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My Dream Info

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Okay so I got a few plans for this, but I want to do these on different files first.

Plan A: Write the names of every pian who enters the garden along with what flower they were next to. If I see they contribute to terrain growth then I keep and feed them, and if they don't make hills rise I can ignore them. Then just do this until we get mountain peaks.
(Flaw is that it might allow pians with different stats to enter.)

Plan B: Make sure to have an empty garden. Then grab 2 pians who are guaranteed purple. Then farm about 1000+ blue chips from a Link Challenge. After that just enter, feed them, make sure they breed, exit, and repeat. (I don't mind doing this despite it sounding tedious) Doing this should guarantee flight-based pians since they inherit traits from their parents. And it'd basically be a never ending purple flower spawner. And you don't have to worry if one dies since they all can make more flight-based pians.
(Flaw is that it only works if the first 2 pians are absolutely flight-based pians. Also unsure if stats may diverge.)

Plan C: Launch a nightmaren orb into a pian over and over again until there are way too many for the game to handle. Then just loop them every so often to take them to the garden.
(Flaw is that this can infinitely spawn other colors too and if you can't find a purple you're out of luck.)
However there is a workaround this one. You can basically let all the pians in said area. Afterwards a pian egg will spawn (seems to be the game's way of ensuring Pian Extinction isn't a thing) or if you drill into a nightmaren, there's a small chance the ball will turn into an egg. Then you can farm these and see if they produce purple.

I'd like to know what you think of these plans. It seems a bit farfetched but I'd still like to see what you think of these ideas or if you have any suggestions.
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I think these are all good ideas! Though it's not a guarantee catching a pian that was near a purple flower means that THAT pian has high flying, because its stats could be different from the one that died... But you'll know if it does, because it'll be in the air a lot. A safe bet is to catch ones that are already in the air while you're passing through the level, because if they're in the air on their own, you know for sure they have good flying. Ones that are near the ground and fly very little have a low flying stat and these ones will cause pits to grow instead of hills...
Oh. And keep in mind those with good flying can be hard to feed, because sometimes they'll go way in the air and won't come down for a long time. But don't worry if this happens, as long as you see them in the air as you leave My Dream, they'll still be there, they'll just be fainted when you come back and you can feed them then. If you want certain ones to breed together, put them in a corner where they're more likely to be near each other!
Oh. And to have the most changes in My Dream, play multiple levels back to back before you re-enter My Dream after you catch a bunch of pians and you should always see changes! Pians don't die while you're playing levels, so don't worry about that. They only disappear when you leave them fainted and don't feed them before you leave. Yes, keeping notes on all their names and checking which ones you fed is a good way to keep them alive. I do the same thing for mine!
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Great! I'm gonna try these on stream right now. I'll let you know if I get any results!




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So I think I got the pattern down. After failing basically all 3 plans I just tried grabbing 1 pian and playing a couple levels back to back before entering My Dream and my mountains are quite big now. I even spawned in 3 new textures. I'm still doing it near purple flowers but I'm grabbing 1 at a time. I'm hoping that I can keep this up and get the stamp.

Also by any chance, do you know what days I can switch my Wii to for different weather? I saw in the files that there's a purple spinning thing, a rainbow, an ice crystal, and I've never seen them. I got the other 6 weathers like snow/sun/rain/etc. Mainly cause the mountains look like they have ice on them in the stamp. I checked the floor textures though and only found 1 snow themed one and you can get it on like Christmas Eve. So not sure on that.

Now that I'm thinking about it though, what if the goal is to reach what's considered the final texture? Since they scale with growth, one has to be tied to the highest. I'm gonna check the files in a bit and see which I haven't seen yet.




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Does the "purple spinning thing" look like an icon? That's the icon for really stormy weather. I don't remember specific dates, but that weather occurs most often in the summer, so try dates in July and August.
I'm not sure about the rainbow... Don't remember ever seeing one myself... It's possible that it occurs on a sunny day that occurs right after a rainy one? The ice crystals appear in your dream in the winter months, so in January-February. They usually contain a nightopian inside of them....

