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Member Since 25 Apr 2007
Offline Last Active Nov 24 2010 05:34 AM

In Topic: We need your help! Gorillaz art contest!

23 November 2010 - 06:43 AM

Noctourne, the contest is running until the 28th of November - we're into the last week of drawing! :3 You should definitely look them up on Youtube or iTunes, I have as of yet to be bored of their music! XD < /fanspaz>

Kisuke, thank you sooo much! :D And lovely to meet more fans! You're so lucky to get Doncamatic today, gotta wait until tomorrow over here, from what I understand. XP

And thank you for your votes guys - you helped land my sister Invi into the top 12! She's going to the semi-finals, and if she makes the finals after that, Jamie will seriously consider her design! 8D It's so wicked exciting! And if you guys decide to enter, post about 'em here!

In Topic: We need your help! Gorillaz art contest!

20 November 2010 - 01:47 AM

Aw thanks Noctourne! ;A; *glomp* Make me feel so much better about things! <3 You interested in entering?

In Topic: Pixar

14 July 2010 - 12:00 AM

Oh dear. XD I'm an absolute Pixar fangirl, and after watching WALL·E (SMASHQUEEN MUST SEE IT NAO PLZKTHX 8D), I've made it my personal goal to become an animator for them. They're creative geniuses! They can take something totally mundane and easy to screw up, and turn it into an unforgettable story!

Toy Story 3 nearly made me weep, although Up had me openly sobbing towards the final act. ;A; My dad's absolutely favorite movie of them all, possibly of all time, is The Incredibles, which is a pretty awesome supers movie! (Maybe a sequel someday? Maybe?)

As far as Disney stopping traditional animation, THAT disaster was wrought by Mister Michael "Fancypants" Eisner, who was determined to shut it down and go completely CG. If I remember right, Meet the Robinsons was originally gonna be 2D, until this whole mess happened. Now that Lasseter's in charge of Pixar AND Disney Animation, things are looking up! :) I'm definitely looking forward to this new Pooh Bear movie!

Ugh, that reminds me... if Eisner!Disney had their way, TS3 was slated to be a direct-to-DVD release... D8 Thank heaven for miracles!

So, in summary - YAY PIXAR! <3


13 July 2010 - 11:48 PM


I don't come by forever and what shows up in my email! (I really shouldn't have checked it until AFTER work... my brain was broken all day by this epic-ness, and we had a branch review, ahaha!)

Firstly, HUUUGE thanks to everyone involved for getting this to us! Words cannot express!

I had NO ideya about a PC version AT FREAKING ALL. Hmm, maybe the Japanese PS2 port ran on a different graphics program or something? And everything about dream research, and Spielberg, and what honestly shocked me the most was "Beadichinoa NiGHTS"! I must've said it out loud about five times today and giggled every time because I sounded just like Reala... |D

Although I will always hear "There is no NiGHTS" and "Aptiva", I think. ;3

Oh, and I haven't seen Mystere, but if you get to see even ONE Cirque du Soleil show, trust me, you're in for a treat! :) Quidam and Varekai are favorites - I just wish Mystere was on DVD too..!

Major major MAJOR kudos! Can you just feel the love here? <3

In Topic: Sonic 4 Discussion

06 February 2010 - 02:24 AM

Oh yay! I knew the animation thing would work out. :D (And YEESH, the US SEGA Blog comments are just... full of ungrateful yuppie larvae.. |D;; )


Eggman revisits - and improves - the very best of his creations to defeat our spiked hero.

