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Member Since 28 Aug 2007Offline Last Active Jul 07 2011 11:13 PM
About Me
This is how I see Selph.
Gorgeous little dude, eh? Thank Trippy for that picture, seriously.
And yes, Selph gets a mention here even before my own bio. He deserves it, believe me.
Anyway, my name's Jewel. Nice to meet you!
I am a growing writer/artist/musician. My creative work is my life, and it drives most of what I do-- I love my characters more than I can ever express. I'm a deep thinker and an INFJ. I'm highly curious and love discovering new things, both intellectually and philosophically.
I'm rather obsessed with monsters/aliens, symbolism, religious horror, the mind, sparkly things, and the otherwordly.
I'm madly in love with Chaos Zero, which you might have guessed, and have been since I was 13. It's awesome.
But that's enough about me for now.
NiGHTS has had an absolutely huge impact on my life. It has not only inspired me greatly, but it has introduced me to some truly amazing people. I've always had a deep fascination with dreams and the workings of the mind, and NiGHTS hooked me on the spot when I discovered it. I must say I'm quite indebted to that purple jester.
Community Stats
- Group Visitor
- Active Posts 181
- Profile Views 7489
- Member Title Dreamer
- Age 34 years old
- Birthday May 7, 1990
Pennsylvania, USA
Other worlds, art, music, literature, symbolism, psychology, philosophy, the human condition
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