Nice! Glad you're making progress! To be honest with you, personally, I doubt that there's a second texture for mountains. I think that icon is just to imply that they need to be really tall like mountains, but hey, who knows, I guess...?




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Oh I meant as in how there are about 10 textures for the terrain. It seems to change with steepness but not sure it means anything. I thought maybe if we get a certain steepness it'd give us the stamp but I kinda doubt it. Anyway I kept going with this strat and basically got a bunch of mountains. However, after a bit, my terrain started forming into one mountain in the center of my garden. I lost a lot of those steep cliffs but it's really tall. I still haven't gotten the stamp and I'm so curious as to what the game considers just right. I'm gonna keep trying this since it's been my best bet, but not entirely sure anymore. Last resort imo would be to see if the weather (I tried snow and got nothing) would affect it since the mountains kinda look like they have snow but I think it's just height related. I'd really love to fully datamine the game and check for myself or ask a dev.




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I think you just have to keep going until it's really, really tall... It sounds like your mountains are just going to start growing from the center from now on! Don't give up now! But also don't rush it... I think this achievement in normal cases would probably be obtained after weeks or even MONTHS of playing, so don't feel too discouraged if you feel it's not happening fast enough... Heh.
And yes, I always wanted to get inside information from a dev, too! But for me, on just exactly how the breeding works...but really, any other mechanic that surrounds the nightopians and My Dream... Heh.




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Yeah hopefully I get it soon. I have like almost 90 hours in a single file and 23 hours in My Dream LUL. I got this though, just gotta keep going. The moment we figure this out it'll be such a satisfying feeling since it's been 13 years. Iizuka please help this stamp is hard. Imagine being able to see what design decisions the devs had to make to get such a big system in this game.




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I haven't played in awhile...but I think I easily have over 100-200 hours on mine! Ha. Between breeding for specific pians, keeping them all alive, and being obsessed with re-playing the levels over and over to see how it would affect my dream...
At one point, I was starting to DREAM about My Dream! Ha.
I just thought of something, you don't have the king pian in this file, do you? What if we need the king for the hills to get even taller...? Probably not, but it would probably help, since he keeps all of the pians in the same general area, which would probably help to grow the hills faster...
I always thought it would be cool to mod the game and sculpt the terrain exactly how you'd want it! Heh.
On my file, I explicitly sought out pians with low flying, so that I can try to make a "coast" on one edge of my dream... Heh. It's hard to keep them in line for that, though...so I had mixed results. Ha.




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I haven't played in awhile...but I think I easily have over 100-200 hours on mine! Ha. Between breeding for specific pians, keeping them all alive, and being obsessed with re-playing the levels over and over to see how it would affect my dream...
At one point, I was starting to DREAM about My Dream! Ha.
I just thought of something, you don't have the king pian in this file, do you? What if we need the king for the hills to get even taller...? Probably not, but it would probably help, since he keeps all of the pians in the same general area, which would probably help to grow the hills faster...
I always thought it would be cool to mod the game and sculpt the terrain exactly how you'd want it! Heh.
On my file, I explicitly sought out pians with low flying, so that I can try to make a "coast" on one edge of my dream... Heh. It's hard to keep them in line for that, though...so I had mixed results. Ha.

I do actually have King Pian on my file and have stamps 1, 2, 4, and 5. Also wow that's so many hours! I don't think the King helped grow the mountains themselves. Corralling them has been nice though and I think it's why my mountains are forming all together into one in center. The mountain isn't steep though, it's just large and looks like the whole My Dream area rose up. Kinda looks like an upside down parabola if you stand by the door!




