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WiNGS.'s Content

There have been 14 items by WiNGS. (Search limited from 04-May 23)

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#100359 Contest winners!

Posted by WiNGS. on 21 January 2013 - 06:34 AM in [ARCHiVED] Events, campaigns and news

Any update on this?

#100158 Your Personal Ideya++

Posted by WiNGS. on 16 November 2012 - 09:17 AM in Poll Area

Well I don't generally like to choose things outside of canon without more "evidence" to go on, but since you introduced the "other" option, I decided to expostulate.
Do I actually think there are other colors? Not really, but I wouldn't rule it out as a possibility/find it unreasonable. And I would disagree on the Inspiration label. Inspiration is not a trait, not something you can cultivate as tool for interacting with the world. You can't use or summon inspiration, you can only be inspired--it's an outside force, whereas Intelligence, Purity, Courage etc are things that come from within. Thus Creativity would better fit the bill, something you're born with and can continue to develop and nurture. I suppose you can also be inspiring, but that's the ability to fill others with purpose, lift people up and get them moving or engaged, which is not at all what I'm talking about in myself. I am literally talking about the ability to (keyword) create, to take the threads of other ideas and weave them into something new, to look at the world and see it in a unique way. If I inspire anyone with my work, that's an unintentional byproduct, and I certainly can't control what inspires me or when. In fact creativity is what lets you push through and create even when inspiration won't hit.

If indeed there are other Ideya, I would classify them as... other Ideya. The canonical five would perhaps be the essential Ideya, the most important for Dreamers or maybe just the most basic, so Primary works. Maybe any others would be known as secondary? I don't really know what they would be... perhaps something like Empathy as well as Creativity? I mean it really depends how we're defining Intelligence here, which is a whole 'nother conversation. General intelligence? Academic? Ability to process information? Are we including emotional intelligence? I personally separate Intelligence from Creativity, which is why I'd make it a whole different Ideya. I.e. Intelligence is the ability to absorb and analyze information, and then apply that information in a logical, reasonable way. Creativity is the ability to create NEW information, to think outside the box and use or interpret given information in ways that the average person might not think of. And I'm also here defining Intelligence in a purely cerebral fashion, which would make it a completely different animal from emotional intelligence, which for the sake of this conversation I'm going to label Empathy. If we use these definitions, then no, I would not consider these two hypothetical Ideya as derivatives of the primaries. You can be as intelligent as the day is long, but that doesn't mean you can make up a good bedtime story.

But uh... yeah, I basically stick to the five mentioned in the games. And actually, I haven't answered the poll yet : D I just posted.

#100142 Your Personal Ideya++

Posted by WiNGS. on 09 November 2012 - 01:27 PM in Poll Area

If there's an ideya for Creativity, I'd go with that color. Mind you, blue is my favorite color and if pressed I might even admit intelligence... I did spend a good deal of my academic career defining myself by my grades and arguing with myself over the intrinsic value of academic achievement in the real world, and expostulating on the inadequacies of our education system and the relationships between grades and actual intelligence... so I was tempted to choose blue. But I have also always been of a creative nature, and what gives me the most pleasure is to bring life to things-- words, lines on a page, characters and worlds, whether it be through drawings, writing, or acting. The act of creation brings me to life.
I'm sure my maren is the same.

So uh... what color is that, indigo? I'm choosing indigo because purple isn't blue enough, but if I can have blue as well, Creativity can be purple.

#100036 Other favourite games

Posted by WiNGS. on 18 October 2012 - 12:43 AM in Community Corner

I generally favor action and fighting games over other genres.

Some other faves:

Sonic (duh)
Street Fighter, Marvel/Capcom games
Streets of Rage 2
The Neverhood
Shadow of the Colossus
Ratchet and Clank (series)
Rayman 2
Guardian Heroes
Soul Calibur (Dreamcast)

Ooh! Second on Okami. How could forget Okami?? Gorgeous, gorgeous Okami.

