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Happy 10 Year Anniversary, NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams!

nights jod journey of dreams

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  • PipPip
  • 24 posts
  • Gender:Not Telling
  • Interests:Video Games, Anime, Manga, Drawing, Acting, Singing.

It's been 10 years since the long awaited sequel to our beloved NiGHTS into Dreams became a reality! I know there are a lot of differing opinions on this one, but for me, it remains as my favorite game of all time. it's the game that introduced me to NiGHTS as a whole, as well as the community forums and to all of you. Getting to play Journey of Dreams for the first time was an absolutely unforgettable experience. I was amazed, I was mystified, I laughed, I cried, and I went on a journey that I'll never forget. If you have any personal stories about Journey of Dreams that you'd like to share, please let me know about them! Let's try to stick to positive stories, since this is meant to be a moment of celebration!


I guess my personal story is that I first discovered Journey of Dreams through Nintendo Power (R.I.P.) NiGHTS was on the front cover and had a big article dedicated to the upcoming sequel. I was immediately entranced when I saw NiGHTS for the first time and just had a feeling that it was something special. Turns out I was exactly right, and the rest is history. After 100%ing it for the first time, I remember I would go into the sound test mode and would just have Dreams Dreams: Sweet Snow play on repeat, every single night, as I went to sleep. I eventually wound up having an entire music video choreographed in my head, that I thought of as I went to sleep to that song. I think on record, Journey of Dreams is my most played Wii game, with over 1000 hours of playtime. Though, that's mainly due to me leaving it on all night, every night. Let me hear what some of your stories are! Were you actively following information before the game's release? Was Journey of Dreams your introduction to NiGHTS, like it was for me? Do you have any special memories of playing it for the first time? I'd love to hear about them!


Thanks for keeping NiGHTS' memory alive after all of these years! And thank you NiGHTS for inspiring us all to never give up on our dreams!

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