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Oh, so you do have a king, OK... I just checked out your last Twitch stream and skipped through to all of the dream parts... The hills look to be be growing nicely! I've had hills quite steeper than that, so I imagine they'll have to be twice as big as the ones in your dream...or probably even higher! Heh. I'll have to boot up my game(haven't played in a couple of years now...) to tell you just how many hours I spent in it... Heh. And maybe take some pictures... I've played through the levels so many times and made so many mepians in them, that they show up in the levels while I'm still playing as the kids! That's my second favorite thing to do in the game, make cool mepians that appear in the levels that I can interact with while still walking, as opposed to only seeing them once I dualize with NiGHTS. In Lost Park, I even have some that ride on magic carpets, and I have a clip of me riding on one in the desert! I was trying to see if I can get them to make me go high enough to touch the scenery-changing monitor, so that I'd be able to see the lush version of Lost Park while walking around... Heh. (Side note: for whatever reason, full-fledged scorpion mepians lose the ability to ride magic carpets when they're made from a pian being hit with a Nightmaren, but theoretically, you should be able to breed that trait onto them from a mepian that can. The scorpion mepian is the only mepian that loses a unique trait the more nightmaren they are...) I'm also curious to know if it's possible to make a King Pian in the levels as opposed to just in My Dream... One thing I noticed is that unlike every other stage, there's no chest of blue orbs you can find as children in the Aqua Garden and Crystal Palace stage, so blue orbs are scarce to feed all of my pian friends in those levels... :(
That really bothers me with the Aqua Garden stage, because that's my favorite world... Ha.




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That's actually my issue with Aqua Garden too. I'll be honest I wish terrain was dependent on happiness in the levels and then you could get at least like 25 chips as the kids per level. But then a lot of them don't give you much at all. And then the terrain is tied to My Dream flight stats. I would love to see a different take in the future for a sequel.

Also I made a bit of offline progress. I lost some height at first, then made mountains, and now it's starting to fill again. My only issue is how do I get the hills to go higher rather than fill. Luckily I found 2 grinding spots for purple in Aqua Garden. I also found out it's basically impossible to get a 2.0 on Girania and Cerberus in the Chase Missions. (1st Phase, not hard version). Cerberus' hit animation takes way too long for you to get it and it might as well be TAS only to loop Girania in 1 cycle, otherwise you can't get it cause he takes too long swimming.

Anyway, off topic. Do you have any pictures of your My Dream? I'd like to see your terrain but I'd also like to see the pians you grinded for!




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Yeah, I think Memory Forest is another level that lacks blue orb chests in the walk portion of the chase mission, if I'm not mistaken...
Aside from more blue orbs, I wish we had more TIME to walk around, too! Come to think of it, I remember my hills sculpting in an unpredictable manner as well... They would get so tall and start to look really cool, and then it would totally shift and completely change in some parts...but since hills were never my priority, I didn't pay it much mind. I wonder if this happens, because the nightopians responsible for the terrain growths in a particular area stray too far from it... Oh, by the way, when I play levels to change my terrain, I usually pick a dream door to play every stage(from Chase to Final Boss) and then play Octopaw last for the blue chips. I think doing it that way makes the changes more drastic... Sometimes I'll even do it more than once or with all of the dream doors before returning to My Dream.
In my opinion, I think it makes more sense for the terrain to be dependent on how often/how good we perform on the levels...which is how it works to an extent, but could certainly be better implemented. Again, the game was rushed, so it's very likely they couldn't implement all of the mechanics they wanted to to make the dream and the levels have a better connection with each other...
I was excited about Balan Wonderworld, because even though it looked flawed from the beginning, I was really hoping the Tims would at least be really fleshed out and very much like My Dream with some improvements, but look how much of a disaster that was... Ha. It didn't even come close to JoD, even in the "My Dream equivalent" department...

I got a 2x in the Cerberus boss(1st version)! By switching to the rocket and blasting to the chain as fast as you can without getting hit and again right when they come back up. It's tricky, but it's possible. Now Girania, I can not in ANY way get the 2x multiplier as well... Ha.

Yeah, I'll try to play later on today. Unfortunately, I can't provide the best quality photos, because I have no way of streaming my gameplay... Heh. But it will suffice, I suppose... I've missed playing NiGHTS and tending to my pians, but I was waiting for someone like you to solve some of the mysteries surrounding them before I played again! Heh.




