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Member Since 23 Aug 2008Offline Last Active May 29 2014 10:51 PM
About Me
To give you an overview, I am what you might call an artist. I haven't got an original bone in my body and thus do a lot of fanart. (I have a thread somewhere in the Creative Stuff section.)
Things I like include:
NiGHTS, (obviously) Legend of Zelda, Kingdom Hearts, ReBoot, Final Fantasy, Sherlock Holmes, musicals and theatre in general, my room, bon odori, mechanical pencils, food, particularly of the Japanese or Italian nature, drawing, sleeping, and a ton of British detective shows.
Also I like cats.
And I live in Hawaii.
I'm a terrible community member and you will probably go for months without ever seeing or speaking to me. But uh... that's just how I am. : )
Community Stats
- Group Visitor
- Active Posts 48
- Profile Views 10620
- Member Title Lurker
- Age 36 years old
- Birthday July 8, 1988
somewhere else.
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