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The Dread_Emperor
The Dread_Emperor
Member Since 03 Jul 2010Offline Last Active Feb 28 2011 11:38 PM
Community Stats
- Group Visitor
- Active Posts 7
- Profile Views 5784
- Member Title Newbie
- Age 35 years old
- Birthday October 13, 1989
The void of eternal darkness
=WARNING: Randomness at its best=<br /><br />- Humor is dark; considered as the Sardonic Type.<br />- Into Video Gaming (Hardcore Gamer).<br />- Drawing/Photoshop Geek.<br />- Likes to read.<br />- Likes listening to any kind of particular music (even video game music). <br />- Crazed Mephiles The Dark fan.<br />- Attending a Community College (Full Time).<br />- Career Path: Graphic Designing.<br />- Interested into the NiGHTS series.
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