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Hey guys; it's Sammy again with a few questions.


Well, let's start off with the more... "Demanding" issue I guess.


Recently, I got the idea of making a NiGHTS doll for myself, and then two kids I baby sit from time to time asked if they could have dolls too... And with all of the fabric I have, an idea popped into my head to start making and selling NiGHTS dolls. I haven't made any of the dolls yet, but I really do have a lot of fabric I'd love to actually use. I can make a few big dolls (A bit taller than two feet tall... maybe two feet and a half? I'm not sure the exact measurements) and a lot of little dolls (Close to one foot tall) out of several different types of fabric. It's pretty nuts, and my dad is getting a bit cross with me about the mess all the supplies is making, so... My question is, if I started selling NiGHTS dolls, would anyone here want one? I mean, you can chose from different fabrics and what not...


That's the main topic out of the way; the other thing I wanted to talk about was fanfictions. I don't know exactly how posting fanfictions on this website works, if it's even allowed. If it is allowed, is there a specific rating I have to stay under? Also, I think fanfictions would go under the creative section, but there isn't a dedicated forum for fanfictions. Is there a specific reason for this? I'm just curious.


Well, thanks for reading.



    Crazy Regular

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I'd say you can just post the fanfic in the creative section, there have been other threads there about fanfics. It's certainly possible someone may want a doll, dunno if it crosses the copyright line but feel free to share them at the very least :)




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I'd say you can just post the fanfic in the creative section, there have been other threads there about fanfics. It's certainly possible someone may want a doll, dunno if it crosses the copyright line but feel free to share them at the very least :)


Hmm, alright. Thanks for answering.


As for the copyright issue, I'm sure they won't mind considering I'm not going to be mass producing the dolls and they would be technically commissioned. Regardless, I'll be careful.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: NiGHTS, NiGHTS into dreams, NiGHTS journey of dreams, Plushies, Plush toy, Plush toys, fanfictions, Sammy Kleww

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