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Member Since 14 Oct 2009Offline Last Active Oct 30 2009 05:28 PM
About Me
Wondering if I am lost now
But finding my way back home and
Wondering if love is with me
And guiding my destiny
Wondering if we are true friends
That distance cannot destroy and
Wondering if you are lonely
While waiting for my return
Come, be one with me
Let us follow the path of light
Mystery seeks to be understood
Some day we'll find truth
Wondering just who I might be
Who I was and will become and
Wondering if I can move on
Move into the world above
Come, be one with me
Let us follow the path of light
Mystery seeks to be understood
Some day we'll find truth
Wondering if I am lost now
But finding my way back home and
Wondering if love is with me
And guiding my destiny
Wondering just who I might be
Who I was and will become and
Wondering if I can move on
Move into the world above
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- Active Posts 39
- Profile Views 6864
- Member Title Lurker
- Age Age Unknown
- Birthday Birthday Unknown
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