Also have a soft spot for Katamari (first two) and the occasional Harvest Moon.

#100033 Other favourite games

Posted by WiNGS. on 17 October 2012 - 09:38 AM in Community Corner

Ocarina of Time is my one true love. It was my first RPG, gave me masses of inspiration that got me more seriously into drawing, and for me is always good for a replay.
I like Zelda games in general, with the N64 games being my favorites. I'm not into shooters... I prefer swords or good old fashioned fisticuffs. I'm kind of a Nintendo junkie (don't hate me) so Smash Bros. is right up on my list. Also a fan of Sonic games and the Kingdom Hearts series. Not so much Final Fantasy, but of that series, IX is my favorite. And then there's Journey. I don't even have the words to elaborate.

And well, I've not played these, but I really want to try Assassin's Creed and Arkham Asylum/City/whathaveyou.

#99902 Contacting Sega about the control problems

Posted by WiNGS. on 10 October 2012 - 03:29 PM in NiGHTS chit-chat

After reading the rest though, I still don't agree. While the game is a pretty unique experience even by today's standards, it's still over 15 years old. If people are discouraged by the controls, they may write it off as a broken game from a bygone era long before it can be patched. If SEGA really wanted to alter the controls in hopes of making the game easier for newcomers, they should've made enabling/disabling analog an option that the user could set themselves.

Just gotta put my two cents in as someone who has never played the original-- it's not broken. In my humble and uninformed opinion, there's nothing so heinously wrong with the controls that I am discouraged from playing the game as a result. First run through I got all B's (though not on individual mares, which were naturally more mixed) and an A on Elliot's Twin Seeds. And as I become more familiar with the mares, I get better. I'm a fairly casual gamer, and my usual fare is along the lines of Zelda or Kingdom Hearts, i.e. not time based, achieve perfect run type of games. So if anything is "discouraging," it's that getting those A's might not be challenging enough. (Though fricking Gillwing still thwarts me on far too regular a basis...)

For new dreamers whose hearts go aflutter at the prospect of dominating the leaderboards, then good for them, they have a challenge ahead of them and since they won't be constantly saying, Man this was so much easier back in the day, they'll revel in the achievements they DO manage to make. (Or like me with Gillwing, I don't just say, Man, these controls are totally broken! Obviously that's why I have such a hard time with this one particular boss and I should just quit because it has nothing to do with my lack of experience, and there's no way I'll get better if I keep trying.) They may not be impressive scores by your standards, (though they ought to be, since you know how much harder it is to maintain certain links in this version) and I appreciate your frustration at not being able to achieve the scores you're used to, but I can't help but feel that making assertions like this belittles the newbies' experiences.

Me, I'm just thrilled to finally be able to explore this world since I found out about it nine-or-so years ago, so I'll freely admit I probably don't know jack about what other gamers will think. If they agree that the game is broken before you tell them it is, then okay, valid point. Would you really think the game was that bad if you hadn't played the original and didn't have the internet insisting this one sucks? Because that's mostly what I see in a lot of these reaction posts: This version sucks! I'll still buy it because I'm a fan and want to support the franchise, but I won't play it because it sucks so much, it's not even enjoyable.
For people just passing through looking for an opinion before buying, this is maybe not what you want to get people to buy the port.

#99645 art by WiNGS (update post #21)

Posted by WiNGS. on 18 August 2012 - 04:12 AM in Creative Stuff!

Thanks ^_^


Posted Image

That's my random dreamer character, Peter. Or at least that's his name today. His first dream world is centered around seaside cliffs.

Posted Image

#99635 art by WiNGS (update post #21)

Posted by WiNGS. on 13 August 2012 - 11:09 PM in Creative Stuff!

Posted Image
I actually drew this the day the rerelease was announced... and never got around to coloring it until yesterday. WOOOOOexcitement.

No, I don't know why this tea-drinking thing is occurring. It was just the first image that popped into my head.

