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I am so supporting this, but unfortunately I don't have a 360 or PS3 so I can't get it on XBLA or PSN. If it came out on Wii Ware or Steam I'd get it in a heartbeat.

If anything this gives me more of a reason to try and get money for a PS3 :blink:

I'm in the same boat as Nymph here. I do not nor do I think I'll ever own a 360 or PS3, so pushing this campain won't be of much help to me, but I'll support you guys anyway. :)

good luck.




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Aw, man. This happens just when I've been drained of creativity. >< I knew this was coming. Should have prepared something. >> Heh, looks like no embarrassing rap this time around. XD;

But this is seriously a fantastic idea. I've been wanting to play NiGHTS Into Dreams for the longest time. Mostly, I want to see someone get squashed, see the Egg Clocks, run from the Egg Clocks, see the Nightopians, make NiGHTS bump his head inside the gazebo... Just plain experience the thrill of it all. I've already changed up my sig and avi at the Sega forums as well as change my dA avi.

This campaign is building up steam quickly. That should tell Sega something about NiD right off the bat, and hopefully it'll be ported over for gamers worldwide.

Not sure if I could do much at this point, so I'll be on the sidelines a bit more this time around.




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NiGHTS + 3DS = Pure win

Admit it, that would rock so many socks.



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I've got an idea for another video where I can act like a snob...



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Woo! We're finally back on the NiGHTS campaign trail. At this rate he'll be president for sure!

This is a fantastic idea for a campaign, one only has to look at the facts.
NiGHTS turns 15 next year;
Xbox 360 and PS3 are not going anywhere for at least another 2 years, thanks to Kinect and Move;
NiGHTS into Dreams has already been ported to the PS2, and in that you could choose between PS2 graphics or original graphics. Porting from PS2 to PSN and Arcade surely has to be alot simpler than Saturn to each, so in fact this process should be even easier;
NiD is the perfect score attack game, perfectly suited for the style of games on the systems;
Going on from that, NiD by todays standard is pretty short, but by Arcade/PSN standards, is the perfect length;
Unlike Sonic etc. NiD is a cult classic. It is frequently featured on many 100 greatest games of all time lists, yet is only available on a 15 year old console?
NiD is widely regarded as the single best Saturn game by many.

I feel SEGA need to see right again by NiGHTS, and realise that they made more than a few mistakes with JoD. Not least the fact that they marketed it as quite a kiddy, Disney-esque adventure, when the original was marketed as being awesome and cool and fast and breathtaking. It was the Saturns flagship title, and there was nothing kiddy about it.

Oh, and can I just say a thank you to S0L for voicing his support for the campaign too!

Looks like those NiGHTS fans have had a good idea... www.NiD15.com - go on, you know it makes sense (and sorry Kev :blink:)




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I would love to see NiD ported to one of the next gen consoles. I know a lot of people say it's difficult to port Saturn games, but if there are already PC emulators out there I could see it being done on today's consoles.

Personally I would like a true port, rather than a remake. The PS2 remake was good, but still not as good as the original in terms of controls and gameplay. A true port may not look as nice with outdated graphics but it would play properly.

If they can't do a port and just make the PS2 game a downloadable game that would still be pretty cool because it would give more people a chance to experience it.




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Well alright finally. I ve been hoping they would remake NiGHTS into Dreams for ps2 eng version but now this is even better. Finally i get to play fully of NiGHTS into Dreams. I never got the chance to play it but now i do. They do have to make this i will inform others to help support this game coming out really soon. Thank you sonic team, thank you sega, and thank you all. NiGHTS is back and i ll be coming bak to support



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Well alright finally. I ve been hoping they would remake NiGHTS into Dreams for ps2 eng version but now this is even better. Finally i get to play fully of NiGHTS into Dreams. I never got the chance to play it but now i do. They do have to make this i will inform others to help support this game coming out really soon. Thank you sonic team, thank you sega, and thank you all. NiGHTS is back and i ll be coming bak to support

I may be misunderstanding you, but the game isn't being ported...yet. That's why we're doing this little capaign. We're trying to garner support to make it happen. Please, by all means spread the word, but don't be under the impression that NiD in the online marketplace is a certainty because it isn't...yet.




