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Member Since 16 Dec 2007Offline Last Active Sep 22 2009 12:29 AM
Community Stats
- Group Visitor
- Active Posts 23
- Profile Views 5528
- Member Title Lurker
- Age 30 years old
- Birthday November 24, 1993
Miami, FL
NiGHTS, Mario, Pokemon, Smash Bros, DDR, Taiko, Guitar Hero, Time Crisis, Sonic, Digimon,Family Guy,PPG(Z), Octopaw, DBZ, Zelda, Naruto, Mr.Driller, Queen Bella, etc.<br /><br />Friend Codes:<br /><br /> Pkmn Diamond FC: Hikari- 0344-5949-5425 PM for battle<br /> Pkmn Pearl FC: Demyx- 5240-8736-1856 Storage<br /> PBR FC:<br /> Digimon World Dusk FC: Erika- 2062-7194-8324 600+ stats<br /> N: JoD FC: Sako- 4596-8118-1534 Love to visit My Dreams<br />
- Website URL http://myspace.com/tsugaru_maxx
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