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Member Since 25 Apr 2007Offline Last Active Jul 04 2011 07:19 PM
About Me
I'm Chase. I'm about to go to college. I found this place as a 12 year old without a semblance of an idea as what to do or say or how to even begin the journey of self discovery I've somehow found myself spiraling downward in. I don't speak much anymore, and whatever I have said in the past I try and cover up because it is a different 'me' than I enjoy showcasing. Huruyami no longer exists. Huruyami was a 7th grade joke gone awry and has now become the bane of my online existence--anything baring that username is something I wish to hide away forever. I don't feel like making a new account because the new me does not want to start here anew. This place is probably the only one left on the internet that was here when I started ruffling around on my dialup connection that still exists today, and as such I suppose it's only fair to keep my mistakes intact and public. If you want to talk to me, my contact information is on the left. I won't be here much, so its probably the easiest way to do so.
Aside from what I said above, I am a designer, an aspiring programmer, an origami aficionado and an avid lover of caffeine. I love everyone, music is a majority of my life and I just want to be successful.
Thank you all for the ride. Love, Chase <3
Community Stats
- Group Visitor
- Active Posts 622
- Profile Views 8448
- Member Title Dreamer
- Age 30 years old
- Birthday March 25, 1994
- AIM isthatoak
- MSN [email protected]
- Website URL
- Yahoo chchchawes