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Keep it up, guys. I'll be supporting you from the SOA side of things!



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Thanks Ruby :)

CrashtheTomb Raider

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I might make a video on youtube to get more people backing this wonderful idea to get NiGHTS onto the 360/PS3 i'll post it on here once i'm done =D.

DiGi Valentine

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Sure, go ahead :)

Whatever you all end up doing be sure to show us!



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Oh that reminds me, *adds video list to Coverage section*




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why not add nintendo wiiware to the mix?

it's not like it can't handle it and JoD was on the wii as well. Just my two cents :)

DiGi Valentine

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Idealy, this petition is to just ask for a port. SEGA, should they do it, will be the ones to decide where the port ends up.

If TRiPPY or anybody else from this campaign have been saying XboxLiVE/PSN it's only because those are the consoles that the port could be most likely to turn up on, they're not outright saying they want them to go there.

Again, it's entirely up to SEGA if this even happens and if it does then it's up to them where they put it. All we can do is ask for a port to happen. To ask for a specific console for this to port go to would literaly be asking too much.




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This is how I see it.

Digital Distribution allows developers / publishers to take bigger risks / spend less money.
I think the only way there will ever be a port of NiGHTS into Dreams is if it's digital. SEGA isn't going to want to spend retail bux on a game over 10 years old which didn't sell much to begin with.

Putting out a boxed game has a lot more costs then putting out a Digital game. Sonic 4 wouldn't exist right now if there was no services like XBLA or PSN because I can guarantee you SEGA is hardly spending any money on it, compared to their other games =P

SEGA could be really strong in the digital space, so I hope they do well.

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IMHO, our order of likelihood to see a port of NiD:

1. PS3/360 - Easily a downloadable title, could feature online leaderboards, 2P versus matches of the NiGHTS and Reala battle, raise and share your Pian data from A-Life, customizable soundtrack (*COUGH*LUCID DREAMING PROJECT*COUGH* okay, sorry, but you know I had to include this shameless self promotion a little bit :) ). Seems like the best bet based on the reduction in price from physical distribution and the ability of the hardware to run something like NiD port code.
2. PSP - Seeing as the PSP is just a miniaturized and powered-down PS2 hardware setup, I can definitely see this happening. It's one of the few games that makes sense to play ON THE PSP'S SINGLE ANALOG STICK NUB.
3. 3DS - No idea what coding is like for this, but if Sega's looking for a "hook" to port the code and have an improved feature set, NiD in 3D would be a no brainer. If the 3DS has the kind of power they've been tossing around (near-Wii-level graphics), I can't think of why this wouldn't get swept up in the port-of-old-classic-games-frenzy that's going to launch along with the hardware. Oh, and controlling NiGHTS with the touchscreen would be full of win.
4. Wii - Unforutnately, while I'm sure the hardware is probably capable of running it, it's less likely because of the digital distribution model for it being near-nonexistent (just not enough space on the Wii, no built in HDD). However, it would still be awesome to have and I would totally support it!

Having said that, I've got two things I now have to work on:

1) coming up with something music-wise just for this campaign
2) getting my...special present ready from the Lucid Dreaming project for NiGHTS's 14th birthday.

Even if NiGHTS doesn't get all the bells an whistles for the 15th Anniversary, at the very least it will be getting something from the fans. Sega, would you be so kind as to meet us half way and port it over to current systems? My generation was lucky enough to have the chance to experience this game growing up, and in my childhood innocence, I took in this amazing game. With so many other less-imaginative games that exist, don't people now deserve that same opportunity?




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I saw the new cov erage page, and loved it lol :) Thanks for actually adding my video there and I forgot to inform you about it xD

Level99 is right, we all have grown with creative, real fun games, but now little children cannot do that.