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I almost got a 2.0 on Girania phase 1, managed a 157 but 160 is the min for 2.0. I find it funny how long paraloop stays out for and how you can use it on Girania when it's small.

Anyway aside from that I'm looking at the manual and sadly it says performance only affects the items where as terrain is flight. I tried getting all my pians in one spot to see if that would work and while the terrain looks steeper it's still not larger. Very confused on this. I tried doing a bit of hex editing, but I got nothing to happen to the terrain sadly and corrupted a file (Don't worry it's a copy of my game so not my main copy which I use, but a separate in case I feel like testing). Ultimately just very confused. I tried the method of doing levels back to back before entering My Dream and before it worked but now I got nothing happening. I really wonder if the files have something we could see or some kind of decryption tool. Or something we could use to learn the requirements at least.

I wonder if there are any dataminers that would be willing to help. I tried but I am not an expert in the slightest with hex editing. Looking at the files has been good though. You think that's a possibility? Because right now my mountains have basically peaked.




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Hmmm... Can I see how your mountains look now, now that you think they're peaked?
The manual might not say so, but I still think level performance affects it to an extent. Yes, it is pian's flight that directly affect the terrain, but they don't have an effect unless levels are played. I was always under the impression it's a combination of performance and pian's flight that affect the terrain, but hey, I never tested to see what changes might occur if I purposely got bad ranks in the levels, so maybe it only matters that levels are played and not how you perform in them... The levels you play most often affect the appearance of the terrain, though. For example, your terrain where there's slopes can look white and sandy from Aqua Garden, or reddish, canyon-like from Lost Park, instead of grey and stony like a regular mountain.
If your hills really aren't growing more...the only thing I can think of is either you need a pian with even HIGHER flying skill, or, I have another idea... Maybe the stamp isn't asking for especially high slopes, but that your Dream is more than 50% of sloped terrain. Meaning, instead of mostly being grass or whatever, the mountains have taken over and over half of the dream has the texture of the mountains. This terrain shows in both positive slopes and negative slopes, by the way, so pians with poor and good flying would both be useful. Could be a possibility...




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Honestly that could be a possibility. That last idea sounds kinda promising. Especially since the stamp seems to be a bunch of mountains. Also I see what you mean! I tend to play Aqua Garden for Helen or Pure Valley/Lost Park for Will since those stages I can finish in record time so testing doesn't take forever. That's a cool feature how that influences the textures of the mountains. But yeah I can send a picture but it'd have to be in the morning, it's really late for me in Illinois. But I do like that idea of making the terrain quite mountainous. I tend to mainly just get A's in levels but I wonder if I got low rankings instead. Maybe it would cause pitfalls, leading to more slopes, leading to more mountains? I'd be for streaming that soon if I see some progress offline.




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Yeah, it would make a lot of sense, right?
Ha. I play Aqua Garden and Lost Park the most, because they're my favorite worlds and I want my dream to reflect those levels the most! I love tropical and desert landscapes... They're my favorite!😍
But I also really like Memory Forest, Pure Valley, and even the city is cool. The worlds in Journey of Dreams are amazing and some of my favorite worlds in any game. The only one I'm not really into is Crystal Palace. Not only do I dislike autumn for the most part(though it's certainly much better than winter! Ha.), but I also don't like the texture of the crystals. If they looked like they did in the cutscenes, the world would look much better, but would still be my least favorite.
Alright, good night and good luck! Heh.




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Here's some pictures (if the forum will actually let me post them), I played a bit of lost park beforehand though. My mountains won't make it past this height so I'm assuming that the terrain has to be mostly mountainous.

Wouldn't let me so have a link instead.





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Oh, interesting. Your terrain is pretty high...but it seems like it should keep getting higher... Especially since there's not much mountain texture on the tips... Maybe as you keep playing, the slopes will keep getting steeper, even if the height won't change much and you'll see more mountains then...

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