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This project really hit home in the last few days.
I could barely contain my excitement when I saw the local used game cart at the mall had a copy of the original NiD. however, I m really strapped for cash, and even if I did have the $40 for the game I would still have to buy a Saturn for at least $60. No other Saturn games really intrest me besides NiGHTS either, so from a logical standpoint Theres no way I can get the game. (In the words of my friend: "You'll just have to wait to buy it when you have the money and its even RARER")

For most people, having a port would be the only way to experience the game without chucking cash around or sitting through the sequels really unbearable cutscenes. I'm a member of the JOD generation (the orignal came out when I was learning to walk) and even though I may not own the system It may be ported to, I at least can know I introduced magic to someone.

Note to self: stop saying the obvious

EDiT: Holy Jackles Jacket! Two pages where I claim the first post

Alex Atkin UK

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The only thing that bothers me is - will anyone take a counter that ONLY requires a click seriously?

What's to stop someone from clicking a few hundred times? If its cookies based, dead easy to delete the cookie and vote again. If its IP based only one fan per IP address can vote so how can my NiGHTS loving friends vote when they do not have their own Internet connection, they would have to vote here from my static IP address?

In other words, I think it might need to be a list of actual names because its harder to just think up random names off the top of your head. Of course it probably doesn't hurt to get people registering with the forums and posting there too, more likely to be genuine people.

Now if they DO get round to porting it I do hope they spruce it up a bit. I was really disappointed to find out Sonic Adventure is a plain Dreamcast port in 4:3 as it would have been awesome with a complete graphical overhaul into 720p 16:9. The biggest thing dating that game is the graphics IMO. Its particularly annoying as a lot of ported to XBLA have classic/modern switchable modes so why are the Dreamcast ports not getting that treatment?

Heck I can't even understand why they are porting Crazy Taxi from Dreamcast when they can port Crazy Taxi 3 which would even arguably be easier as it was written on a newer version of the Direct X SDK. Its already been said its not a 1:1 port as they couldn't get the rights to keep the original music, so they can't argue it was it keep it an authentic Dreamcast port. The decisions made at SEGA HQ are odd indeed.

DiGi Valentine

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Moved Alex's post as it was in the wrong topic.

As for your question, they are indeed taking it seriously. It's working just fine the way it is. You'd be suprised at how well this campaign is going thanks to this method :)

But these worries have already been addressed before elsewhere in this topic. I don't really think we need to go over this again, being honest.




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hopefully this gets some more support, i had to wait for the right moment to post it on neogaf, because generally they ban petitions, lulz.

CrashtheTomb Raider

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Sega Considering Saturn Downloads



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^yup, we have a thread about that now. Tis good news. If Sega keeps this up they'll be getting themselves back on our good side. Though we still need that DLC for ASR.



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I tried... and I failed :(. The program I have is-- Let's just say it's no Photoshop.

No worries. I started to colour it, then realized I had no idea what some of the stuff was that I drew. :D

This project really hit home in the last few days.
I could barely contain my excitement when I saw the local used game cart at the mall had a copy of the original NiD. however, I m really strapped for cash, and even if I did have the $40 for the game I would still have to buy a Saturn for at least $60. No other Saturn games really intrest me besides NiGHTS either, so from a logical standpoint Theres no way I can get the game. (In the words of my friend: "You'll just have to wait to buy it when you have the money and its even RARER")

For most people, having a port would be the only way to experience the game without chucking cash around or sitting through the sequels really unbearable cutscenes. I'm a member of the JOD generation (the orignal came out when I was learning to walk) and even though I may not own the system It may be ported to, I at least can know I introduced magic to someone.

Note to self: stop saying the obvious

EDiT: Holy Jackles Jacket! Two pages where I claim the first post

Get NID, Xmas NiD, and Sonic R, and the Saturn is worth it. *nods*

DiGi Valentine

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It's NiGHTS into Dreams' 14th Birthday today!

To celebrate, OverClocked ReMixer Level 99 is giving you an entire song from next years upcoming remix album NiGHTS: Lucid Dreaming for free.

The song 'Twin Seeds FlyBy' has now become the campaign song for NiD15. So celebrate NiGHTS' birthday with a little bit of fresh music. We bringing new flava for ya ear!