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Made the video like I said I would above :)

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Fanart is on the way. I'm thinking it could be the return of Flagbabe...:)



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Adult Swim forum thread- http://boards.adults...n/td-p/54859269

I may or may not get any replies.. I know there's a few NiGHTS fans there.




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Hey guys, I took some time out of my busy Space Channel 5 obsessing shedule to help you out with your cause!

I want to be able to play the original NiGHTS too!

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And you know we would do the same for Space Channel 5 if ever you came calling for us, Purge. Thanks for the support ^_^

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Everyone seems to be on board for this! Even the people upset at the lack of Wii love still are positive for the most part, just disappointed that it's a reward for only a few. No zany conspiracy theorists like last time.

So, when do you all think TSSZ will find a way to use this as proof that DiGi's in the mafia? ^_^



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The counter now crawls. What to do, what to do?

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The counter crawls, but it's still moving. Besides, all this needs is a few more little pushes in the right direction. So far, only a small handful of places online have mass reported it. If we can do the right things and get other places talking about this then i'm sure we'll get another surge of voters.

Not to worry. 900 individual people voted considering only a select few places online have been informed about this is quite a result, let me tell you. Don't Forget NiGHTS travelled further than this and NiD15 has outright smashed the total numbered support we got for that last campaign.

This ones doing just fine for now ^_^ Though, of course i encourage people to do fan related things, like videos and blogs and what not. Every little helps at the end of the day.



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Just typed up a little blog.


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I've done fanart, but I just need to colour it. It's bit racy (no more than a 40s pin up), so I'm a bit on edge about posting it. What do think, NiGHTS fanbase?



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I've done fanart, but I just need to colour it. It's bit racy (no more than a 40s pin up), so I'm a bit on edge about posting it. What do think, NiGHTS fanbase?

Hey, as long as there's nothing too suggestive I don't see a big deal. It's not like you're drawing one of those types of images if you know what I'm saying.

It's bound to be more exciting than my emo looking NiGHTS.

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Hey, as long as there's nothing too suggestive I don't see a big deal. It's not like you're drawing one of those types of images if you know what I'm saying.

It's bound to be more exciting than my emo looking NiGHTS.

Posted Image


Wow. That's umm....yeah, VERY VERY emo. Not bad, but so depressing! :P Nice work, anyway.



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Wow. That's umm....yeah, VERY VERY emo. Not bad, but so depressing! :P Nice work, anyway.

Thanks. I was actually going to draw NiGHTS jumping out of a Saturn and then landing inside of a newer console but I got lazy and went the route I went.

Noctourne Wonderland

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Hey, as long as there's nothing too suggestive I don't see a big deal. It's not like you're drawing one of those types of images if you know what I'm saying.

It's bound to be more exciting than my emo looking NiGHTS.

Posted Image

Here she is! Flagbabe wants a birthday gift...

Posted Image

My colouring abilites are awful; I could never do any good shading. Does anyone want to try?



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Here she is! Flagbabe wants a birthday gift...


My colouring abilites are awful; I could never do any good shading. Does anyone want to try?

I tried... and I failed :(. The program I have is-- Let's just say it's no Photoshop.

DiGi Valentine

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We've nearly reached a 1000 votes in one week. That's quite nice, me thinks. Anyways, come next week i'll be attempting a few plans of mine. Wonder if they'll work.

Good going so far, everybody :(

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Posted Image

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Yup! Officially, we have now passed over a 1000 votes. And the sweetness of it all is we've done this in one week.

BUT we must keep going. The more numbers, the better our chances so remember that. Spread the word. This campaign is getting stronger by the day, we just need to keep building that vote.

Good work so far everybody.



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1010 now as I post this. When I went to sleep it was at 987. Great to finally see it pass the hundreds.




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Yay XD

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Benzaie, from TGWTG has tweeted about it on Twitter. So with any luck that will bring in some more support for this. :(

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*cackles his typical evil laugh*

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