Name: Kaleido
Gender (if any): Male
Age (if any): About 968
Theme Song: "Meet the Creeper"-Rob Zombie
Siblings?: None
Single or Taken?: Single
Significant other: None
Personality: Kaleido is very hyper, and he's prone to angry outbursts. He gets most of his joy from terrorizing Nightopians and dreamers, as expected from a typical nightmaren. Sometimes, he might retire to a quiet spot (preferably somewhere dark and foreboding) and stare off into space, or play a few tunes on his accordion. He often forgets names. Kaleido has a fondness for the Ideya of Intelligence, which is odd because he despises the color blue.
Powers: Mr. Kaleido has the ability to conjure monsters/nightmare-critters/creepy crawlers (whatever you call them). These monsters vary in size, shape, and appearance, and they take a certain amount of Kaleido's own energy to create, depending on their size. Though these creatures appear very realistic and repulsive or particularly frightening, they're not completely physical beings. They can only cause damage to dreamers if the dreamer is convinced that these monsters actually can harm them. Although they may be able to slow a Nightmaren down, Kaleido's critters cannot actually inflict any wounds on them.
Strengths: Kaleido's a fast lil' bugger, for starters. He's able to create his critters while he flies, which is a great advantage. He's also fairly strong, and uses his claws very well when going toe to toe with someone.
Weaknesses: Despite Kaleido's speed and monster-making skills, he has a very limited amount of stamina. He has to be very careful when summoning, especially while flying, or else he might drop out of the air very suddenly and not be able to move for long periods of time. Kaleido's feet are extremely sensitive, and unfortunately for him the metal plates on his feet (so graciously attached by Wizeman after a particularly painful incident) can easily be knocked off with one blow. He's blind in his left eye.
Picture: Coming Eventually
Name: Kriechen
Gender (if any): Male
Age (if any): 1237
Theme Song: "Behind the Mask" --Anarchy Club (a rather self-indulgent song for him if you ask me.)
Siblings?: None
Single or Taken?: Single
Significant other: None
Personality: For starters, Kriechen hates Kaleido. Absolutely despises him. I won't go into much detail on this subject... Kriechen is very obediant. If Wizeman, Reala, or any other high-ranking maren told Kriechen to eat his own leg, he'd respond, "With ketchup, pepper, or plain?". Loyalty to Nightmare is important to him, but mostly he cares about rising in the ranks and gaining power, the little kiss up. He (mistakenly) believes that if he one day manages to destroy a 1st level Nightmaren (preferably Kaleido) that Wizeman would have Kriechen take that maren's place. As you can tell, he's not very happy with being a Nightmaren of 2nd level.
Powers: Kriechen's face is like clay. He can easily mold it into any sort of face, with any sort of expression. This is very useful when harvesting Ideya.
Strengths: He's very flexible and has extremely sharp reflexes. Because his limbs are retractable, he is able to kick and punch fairly far out. He can also fit into tight spaces and jump you when you least expect it.
Weaknesses: Unlike Kaleido, Kriechen isn't very fast, and he cannot fly. The small dagger he conceals within his cloak's folds might be useful, but it is surprisingly flimsy and often the blade will bend away from it's target. He has an irrational fear of flying creatures, especially birds and bats. Obviously, this would greatly affect his ability to fight if any of these creatures appeared (he'd actually have a breakdown and curl up on the floor. Kaleido finds this uproarously funny).
Picture: Coming Eventually
(Post edited for absolute LAMENESS. Since first posting this, I've developed these characters much further than they were originally.)
Edited by Mythic, 27 June 2009 - 07:32 PM.