#99351 Campaign SUCCESS

Posted by WiNGS. on 07 July 2012 - 08:43 PM in NiGHTS chit-chat

i supose that if the game supports HD resolutions, putting it on the Wii wouldnt do much. it would just be a direct port from the ps2 version.

Honestly, being able to play it period is more important to me than being able to play it in HD. Direct port of the PS2 version? I'll take it.

EDIT: Alex- I see. I pretty much have no conception of how much memory a given thing takes, (nor do I know how much is on my Wii) so this never would have occurred to me. But I went with it because it was part of the campaign.

#99292 Campaign SUCCESS

Posted by WiNGS. on 06 July 2012 - 01:11 AM in NiGHTS chit-chat

ALHSLFKJHEP:OADJLKMDNLKJGSH:FOIJRW FLAIL on the one hand, I am SO. SO. Excited and Happy. I have been waiting for this... and I am thrilled that I am finally going to get to play a game that inspired me by character design and concept alone. My second reaction though, was AAAAASEGA Y U LEAVE WII USERS OUT IN THE COLD AFTER WE BOUGHT JOD??? SOBCRY
But.... well it's one more reason for me to get a PS3 one of these days... and when I do, I am buying NiGHTS and Journey and I'm not coming back to the real world until I am bloody good and ready.

Congratulations, everyone! This is a truly awesome day.

#99211 Where you all been at lately?

Posted by WiNGS. on 04 July 2012 - 11:46 AM in Community Corner

I almost feel unqualified to answer this, because I was barely ever here in the first place and never really built up relationships with anyone.

But hi, I check in once in a blue moon. I got my bachelors in 2010 and since then have been drifting between work and not knowing what I'm doing with my life. I just went back to school to pursue animation. Last semester was all pre-reqs and portfolio submission, and happily I was accepted into the program so that's my next two years...

I have a summer job as a summer school TA, I'll be involved in a production of Singing in the Rain in a couple weeks, and I've recently taken up parkour.

#99207 When did you discover NiGHTS?

Posted by WiNGS. on 04 July 2012 - 05:53 AM in Poll Area

I started drawing NiGHTS when I was 15, so I guess I discovered it about then? I don't remember how exactly, but I had just gotten into Sonic 2 years prior, so I was probably looking for art, which led me to this French site... Dream Avenue? The owner drew Sonic and NiGHTS art and I was totally captivated by the character. I've still not played the original NiD. Come ooooooooonnnn, NiGHTS port!


#98998 I had a few dollars so I thought I'd take a Journey

Posted by WiNGS. on 11 April 2012 - 04:07 AM in Community Corner

Thank you very much for the short preview, it really set the base here. The game looks gorgeous. I haven't actually heard about it until you've brought it up now, I believe. However, that sort of open area-type environment can lead to a lot of invisible walls, can it not? Unless it's sort of like the Gerudo Desert in Ocarina of Time, that fades you back on track when you go too astray.

Regardless, I do lack a PS3 in my gaming system group, so I do need to get one. Maybe I'll get this game with it. Also, the soundtrack does integrate very well and, more than that, so does the ambiance sound. Quite nice.

Thanks :3

Also, what's being said about the invisible walls, that only applies to... the first three areas, right? And they're still quite vast. Anyhow, I like that they're not *just* invisible walls, you know? Like you just run in place with no worldly reason why you shouldn't be able to progress forward with the traditional invisible wall, but this one utilizes the strong winds making you inability to progress past a certain point just a touch more plausible.

EDIT: Oh.. wrong quote button. Well... yeah, y'all can figure it out.

#98993 I had a few dollars so I thought I'd take a Journey

Posted by WiNGS. on 10 April 2012 - 01:52 PM in Community Corner

So I'm not the only one who got a NiGHTS vibe. (Hi, I haven't been on this forum for a very. long. time.)


When eventually I get a PS3, this game is right on top of the list of things to buy.