I've always found that with Sega games. There's always juicy bits left out of the final product. Granted sometimes they're not always as interesting as, say, the Sonic 2 Beta/Alpha, but regardless, it's still very neat finds. This isn't any exception.
And my guess about the cut scenes? Well, i like to think it might have something to do with "dumbing down" the whole thing. Sega has been paying a lot of attention to their new major fanbase, and surely they must realise that a lot of their fanbase really can't take much more then small burts of info at a time (explaining why all the bloody training missions are seperate missions then stuck together in one bloody level...), and that, generally speaking, a slow, easy, and uninformative script is really all they can process in thier heads. I hate to be a stereotypical Sega-Basher here, but just take a look at Sonic in recent years- Dumbed down to the point that it's borderline retarded.
Either that, or i'm just cynical, and it was due to time constraints. Who can say?
In either case, i think it can be said all of these finds prove NiGHTS JoD could've been much better then it turned out to be, but once again, It just wasn't to be. Interesting finds regardless.
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