox 360 or PS3? Ristar is on 'Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection'. Go get it!

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i haves a PS3, i'll be buying it quicksmart! <_< my 18th birthday's this sunday, so i'm gettin a fair bit of money, and this is gonna be purchased methinks :P



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So eh... anyone fancy annoying Sumo into submission so we can get Owl in ? : D




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I'm with Jof. I vote Owl in this. XD




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xD thou I would love the idea of our Owl friend driving in a car being all like "HOO! VISITOR", it would be more probable to see Reala...or a Nightopian *shot*

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We need Owl! His Superstar move could have him make a big ball of water that mows down the other racers! :lol:

Just please, PLEASE don't have Owl grab himself like Sonic does. Ewewew... :rolleyes:




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Rachell, Noctourne, you two me laugh so hard. XD




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..wait, what? How did you manage to get in to E3??

Haha. I know people.

It was my first E3 so I was really happy to be there.




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I won Sega Genesis Collection off a contest on IGN and Ristar is in that. I kinda like it. Maybe it's because I didn't play it when it came out. Maybe I should try it again. But some games are like that, y'know? Only magical years later if you're nostalgic. That's how I am with the Sonic games and Tiny Toon Advetures: Buster's Hidden Treasure. Anyone else play that game on Genesis? It was always my favorite Genesis game. Too bad my system doesn't work too well anymore and I have to resort to emulators. I would hope for a Wii Virtual Console release, but I doubt that that is a game that will be possibly due to licensing issues or lack of popularity. It's also a clone of Sonic, but I loved the show, so it's great! Maybe Buster Bunny will appear in Sega Superstars Racing! (yes I'm gonna call it that!) *crosses fingers*



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I won Sega Genesis Collection off a contest on IGN and Ristar is in that. I kinda like it. Maybe it's because I didn't play it when it came out. Maybe I should try it again. But some games are like that, y'know? Only magical years later if you're nostalgic. That's how I am with the Sonic games and Tiny Toon Advetures: Buster's Hidden Treasure. Anyone else play that game on Genesis? It was always my favorite Genesis game. Too bad my system doesn't work too well anymore and I have to resort to emulators. I would hope for a Wii Virtual Console release, but I doubt that that is a game that will be possibly due to licensing issues or lack of popularity. It's also a clone of Sonic, but I loved the show, so it's great! Maybe Buster Bunny will appear in Sega Superstars Racing! (yes I'm gonna call it that!) *crosses fingers*

Buster's Hidden Treasure has got to be the best 'Looney Tunes character family' based game ever made. Kudos to Konami.

Buster's not a Sega character so that's kind of a long shot, lol.

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