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DiGi Valentine

DiGi Valentine

Member Since 14 Apr 2007
Offline Last Active Aug 14 2023 10:19 AM

In Topic: DiGi's final thought

06 October 2012 - 08:27 AM

Again, I'm sorry if I'm posting negatively, but I've put so much into this game as well as others that it's difficult to accept at first.

Charlie, believe it or not i do understand where you're coming from in all of this. Imagine it from my point of view though, every issue the fans raise here were reported by us ..it's infuriating to see the ones that should be fixed not get fixed due to time. At the end of the day though we're testers and not developers so it's out of our hands.
And though i shouldn't say, the issues you raised in your PS2 report was raised by me and Lynne (as well as others). If more time was given (and the budget to fund that time) then i feel there could have been the port you so desired. But your case is a minority, the type of NiGHTS gamer you are is a small number in the grand scheme of an entire release. Out of you and maybe 20 others i honestly can not think of anybody else who mastered the original Saturn game like you did, and i respect you for it. A lot. A game like NiGHTS deserved to have it's legendary players. But from the business side of it, fine tuning a ported game like NiGHTS would take longer than what they feel is needed and if only 20 or so people are going to notice and appreciate it then chances are the company would not take the risk (time is always against you when developing a game). The builds we received by the end of the development were playable and enjoyable, though not as perfect to the original as it could have been. So while i understand your frustrations (all too well, trust me) i have to side with the game that is on sale right now and say "this is NiGHTS as best as it can be right now."

NiGHTS might never have a moment of glory like this again, and from every single battle i've had to face in keeping this character active i have come to learn to take your wins when you can. On the overall scale of this whole situation, i count more wins than losses. Perhaps in time you may do the same, i hope you do. If anybody should beat my times on Soft Museum i would at least want it to be one of the masters from the Saturn era :)

I can understand the frustration, because I am a maniac too! But I knew that the game would be a port, so I accept it... but! I'm waiting for the PC version. On PC, you can edit almost everything, so there is still hope!

Actually, Malan does raise something here that i personally agree with (as a fan). The PC version when it releases will be yours to tinker with, you've seen how PC games get modded all the time by their fanbases ...so ...ya know, there's that *cough*

Anyway, I'm very grateful to this game for putting a bit of magic into the life of 14 year old me and helping me get to where I am today.

See, this is just one of the many reasons i wanted to help bring this game back. Reasons like this. So i'm happy to hear you're enjoying being re-acquainted with this title :)