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My Dream Info
Posted 22 December 2007 - 03:56 PM
Heres one of Chaoze. I think its a Mepian, but I'm not sure:
Posted 22 December 2007 - 04:40 PM
Learned something else, too. If you play in Memory Forest for a while, many of your objects will be covered in ivy. It makes everything look really pretty and old, I think.
Posted 22 December 2007 - 04:56 PM
I'm not sure if this is something they normally do, but because I use Will a lot, many of the Pians play soccer with one another. It's pretty cool. Maybe they play instruments if you use Helen? Something to look into.
And on a more humorous note, I have a cauldron in my garden and I moved the camera just right and saw that there was an egg inside of it. I couldn't get it out.
You can jump into the cauldron, you know.
Posted 22 December 2007 - 05:32 PM
How did you get both of those? That's awesome!
Learned something else, too. If you play in Memory Forest for a while, many of your objects will be covered in ivy. It makes everything look really pretty and old, I think.
Sega Saturn is random, & I'm not completly sure about Chaoze.
I have a Mepian for sure now, got it from Aqua Garden.
Posted 22 December 2007 - 06:06 PM
When I jump in, they start swimming.You can jump into the cauldron, you know.
Posted 22 December 2007 - 06:31 PM
Firecrakers are not unique to mepians. I have seen others do this as well. They will do it more often closer to New Years. But yes they tend to do that more often. Kinda like they tend to play soccer more often I think.
The soccer thing does not matter about the child you are using. I play as Helen and I will see the soccer as well. They also sing a whole lot!
That Sega Saturn thing is very cool. Your blue mepian came from Memory Forest I believe.
Oh the trait thing you spoke of Wizard is very similar to how it worked in the orginal game.
Also, has anyone noticed the slops and terrain keeps moving and changing every time you enter? I once had a steep slope in one area...but then it moved to another area.
I also think that when you don't increase you pian population for awhile, then things stop increasing. I have sat at 80 pians for a very long time and not much has changed other than the shifting of terrain.
Posted 22 December 2007 - 07:14 PM
Posted 22 December 2007 - 07:31 PM
The King pian will be VERY hard to get. You see, even now, only a handful of us have ever gotten that little guy from the old game. You have to have a two mepians that still have quite a bit of pian parts to mate with each other. The mepian parts of them cannot be the same as the other I believe. Like if one has a mepian head, the other needs a pian head. I think thats how it works. They need at least two parts too I think. Also, even THEN its all chance as the wether or not the super pian will come. I am not sure if it works that way in this game though...
Posted 22 December 2007 - 08:00 PM
EDIT: And it better be able to eat Maren.
Posted 22 December 2007 - 08:22 PM
Oh, well. Even though things sound a bit... Insane... In the Pian Garden, I can't wait to start playing.
Posted 23 December 2007 - 07:58 AM
Posted 23 December 2007 - 08:13 AM
Keeping track of them is SUCH a PAIN sometimes. They breed like rabbits. O_O; But my inner sap and I love having a little choir gathered 'round the music box! And doggone it, they're just too freaking CUTE to ignore!
As for that Saturn you received, Sako, you're pretty lucky! The official Japanese website has that featured under the My Dream section. Perhaps it's a promo goodie of sorts?
Posted 23 December 2007 - 02:30 PM
Posted 24 December 2007 - 01:36 PM
The music in My Dream is all Christmas-y now! Merry Christmas Eve everyone! LOL
Posted 24 December 2007 - 08:54 PM
Posted 24 December 2007 - 09:26 PM
I think they can just pick it up and take it back with them when they leave your garden. You'll get a message asking if you want to give them what they're holding, you can pick yes or no.Does anyone know how to exchange pians/mepians as gifts with others online? I had a girl visit My Dream and she wanted one of my moth mepian, but I couldn't figure out how to give it to her.
Posted 24 December 2007 - 10:26 PM
I think they can just pick it up and take it back with them when they leave your garden. You'll get a message asking if you want to give them what they're holding, you can pick yes or no.
