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Member Since 22 Jan 2008Offline Last Active Aug 07 2010 10:08 PM
About Me
It is I, Jess aka PuppyLuver! I come from Kentucky! And no, I am NOT a hillbilly, a hick, a yokel or a redneck, no matter how much my parents claim they are hillbillies. I am a sophisticated, dignified and philosophical individual, who may or may not be a tad insane.
Favorite food: shrimp prepared in just about any way(excluding coconut shrimp... NASTY!), chocolate-chocolate chip muffins
Favorite drink: sweet tea or dragonfruit vitaminwater
Favorite real-world non-mythical animal: the domesticated dog (hey, I'm not called "PuppyLuver" for nothing!)
Favorite legendary beast: the North American Sasquatch
Personal theme song: Turn the Beat Around by Vicki Sue Robinson
Favorite videogame series: Pokemon (sorry NiGHTS! Pokemon was my first love, and you never forget your first!)
Favorite Nightmaren-that-is-not-NiGHTS: tie between Jackle(even though I've never played the original... blame SiLK and her awesome portrayal of him ) and Chamelan (I would include Queen Bella because I kinda like her, but even though she is more like Miss Spider and Spinarak on the scale of "how much does this fictional spider freak me out?", the fact that she's a spider in the first place is hard enough to knock her out of the running for fave Maren)
Favorite TV show, not counting Pokemon anime: either MythBusters or Avatar: The Last Airbender
Favorite movie so far: tie between Marley and Me adaptation and G-Force(guinea piiiigs! ♥)
Favorite book(that is mostly just words): Marley and Me by John Grogan
Favorite comic/manga: tie between Yotsuba&! and Sgt Frog(Keroro Gunso for you persnickety Japanese-name-only types! )
Personal quote: "There is nothing to fear but fear itself... and spiders."
Friends: you?
Enemies: spiders, jerkwads, Ronald McDonald, Miley Cyrus, that weird little green thing under the sink, Jareth, the Other Mother, angry drivers
Favorite movie quote of the moment:
Billy Bones: Jimmy-Jim Jimmy-Jim Jim-Jim-Jim... you always been a decent sort to ol' Billy Bones...
Gonzo: But I'm not Jimmy-Jim Jimmy-Jim Jim-Jim-Jim! He's Jimmy-Jim Jimmy-Jim Jim-Jim-Jim!
~Muppet Treasure Island
Community Stats
- Group Visitor
- Active Posts 59
- Profile Views 6018
- Member Title Member
- Age 32 years old
- Birthday June 3, 1992
a circle in a circle or a dream within a dream
I like video games! 8D Video games video games video games... and movies. And Homestar Runner. And drawing and writing and reading and funny things and animals and animals doing funny things... *rambles on and on and on*
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