Song can be downloaded here - http://www.nightsint...Seeds_Flyby.mp3

Also, i made a campaign video yesterday for NiD15. Feel free to post this over the internet and spread the word.
NiD15 Campaign Video

Happy Birthday NiGHTS!



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Nice work on the video and the song. Totally forgot it was NiGHTS birthday today. I knew it was in July but couldn't remember the day.

DiGi Valentine

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Lol, easy way to remember is that it's after America's Independance Day XD



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OvO that's how I remember too.



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..I forgot also, I got confused which month it was in. Great job with the campaign video and the ReMix, Level and everyone else



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I always think it's on the 6th of the 6th but that's DiGi and I's aniversary and the first time i ever drew NiGHTS.



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Lol, easy way to remember is that it's after America's Independance Day XD

Or three days before my birthday but the 4th of July actually seems easier. haha

..I forgot also, I got confused which month it was in. Great job with the campaign video and the ReMix, Level and everyone else

I used to get confused about the year the game first came out. I thought it was 1997 for the longest time.

I always think it's on the 6th of the 6th but that's DiGi and I's aniversary and the first time i ever drew NiGHTS.

Whenever I did remember NiGHTS birthday I always figured it was thought the 6th for some weird reason.

Noctourne Wonderland

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The Brits remember the 4th of July, but not the Americans. :P

That video is a perfect representation of why we all love NiGHTS so much. Fun gameplay, love from major industry figures, pretty pictures, and great music. :P




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The video's great, DiGi! And the song, total ear bliss. :P


DiGi Valentine

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Glad you're all liking the music and video!

I know the video is not much, there's only so much footage you can use in regards to NiGHTS into Dreams as the game itself is short. But i tried to get some key points in there in time with the music as much as i could make it. It is what it is, lol.



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I think the video was pretty damn impressive, it really showed all the highlights of the game in a nice fluid way. Nice work there DiGi. It makes me want to play the game for the first time again.

Actually, I wonder what day I first played NiGHTS was... I know that I snagged a Saturn and NiGHTS off eBay only days after discovering this site, and that was a year or so before JoD came out. Hmm... I wonder if I could find out my own NiGHTS anniversary date.

EDiT: Well, it seems going by my very first NiGHTS pic here (lol two left hands) and the description, I got my first copy and play of NiD sometime at the start of April 2006. So It's just over 4 years for me : ) Wow, seems so short when I say it like that. I feel like I've been a NiGHTS fan forever. I really take for granted just how much this fanbase has done for me over the years, this is my home online.




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The song and video are such a treat combonation, you guys did an amazing job pulling threw with this!
I have been trying to find more remixes and this song fulfilled my fix lol. In fact I was hoping to get a hold of some NiD midi's or mp3's so I can do a remix or something myself, I want to do The Mantle and The Dragon Gave a Loud Scream, 00ntzy plans for those songs.

@TRiPPY: So when you got the game on the 5th and beat it did you go on a drawing spree the next day? XD I did that when I saw Alien vs. Predator, I drew maaad when I got back from the movies lolol.



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Nice job on the video to our admins. Great job to Stevo for the remix teaser. Believe me people, based on what I heard at Detour it just gets better from here.

We're really starting to inch up on 1500. Nice!

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What a glorious day, I don't think we could have asked for much more from the fanbase. Tons of little art bits and videos and stories and AHH someone needs to get balloons and tie them above a ball pit of blue orbs and plushy stars! Truly awesome work on your video, DiGi-man. You banged that out like you were getting paid $500 a minute! And yeah, great birthday. Hope everyone has good dreams tonight!




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Happy birthday NiGHTS!!

DiGi, you did some great editing on the video man! I loved every bit of it.

Level 99, that track is amazing and I cannot wait for the project to be done! Keep up the good work!

And I must say that I am a bit biased towards the gameplay footage! XD It was so much fun playing through the game after taking a break and I'm really hooked on playing it again.

It's amazing that after 14 years it still stands the test of time. It really is an incredible game and it deserves some more love.

DiGi Valentine

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Lol, Charlie! I'm surprised at the fact we managed to get this done in time!