They must also be your friend, meaning you cannot take/trade pians anyone from rhe Someone in The World Section/
Posted 24 December 2007 - 11:50 PM
Posted 25 December 2007 - 12:09 AM
Just an amusing and curious note - my Dream has no snow! Maybe it has to be snowing or something, but wow, the irony. A Canadian dreamscape HAS NO SNOW.
Posted 25 December 2007 - 12:12 AM
Before I turned on the weather channel, there was snow on the ground, probably because of the internal clock deciding things. The weather function seems a bit wonky. I guess it can't really tell if there's snow on the ground, just the current conditions...
Posted 25 December 2007 - 12:13 AM
Posted 25 December 2007 - 12:31 AM
Just an amusing and curious note - my Dream has no snow! Maybe it has to be snowing or something, but wow, the irony. A Canadian dreamscape HAS NO SNOW.
My Dream doesn't have snow either. Kinda odd, you'd suspect that Canadian dreamscapes would be covered! XD
Posted 25 December 2007 - 08:25 AM
I expect another sunny day with rain every blue moon for 10 seconds. D:
Posted 25 December 2007 - 06:57 PM
Posted 25 December 2007 - 08:44 PM
Ah, that would explain why My Dream looks like a barren desert wasteland. (Six or seven Maren and not a single Pian... though that may have changed since I intentionally paralooped one in Crystal Castle. They still scream, people!)THe game manuel says that if you have a lot more marens then nightopians then the land will change to suit them. The same goes for pians.
I was so pleased to find that it was snowing and Jingle Bells was playing today... but I haven't really explored much of the mechanics yet.
Posted 25 December 2007 - 08:48 PM
No, not Mepians. Mepains. To get. XD Twenty moth Maren, countless Pians... And I STILL couldn't get a Mepian! XD I know what it is, though. My aim just sucks. Any tips, please?
Posted 25 December 2007 - 08:51 PM
Posted 25 December 2007 - 09:37 PM
Posted 26 December 2007 - 04:55 AM
Wow, I don't play this game for two days and you guys have a ton of stuff now...
Posted 26 December 2007 - 02:36 PM
Posted 27 December 2007 - 01:35 AM
All that's in My Dream is a few Marens, Pians and a small forest in the corner.
Posted 28 December 2007 - 06:24 PM
Also, has anyone else having trouble paralooping things since all the pians are on the ground?! Also, I KNOW I paralooped at least 5 mepians and a pian, when I went to My Dream only one pian came and the others did not. What is the deal? When you get 80 you can't paraloop more anymore or something? You need to breed the rest?
Posted 28 December 2007 - 06:48 PM
EDIT: Oh, someone already pointed that out. Ah well. Do Mepians do that only?
Posted 28 December 2007 - 07:27 PM
Posted 28 December 2007 - 07:31 PM
If you move forward, they'll stop swimming and stand in it. They swim because its automatic to stay afloat when the water is deep enough, but the pot is shallow enough to stand in. All you have to do is walk to the side a little.When I jump in, they start swimming.
Also, is there a limit on the number on Nightopians and Mepians you can have? Once I get around 79, they start dying off very quickly. I'll save one and two more will die. I revive them and within a minute another one dies. And I know it isn't that I missed feeding anyone, because I go in there with over 200 blue chips, just to make sure I have more than enough to shovel at least 4 into each creature. XD
You have to paraloop some! Go run around and some levels and scare the crap out of those little guys! XDI go to My Dream CONSTANTLY and still I only have one Pian and a barren, ugly world. Someone give me Pians?
Posted 28 December 2007 - 08:35 PM
Posted 28 December 2007 - 08:47 PM
Posted 28 December 2007 - 11:32 PM
Posted 29 December 2007 - 05:35 PM
Wow. I'm a bit obessed with this place. My Dream has more stuff than I know what to do with. And now all 30 of my Pians are singing.
Posted 29 December 2007 - 06:59 PM
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