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Member Since 09 Jun 2009Offline Last Active Sep 19 2014 04:17 AM
*Blows dust off of account* Jeeze, it's been a LONG while since I've come around...
Updated 14 Jul · 0 comments
About Me
Hmm... I see you've stumbled upon my fine little page here.
*ahem* HELLO! I'm Sapphire!
Obviously I think NiGHTS is awesome. But naturally I love video games in general!
I like music. I like nearly all genres of music, and playing various instruments is one of my passions.
Don't hesitate to say "hello"! I don't bite. Usually.
I'm also (and way more frequently) on the Sonic Stadium under the same name.
PSN & Steam: silversapphire
tumblr: psychojukebox
Community Stats
- Group Visitor
- Active Posts 301
- Profile Views 8913
- Member Title Dreamer
- Age 30 years old
- Birthday September 19, 1994
Pittsburgh, PA
Sonic and Sega, everything music, turtles, and all things geeky.
Website URL