True fact, people - i contacted Charlie one week before NiGHTS' birthday asking him if he could get some footage captured for this video i was doing. He said he could but he had exams so he'd have to get the footage to me by the end of the week. When he did capture the footage he captured loaaads of it, i was more than surprised at how much footage he managed to get in such a short amount of time. Truth being honest, there was tons of stuff i didn't get time to use in the video. There's a really great replay angle of Elliot falling in Stick Canyon that i wanted to put in somewhere but i just ran out of time.

And this video was made in 6 hours right before it clocked in to July 5th. Really shaved time there. It was like working with Level 99 on Winter Dreamers all over again, right up to the wire stuff! XD

But in all, thanks to Levs for giving out a whole song for free and Charlie man thanks for the footage, especially on such short notice.

The campaign itself is running quite nicely. Thanks to the blog post at SEGA yesterday people have been talking about NIGHTS, so i've taken the opportunity to point them in the NiD15.com direction. Every vote counts at the end of the day.

Alex Atkin UK

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I e-mailed Xbox Lives SentUAMessage earlier tonight asking if SEGA are planning to port Saturn games such as NiGHTS as they just featured a question about the Dreamcast ports in the last episode.

Obviously I already know the answer, but I thought it might peak their interest to research and hopefully stumble onto this campaign and if we are really really lucky they would mention it and thus let all NiGHTS fan know about it who watch the show on Xbox Live.

DiGi Valentine

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Ah, SentUAMessage. I didn't think of that. Good idea, actually :)

The Dread_Emperor

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(Forgot to make myself noticed here after making a video. :)' )

Well, I strung together a vid awhile back before Independence Day had struck for to advertise the site after finding out about the NID15 website from a YouTube user. So, I do hope this will help the campaign out, further.
YouTube Video : NiGHTS: Into Dreams - Fan-made Trailer ~ Vote to to bring this game to the Next-Gen Consoles!

And as a Graphics Design major (which I'm going through to with in College), I took the liberty in creating more graphics for the website awhile back as well, so as they are stored into my photobucket account; would these be of some use to making it onto the website?

Noctourne Wonderland

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Great work, Emperor! I really like the video. :P

DiGi Valentine

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Our SEGA community neighbour The Sonic Stadium has joined the support trail too. Hoorah! Say hello to our SEGA cousins over the fence! :P



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Thanks to BoxerHockey (the guy with the epicly hilarious comics) for supporting NiD15 too :)

Today though, we unveil something though that will make your mind boggle. And i actually have it in my hands this time >____>; hahah.

DiGi Valentine

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Yes indeedy. You may remember the boxerhockey Sonic comics, like this for example.
Thanks to Jof doing some detective work, it turns out the guy responsible for making me laugh my ass off when i should have been working at work is actually a NiGHTS fan. He tweeted about our compaign yesterday and another surge of votes came in, so now we're over 1700. That, plus TSS covering the story yesterday too meant quite a bit of voting was being done. So it really is all about getting the news out to people, that's how this campaign will be successful.

And the gift has finally arrived. We'll be posting it up today, soon enough. We hope you'll like it :)

Noctourne Wonderland

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Huzzah! Superhappyfuntime hath commenced! :)




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I just posted a message about this on my DA journal. I don't have that many watchers so you might only get a few more hits, but something is better than nothing.

I should probably start planning what I wanna do for NiGHTS 15th, otherwise I'll never get to doing it :)




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All in the space of a month or so. Ain't that something? :P



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I'm fully expecting that when I come back from Florida in two weeks time, not only will SEGA have succumbed to our wishes and released NiD on XBLA etc. But also to have announced a new sequel, an iPhone/iPad app, a movie, comic series and a theme park.

Don't let me down folks, you don't want my dreams squashed do you :P




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I'm so happpy to see this movement gaining momentum. I'm hoping we'll soon be able to make "It's over 9000!!!1!one!" jokes.

Noctourne Wonderland

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I'm so happpy to see this movement gaining momentum. I'm hoping we'll soon be able to make "It's over 9000!!!1!one!" jokes.

Drat. You beat me to it.

DiGi Valentine

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....yeah, i was too thinking 'over 9000' jokes >.> ....what an internet we live in, eh.




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They should make it for the Nintendo 3DS so it could pop out like the trees and the Nightopians.

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